The Source Code

Parallel universes seem to be the rage these days. One of the best and most recent books on the topic is Brain Greene’s The Hidden Reality, which we wrote about in an earlier post, or in just about anything written by astrophysicist Michio Kaku. Hollywood has tackled this topic before – notably in Sliding Doors, one of our favorites. Now there’s a new Hollywood twist on the theme. Source Code.

Jake Gyllenhall  is an Iraq war vet who, according to, “uses time reassignment technology to crack open alternate realities in an effort to stop a terrorist from blowing up Chicago.”

Every movie or novel that plays around with ideas like this has to establish the rules. And the rules in this particular story are that you can visit this past, alternate reality, but can’t change anything in it. In the movie, Gyllenhall’s assignment has his “revisiting an eight-minute time loop animated by the brain activity of victims killed during an earlier train attack. While on his Groundhog Day–style mission, Colter searches for clues that might lead to the identity of the terrorist behind the bombings,” says wired.

Astrophysicist Michio Kaku – one of our gurus – says, “What you see in Source Code is highly improbable, but it’s possible.”

Here’s the trailer.

The Source Code

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5 Responses to The Source Code

  1. Nancy says:

    Very interesting – I also liked the trailer to I Am Four.

    Math Addict – I was just reading about this very thing through the e-book “Transforming Through 2012”. Here is the man’s website. The e-book is quite good. It utilizes a number of interesting scientists, futurists, etc. Same thoughts – we are moving very rapidly to the next dimension as the earth moves into the center of the galaxy, and that it can happen in a day. He also talks about an energy grid that is new and may account for some of the weird stuff we are experiencing.

  2. Debra says:

    I have always been fascinated by alternative realities. I’ve had lucid dreams where I am in them.

  3. It’s a fascinating subject, and parallel universes seems perfectly reasonable – we could be featuring in several of them – different versions of how our lives may have been if we had done ‘things’ differently. Interesting what mathaddict writes.

  4. Interesting post, considering that one of my closest friends, an American, (born in Gainesvile, FL), Doctor of Chinese Medicine phoned me yesterday from his home in Wyoming and told me he suddenly feels as if he’s “living in an alternate universe”. He’s intensely attuned to frequencies and energies and is a highly sensitive intuitive. I’ve mentioned him on the blog in the past. He’s one of very few genuine QiGong Golden Shield Masters on the planet, and he ‘s only 44 years old. When I asked him what he meant, he said the earth’s frequencies are shifting with such speed that it’s almost impossible for a human to adequately adjust to the changes, many of which are happening overtly, and just as many which are happening “under the radar”. I can’t help but wonder if this planet is actually shifting out of the third dimension and into a different dimension….something that sounds insane but that feels plausible, all things considered. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie SOURCE CODE. Like my friend, I have a tendency to believe TPTB are preparing the human species for some type of unprecedented LEAP, for lack of a better definition, into what may lay in wait for us in the very near future. This is not a negative outlook. Just possibly a realistic one. We cab no longer ignore the increasing signals that are coming at us from every direction, particularly from the planet itself.

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