A Roswell synchro

Former UFO debunker now says there were two crashes at Roswell…

I don’t think we’ve ever written about Roswell on our blog, even though we’ve put up quite a few UFO-related stories. It’s probably because Roswell is so well known. It’s also a case where many of the long-time UFO researchers say the story has been conflated into something they say it never was – the crash of an alien craft. Meanwhile, if there’s any case that the public knows about, it’s Roswell and there’s widespread belief that something very mysterious happened there.

Now comes Lt. Col. Richard French, a retired air force pilot, who says there was not one crash, but two near Roswell in 1947. He claims the first UFO was hit with an electronic pulse-type weapon. All the controls failed and it crashed. The second crash was that of a similar alien vessel that was on a rescue mission for the first one.

The problem with the story is that the type of weapons described didn’t exist at the time. Or did they, and we didn’t know?

The strange synchro here relates to an MIB story that appeared in Operation Trojan Horse, a 1970 UFO book by John Keel. A woman in Owatonna, Minnesota, who had a UFO experience accompanied by a number of paranormal incidents, was approached by a mysterious stranger, who called himself Major Richard French. He was wearing crisp new clothes, not a uniform. She was told not to talk it to anyone about her experience.

Was it the same person? If so, then French’s story about being a debunker takes on more veracity, and with it the scenario about Roswell.



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7 Responses to A Roswell synchro

  1. shadow says:

    that IS strange. i just don’t get why certain things need to be hidden from the population at large.

  2. gypsy says:

    really interesting coming from this man – in terms of military weapons at that time, let’s not forget that the philadelphia experiment had taken place just a few years prior to the roswell incident – oh, but wait…that didn’t happen either – just like those MIB that many of us have encountered were figments of our imaginations, too –

  3. Natalie Thomas says:

    It’s a shame, but I feel we can’t trust anything that comes out of govt mouths.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Didn’t hear anything about this when I was at the Roswell UFO Conference this summer, but I did hear Stanley Friedman and other long time researchers speak (again). Roswell has become an “urban myth” at this point, but I did feel the people who have researched the incident for so many years are pretty much in agreement about what they think happened, which is that there was a crash east of Corona (about 100 miles north of Roswell) and the military rushed out when they heard about it and cleaned it up, making rigourous efforts to hush it up for years afterwards. They think whatever was found was housed for a while in a warehouse in Roswell before being transported somewhere else, and there were quite a few witnesses who said they saw an alien body or bodies.

    Can’t help but wonder what Stan Friedman, the “grand master” of Roswell research, would say about this………

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    There’s a synchro on my end. We have an old friend…literally elderly….whose name is RICHARD FRENCH. He lives here in our city, re-located from Fort Myers. He’s a quite well-known artist. Regarding the MIB, I’ve had one overt, day-time experience with them which I posted here awhile back. There were three of them who came to our front door shortly after we moved into the house where we lived. We only stayed in that house for seven months due to the fact that everyone of us (except hubby) stayed ill the entire time we lived there. It was a really large, one-story eleven-room place with an enormous fenced-backyard, perfect for our dogs. But there was constant poltergeist activity, or SOME kind of psychic activity, going on there. Objects would fly off tables and crash onto the floor; the glass dome on my parents’ anniversary clock flew up and off onto the floor and shattered; all kinds of stuff. Extremely negative energy in that house. It was where I had the lengthy illness with the 105-degree fevers that were never diagnosed. This illness occurred AFTER the visit by the three MIB, for whatever that might be worth. My Sheltie suddenly became very ill with some type of infection that caused her digestive system to swell like a huge balloon, and we lost her. The kids stayed sick, and they’ve always been healthy. Hubby was the only one who wasn’t affected. Roswell? I have no doubt it happened, and have no doubt our gov’t was in possession of Tesla material/weaponry at that time. They confiscated all his patents and texts and inventions and subsequently it all vanished behind gov’t cover-up.

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