The Circle of Light for Mike Perry


Here’s the healing circle for our blogging friend,  Mike Perry. Light your candles at noon wherever you live. We posted this shortly after midnight EDT on 9/19, so the time in England should be sometime after 6 AM on that date. Mike said he’s due at the hospital at 7:30 AM. He wasn’t sure when the surgery would be.  So I hope this powerful image of a circle of healing light will be with him and his wife, Karin, throughout his surgery and afterward. Both of them are in the center of the circle.


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11 Responses to The Circle of Light for Mike Perry

  1. lauren raine says:

    How beautiful the circle you have made……….it is very tangible. I know that this circle will bring so much healing to Mike.

  2. Natalie Thomas says:

    Got together a powerful group of mediums for a sitting today and we will put Mike in our circle as well. Love to Mike and Karin on the journey.♥♥

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Candle and loving thoughts going on here!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Mike’s candle burns here. I started mine yesterday and have had to start another one, as the original one burned down. I plan to keep them going as long as I’m awake, for several days and nights. I’m sure as his Spirit travels during his deep sleep, he’ll be able to see all the LIGHT from around the world surrounding him!

  5. DJan says:

    I marked the time so that I would be sitting with my candle for Mike at noon. It was a very peaceful time, and suddenly as I meditated, I heard what sounded like a call to prayer come wafting through the front door. I have heard that in other countries, but it was the first time here. Once I finished and went to the front door to listen, it was gone. I like to think it was a call to prayer for Mike.

  6. shadow says:

    25 minutes to go my side…

  7. Darren B says:

    That is a beautiful circle of light.If that doesn’t help Mike,I don’t know what will.

  8. That’s a powerful circle. My candle was, is, and will be, part of this circle of light.

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