Mystery Dolphin Fountain

This is called the Dolphin Fountain. Since daughter Megan paints dolphins, I was curious to take a look at it when a correspondent sent this pic and the accompanying synchro tale. At first, I couldn’t see any dolphin. In fact, that’s why I named the post the way I did.

Was the dolphin swimming below the fountain? No, you have to look closely. It’s right at the top.  That’s a kid riding a dolphin. See his/her head?  In the image, it blends with the dolphin and at first glance, the top looks like a horse’s head. At least, that’s what I saw. Maybe if I could walk around the fountain, I would get a better sense of the dolphin.

Here’s the story from KLM, artist residing in Phoenix.


I was curious about a house in my area that I have driven by a few times recently. It has those arts and crafts style tents outside in their backyard. Big white tents with clear plastic windows. So I started to look up “art lessons” and “sculpture lessons in Desert Hills” thinking maybe somebody is using them for an art class. I see cars parked outside all the time, 5 or 6 at least.

I haven’t found that house yet, but I found an artist by the name of Walter Rezcek who happens to live in my area. I went into his online gallery and found this fountain. My dad had one exactly like it. I never knew where he got it, and had never seen one like it before. This must be where dad got the fountain though, or at least Walter designed it and sold it a nursery or something and dad bought it.

I have never seen this design anywhere else, right down to the wave style bowls and the kid riding the dolphin at the top. I had this fountain in my front yard for a long time after my folks moved to Oregon. I took it up to them after they got settled. It stayed with the house after dad passed a few years ago, but I’ve always regretted not packing it up and bringing it back. I brought everything else back, including his tractor, but just didn’t have the space for the fountain.

So, now I’m hunting for another job, I was laid off in late September. I have been considering making a go at art. So maybe this is telling me it’s time. I’m going to paint now.


I told KLM that just after I read his story with the Oregon link, I talked to the service guy at the local car shop who told me my new engine for our Mazda–which was blown out from the flood related to Tropical Storm Isaac–was en route from Oregon. KLM then related a long list of synchros with Oregon that he has recently experienced himself. He hopes to move there.

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17 Responses to Mystery Dolphin Fountain

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    K, the 9-11 came into play when the song was on your radio with 2-27. Hebrew is read from right to left, and in my extensive math work I work in ancient Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Egyptian alpha-numeric language systems and their relative applications. The 2-27 on your song could be read 72 (9)-2, or 9-2, which is 11. (9-11 is 11, because any number added to 9 returns to the original number. Any number multipied by 9 returns to 9. It sounds complicated, but isn’t. All these littles “ins and outs” are significant when working with frequencies, wihich are measured by numbers. I look forward to hearing from you. have a great time at Disneylanth your family!! The last family outing I had with my Dad and Mom and sister was to Disneyland, before his early death. We lived in Arcadia. I have two metal boxes of “slides: my Dad took at Disneyland, and plan to have some of them changed into photos. It is indeed a magical place! Please excuse typos. Am typing too fast here.

  2. KLM says:

    Math, thanks so much, lots to ponder here. I’m not sure how the 9-11 or 5 are connected here. As for G, might it be God? I speak to him everyday and especially out on the trail I hike. He seems to be responding to me in many different ways.

    Rob/Trish, sorry to have taken over this post, but if you would send me Math’s email we can delve further off line.

