One of My Favorite Flashmob Dancing Routines

. With nearly 1,500 posts, it’s possible we posted this before. But this one is a favorite.

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7 Responses to One of My Favorite Flashmob Dancing Routines

  1. Nicole says:

    Happiness, its is contagious. Spread it.

  2. Sherri says:

    I stumbled upon your blog when peforming a search for Hazel Burley. I had seen her a few times in the 90’s and had an urge to look her up to see what I would find. I couldn’t remember her name but had written her name/number under P for “psychics” in my old, old address book (only number in there). While I have not purchased your Synchronicity book (yet), I guess this is right on target, because what led me to search was a conversation I had today with a paranormal investigator which yielded it’s own evidence of sychronicity. Long story, but the upshot is I think a trip to Cassadega is in order the next time I make it back to the Orlando area. So back to Hazel: like I said, I saw her a few times, probably in 1996 or 1997. She told me things that I remember so vividly and which became true – things that made no sense at all. The best example was about work: she described a shuffling of chairs, like things being moved around. We were looking at moving to another building so I thought perhaps that was what she was talking about. The following week, our company announced a reogranization, which took us completely by surprise. That was just one of a slew of things she told me. I also did see a reader in the Hotel around the same time, her name was Birdie or Bertie. I might have seen her more than once, but cannot remember What I do know is that she, too, was completely on target. She foretold of my husband (and our future) with the most bizarre of details. I couldn’t imagine why she would ask the things she asked, but they were completely on target. It took a while for me to put this all together as the “clues” were so obscure, but most definitely not anything that you could fit to just any situation – they were very specific.

    So finding your blog was a happy thing for me – not only do I see that Hazel was still working as of 2010 (and I hope she still is), I really like your blog! In this day and age, it’s hard to find people who think like us and communicate it so well. I will be spending much time reading back through the blogs. Thank you!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hi Sherri – thanks for stopping by. Hazel is good, no doubt about it. The last 2 times we’ve been in cassadaga – back a few months – we stopped by her place hoping to see her, but she hasn’t been home. A neighbor told us she is spending time with her daughter, who lives nearby. Art died five or six
      years ago, so I suspect her life has changed considerably.I think that either Rob or I had a reading awhile back with Birdie. At any rate, glad you found us! You’ll find the hotel still there, but the restaurant under new management!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Love love love it! Yesterday they had a flash-mob dance in Jacksonville for the Breast-Cancer-Cure folks. It was on the local news. But I simply think this one, like the one that was at Grand Central Station here in the U.S., is glorious. The expressions on the faces in the audience are wonderful. There are a few sour-pusses who frown and walk away, but mostly the crowds are thrilled to be there! We so desperately need laughter and smiles and music and dancing these days, and the flash-mobs bring those! Remember the one in Russia? It was spectacular, too! And the Greig concerto….just magnificent. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. I never get tired of Flash dances. This one make my day. Thanks. I’ll have to re-post it on Facebook.

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