9-11 and the 11s

Yes, it’s 9-11 again and worth mentioning some of the numerous synchronicities related to that fateful date. If I had a chance to interview Khalid Sheik Mohammed , who is supposedly behind the planning of the World Trade Center attack, I would ask whether or not the Sept. 11 date was picked intentionally to coincide with the 911 emergency number. Maybe, maybe not.

Whether or not the date itself was a synchronicity, there were countless synchronicities related to 9-11. We wrote in 7 Secrets about the many dreams and premonitions that were recorded related to the tragedy . The use of 9-11 and the World Trade Center in flames in movies seems shocking now.  For instance, in the 1996 film Independence Day, a scene depicts the president and his family being evacuated in Air Force One. Actor Jeff Goldblum opens his laptop to watch the countdown and the camera cuts to a close up of the clock: 9:11:01.

Then there’s the 11 factor, starting with the Twin Towers, which appeared  as a giant #11 reaching the sky.

– The first plane striking the World Trade Center was Flight #11.

– Flight 11 carried 92 passengers. 9+2=11.

– Flight #77, which also struck the other tower carried 65 passengers. 6+5=11.>>9-11 adds up to 11.

– New York is the 11th state.

– New York City has 11 letters.

– So does Afghanistan.

–  George W Bush also has 11 letters.

– Sept. 11 is the 254th day of the year. Those numbers add up to 11.

– 911 days separated the Sept. 11 terrorist attack and the train bombing in Madrid, which happened on 3-11-2004. Those numbers add up to 11.

These synchronicities and many more have appeared on the internet in various versions over the years, but they remain something to ponder on, especially on 9-11.

Finally, here’s what the skeptics say about all of the above. Writing for Snopes.com, Barbara Mikkelson expresses the philosophy of randomness. “… it is but human nature to search for patterns even where none exist. We attempt to impose a gestalt on randomness because chaos is impossible to comprehend, hence our fascination with recurrent themes. We feel something of great import is going on if a particular number comes up time and again, and we are unsettled by it.”

Ms. Mikkelson goes on to say suggest that such an attitude is nonsense, that everything is random and we don’t want to accept it. It’s basically the atheist creed that there is no greater reality, nothing exists outside of the physical realm. It’s a limiting belief, but one that still prevails in mainstream science. It’s a belief that only the mundane world of cause and effect exists.

However, when we recognize synchronicity, it allows us to move our awareness temporarily to a deeper level beyond the every day world where we appear to be separate entities and everything happens through cause and effect, where we seem surrounded by meaningless chaos. Synchronicity is a connecting point to an underlying reality that transcends cause and effect, even space and time.

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14 Responses to 9-11 and the 11s

  1. terripatrick says:

    Here's an image I see when thinking of NYC: https://jetreidliterary.blogspot.com/2010/09/what-we-mean-when-we-say-we-will-never.html

    I had close personal connections with the 1992 WTC bomb, and even stronger synchronicity on 9/11/01. My lessons since have revolved around 5's and TIME, but today I'm also seeing the 9 cycle. Which has me feeling spacey and overwhelmed so I can't articulate anything.

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Lots to think about there – I like what Lauren has said in her comment above. Patterns are everywhere in life.

  3. Lauren says:

    Thanks for the interesting post…….I love that there were 11 comments..well, before I turned up to write this. Sacred geometry, pattern and number, underlie the form of every flower; makes sense that it would manifest within the mystery of synchronicity as well.

  4. Natalie says:

    I hope they never do either.

    Interesting post.

  5. Anonymous says:

    "Demolitions" and "Imperialism" have 11 letters,too.
    World Trade Center Tower 7 was a 47-story skyscraper 4=7=11.
    "No damn plane"=11 letters.
    "Loose Change" and "In Plane Site" have eleven letters also.
    I don't think so.-)

    I hope they never find oil in OZ.
    Cheers / Daz

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I really enjoyed that link to Bonnie's piece. I need to get that book. & I'm with you, Maggie. Nothing is random.

  7. maggie's garden says:

    I loved your link to Bonnie McEneaney's article on spiritual experiences of the families who had lost loved ones in the WTC.
    Weird about the number thing…and I think cj is right about the number significance. I never realized there were so many 11 synchro's.
    After having my own experiences I believe nothing is random.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm totally fascinated by numbers – always have been – earlier i was glancing at a little book on feng shui [feng shui by stephen skinner 1997 c/right] while i waited on today's soccer game to begin – opened the book up to pages 24-25 where on page 25 is a color image of the WTC with this notation of the author about it [in speaking of surrounding landscape features or buildings that fit the symbolic requirements for a good site]: "buildings in a city have to make use of other structures to represent the support of the tortoise mountain…the WTC in NY provides this backing for the rest of manhatten – note, however, that the communications mast will also generate 'secret arrows'" –

  9. Anonymous says:

    One more interesting illustration of the positive and negative energies of the same frequency:
    CHRIST = 23/5. DEMON = 23/5.
    I believe it all returns to the esoteric adage, "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW". cj

  10. Anonymous says:

    Remember, Rob, that every frequency has a positive and negative pole. In ancient alpha-numeric language systems, when 5 is interpreted on its positive end, it is the frequency of travel, CHANGE, enjoyment of many peoples and ideas, the ability to scatter energies effectively, the multi-tasker. But 5, as with every frequency, also has its negative influences. Just like astrology, influences are always both + and – ,depending upon how and under what circumstances they manifest. Don't ever forget that 11 is the frequency of Jesus and the frequency of Hitler. That is the best example of how frequencies can manifest on both ends of their polarities. And often, they manifest in the middle, expressing both positive and negative influences. Balance is the keyword, I think. cj

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But in traditional numerology, 5 is about seeking new horizons, variety, risk taking, thinking outside the box, finding a new point of view, versatility. New ideas, freedom of thought and action. IOW, not too much like a terrorist would think, IMO. – R

  12. Anonymous says:

    In the Pythagorean Tarot, in the Major Arcana, the number XI (11) card is called "Old Man, (Senex -Geron), and is written (11,9). It's interpretation is Lord of Necessity. Its motto is, "Tempus,
    rerum edax", (Time, devourer of everything). It represents "Crisis". It's corresponding Greek letter is Lambda, or lachos, = "Destiny". The number 5 card, "V", is "Pontifex Maximus – Archiereus – High Priest". Its motto is "Burning Darkly" (!!!!!!!!) Its Greek letter is Wau, (redeem, save, deliver). Its trigram name is Li = Fire, Lightning. Relative to acts of terrorism and those acts relative to the frequencies of both 5 and 11, I find this intriguing. Curious WV: "expar" cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's an interesting link about the sightings of lost loved ones that have occurred to 9-11 families.


    Connie – the numbers are fascinating, as always.

  14. Anonymous says:

    If I haven't learned anything else during my decades of intensive work with mathematics and its applicable relativity to every aspect of life in the universe, I've learned that all things, animate and inaimate, resonate on frequencies that are measured by numbers. Numbers create the most synchronistic system underlying all that is, and numbers are never, ever random. NEVER. I do want to say that where the acts of terrorists are involved, the number "5" is apparent and relevant. Even 9-11-2001 is a 5, and today, the anniversary of that fateful day, 9-11-2010, is a 5. I've researched much of the material surrounding terrorism and its effects, and that 5 appears with specificity throughout. The 11 is well-known. The 5 seem "hidden" but is lurking everywhere there is an incident or event, not only in the dates but in the names of the individuals involved. It's pretty mind-boggling when one connects the dots within the web of numbers! cj

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