Message from the Church Billboard

Picasso, certainly a trickster artist!

This uplifting synchro comes from Thomas Nash, who contacted us because of the Dreamland interview. It smacks of a mischievous trickster story, but is also a result of Thomas’ search for a synchro. Intention? It sure looks like that.


I honed up to the fact that I’m a pawn a long time ago, although it’s my Chess game! ha ha!

This means that if you pay attention, the world will show you what to do and it will sometimes use you in various ways, depending on what’s needed.

The message on my answering machine is a way to describe what happened…..

“Hi, we’ve gone fishing for possibilities, there’s no limit”

So…sometime when you’re bored, or need to get out of the house, try something like this…

It was the weekend and I had no plans. Headed out of my driveway, I decided it felt best to turn right. Reaching the beautiful river road, it shows me the road to Cazadero. Magic abounds! An old friend could just show up or a beautiful hitchhiker could invite you home. You could get a flt tire and a band of hippies might adopt you!

The road started to narrow as I drove past the small, rural town. I didn’t want to drive the windy road to the coast, so I turned around, a bit deflated since nothing magical seemed to have happened.  Then, something caught my eye! It was a miraculous message written on a church billboard and seemed to be just for me:

Try eating your ego sometime, it’s non-fattening.

I chuckled all the way home.




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12 Responses to Message from the Church Billboard

  1. karena says:

    Oh,,,now that’s really funny…and also a good reminder for me…asking for a good synchro…I always forget to that when on a road trip.

  2. Darren B says:

    Great story.
    Some of the best Church billboards I’ve seen recently were ;

    * “Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.”
    * “This Church is “Prayer Conditioned”.”
    * “Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity. ”
    * “God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.”
    * “Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.” (and that was on a church billboard?-)
    * “God loves everyone, but probably prefers fruits of the spirit over religious nuts! ”
    (That’s one of my favourites.-)
    * “Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.”
    * “We set the sail; God makes the wind.”

  3. Nancy says:

    We need to try to remember to see the funny and happy even in dark times.

  4. Sometimes the Church does show helpful humour – though perhaps not necesarily individually tailored as per your post. I’ve seen several of their signs that have made me smile. One I remember: ‘God does not believe in athiests therefore athiests do not exist’. Oh yes, and: ‘The most powerful position is on your knees.’

  5. Lauren Raine says:

    Wonderful! I can entirely relate to the world talking to us in this way! And I have agree, getting the ego out of the way is sometimes the biggest trick of all. I’ve been feeling so sad about what is going on in Japan, thanks for lifting my spirits with this story.

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