Healing Circle for Mike Perry

Mike’s photo with post about his absence


Let’s use our power as a group to focus on our blogging friend, Mike Perry. 

Mike has a fantastic blog on synchronicity and every other anomaly you can name. I think we found his blog early in 2009, the year we started our blog, but I’m not sure. At some point we started trading emails. We used some of Mike’s synchro stories in both of our books.

He and his German born wife, Karin, live in Cornwall and some of my favorite posts on Mike’s blog are about his area, about the mysterious places and history of certain landmarks. I also love Mike’s posts on his foreign travels, which seem to be jammed with synchros. When he travels, he disconnects from the Internet entirely, something I can’t bring myself to do, but maintains his blog with daily posts.

I check Mike’s blog every morning. It’s my first stop, with my first sip of coffee. So in August, I went on one morning and didn’t find a new post.  When it happened the next day, I wrote to Daz, who I knew corresponded with Mike. In the past, whenever Mike was going to head out with Karin on one of their adventures, he would drop us an email and let us know he was going to be out of town. But Daz, like me, hadn’t heard anything from Mike.

I felt uneasy. I like Mike. Never met the guy, but there’s a camaraderie you develop with blogging buddies that is difficult to explain. When that connection exists, it’s as if you’re sitting across the table from the person, trading synchro stories.

On August 14, Mike posted that he had missed 3 days of posts because he had been diagnosed with kidney cancer. He’s  scheduled for surgery tomorrow, September 19, for the removal of his right kidney.

So how about if, at our respective noons tomorrow, we light a candle for Mike’s speedy recovery? Say a few words, murmur a prayer, do whatever it is that you do within the context of your own beliefs. Envision him healed,  emerging from the surgery easily, and back to his life quickly!

This entry was posted in healing, mike perry, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Healing Circle for Mike Perry

  1. Nancy says:

    Saying a prayer right now.

  2. Musingegret says:

    I, too, will be focussing on Mike and Karin tomorrow at noon. I’ve been enjoying “67 Not Out” ever since y’all first added Mike to the Blogroll. I do believe we’ve got a lot of concentrated energy here among and between all of us. Mike will be/is healed.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Please tell Karin that all our thoughts will be present there with her while he is in surgery! An “invisible” but very tangble support system! And, let her know not to feel upset or agitated if the surgery seems longer than one would expect. This can be a lengthy procedure, generally speaking, and although it may be awhile, that definitely doesn’t indicate anything negative! I have recently been where she is and will be in exactly the same situation, and understand with utter empathy the niggling fear that never fails to accompany such an experience. FEAR NOT! All will be well.

  4. Nearl says:

    Praying for his healing and well-being and for his wife’s strength. Positive healing energy, love and light to them both!

  5. Kate I says:

    I’ll be lighting my virtual candle and sending healing light to Mike.

  6. Darren B says:

    I’ll be lighting one…not that he is going to need it.
    He will be fine.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    We’re all joining hands, minds, hearts and souls in this healing circle for Mike! Noon tomorrow, the 19th. YES. Candles are burning.Of note: my husband had surgery for renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) in his right kidney two years ago. While it tends ot be an aggressive cancer, it is also one of the most curable. My hubby is now cancer-free since surgery. and Mike shall also be cancer-free. MAY THE LIGHT AND LOVE AND PRESENCE OF THE UNIVERSE SATURATE EVERY ATOM AND MOLOECULE OF MIKE’S BODY WITH PERFECT HEALING ENERGY. SO IT SHALL BE AND SO IT IS. Amen.

  8. I’m in the circle and envision Mike healed.

  9. karen says:

    I too will be in at noon’s healing circle for Mike. Sending love and light Mike’s way. <3

  10. DJan says:

    Count me in on that healing circle. I am so sorry to hear about this and will focus my energy on his complete recovery.

  11. Momwithwings says:

    Oh no. I will absolutely keep him in my prayers. I already feel him and seeing his body fighting this awful cancer. Sending much love to help in this battle.

  12. gypsy says:

    many many healing and caring thoughts tomorrow at noon – and now, until we hear of his full return to good health –

  13. My prayers are with Mike. I trust he makes a full recovery. Health is so precious. We should always give thanks for it. Blessings, Marcus

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