    Heading to Disney for a few days!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    KLM, I woke up this morning thinking about your numbers/frequencies, and realized I had neglected something that needed to be recognized in your comments. The frequency 7 that you are seeing, often with 22. 7 is not a Master frequency, but it is the most complex frequency in our Universe. It represents the psyche, magick, secrets, occult (hidden) things, mysteries and the Mystery Schools, etc. The keyword of 7 is “MYSTERY”. When you see 7, especially often, and especially combined with your 22, it’s a wake-up call for you to dig deeply and un-bury….to bring into the LIGHT of manifestation….that which is waiting to be revealed. I also need to share with you that I sense a powerful male energy in your presence that is not your own male aspects (as we each have both male and female aspects within us). This is a male essence that is external to you but is surrounding you. It may be your Dad; it may be a discarnate teacher. It may be someone alive and well. It may be the beginning lettter of a state or a street name. I don’t know who or what it is. I can only tell you that there is a strong “G” connected to it and that it holds something important to you. Whether that is a name, such as “George” or “Gary” or “Greg”, etc, or something else pertinent to that male, such as a state, as in Georgia, I’m not sure. But the G is loud and very apparent. One final note: when we see a 9 connected with an 11, such as 9-11 on a clock or in a dream or wherever, it doesn’t always mean “emergency”. In fact, it rarely indicates emergency unless it’s accompanied by something that causes one to understand an emergency exists. Generally speaking, when we are encountering 9-11 often, it is a pun on the phrase “EMERGE AND SEE”. That’s important to remember. There are instances where the 9-11 seen in dreams and on clocks everywhere, etc, CAN indicate an emergency, if there is someone close who is ill, or something else that needs immediate attention to be addressed. But usually, it tells us to stop and look! Sorry I missed the 7 for you last night! And that 23, which is 5…..5 is the frequency of action, motion, moving, activity, travel, lots of people. It tells us to GET MOVING, or that we are approaching a time of lots of activity in our lives in many areas, and lots of people. The keyword of 5 is “MOTION”.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    PLM, a P.S OREGON resonates within the frequency 11, which is a highly compatible frequency with your 22. 11 is the Master Frequency of Pure Intuition, so it will combine well with your operative frequency 22 to bring that Intuition into its material form… Oregon!! Follow your wee small voice within. That’s your Higher Self sending you messages. Sometimes it will whisper, sometimes it will scream. So, be prepared, and move into Silence from time to time so that you are able to become aware of that wee small voice and make your decisions and choices accordingly.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh Wow! This I love! And the Synchro family will be reading a few repeats here, but they’re necessary. First, KLM, my research has proven that each individual has a frequency, (number), that is referred to as that individual’s “operative number”. (Sometimes the person may have more than one operative number.) In and of themselves, our universal numbers, which are 0 through 9, are meaningless. They are inert and inanimate. It is only when a number (frequency) REPRESENTS something that it becomes animate. Most importantly, numbers represent these universal frequencies, and these universal frequencies bring influences into our lives 24/7, in each and every experience, even when we are sleeping. Very similar to the astrological influences of the positions of the planets in houses in our natal charts, and the interactions of those planets with each other, so too are our frequencies bringing their influences into our lives constantly, and often subtly but just as often very overtly. We have several Master Frequencies. These are frequencies that, when presenting themselves, are never taken to their root factor, and when they appear, we know that there are unusally heavy-duty responsibilities that the affected soul has accepted in any given incarnation….responsibilities that have required “Mastery” in a particular area represented by that frequency, and this “Mastery” always has been gained during multiple past lives spent involved in acquiring the knowledge. Understand that accepting unusually heavy-duty responsibilities does NOT indicate negative responsiblities. Simply on-going opportunities to use the knowledge that has been gained through much study and work. This can be compared to a person attending graduate school and then moving on to earning the highest diploma possible in the given subject, and then bringing that knowledge into the current life, to be used in whatever manner the journey brings. The Master Frequencies are 11, 22, 33, and 44. The root numbers of these frequencies would be 11/2, 22/4, 33/6, and 44/8. But again, WE DO NOT REDUCE THE MASTER FREQUENCIES. If you want to get my email address from Trish and Rob and send me yours, I’ll be happy to give you a thorough and detailed explanation and anwers to your questions….there isn’t space here to do that. However, let me take a few moments to describe the Master Frequency 22. 22 is the highest resonance of 4. 22 is definitely one of your operative numbers, which is why you keep encountering it in every way imaginable. Your soul is reminding you that you are responsible to express the implications and influences of 22….and 22 opens doors for you to BRING INTO PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION THE THOUGHTS AND IDEAS THAT HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN INTUITIVE. In other words, it is the MANIFESTATION INTO PHYSICAL MATTER WHATEVER YOIU HAVE CREATED IN YOUR MIND. Whether that is building a skyscraper, writing a novel, researching a difficult area of expertise to which YOU have the answers…..whatever your intuition has created within you, is ready to be brought into physical matter and become manifest in this third dimension. The root, 4, has as its keyword WORK. For YOU, the 22 means you are to bring the WORKS of your intuitive thoughts and give them material form. Now, another important element with our operative frequencies is that when our soul is designing the plan for its upcoming incarnation, it pencils into that design a specific timeline when the opportunities will become almost overwhelming, refusing to be ignored until you use whatever introspective method that is particular to you, to determine what it is that you are intuitively and mindfully creating, then go about bringing that Thought-Form into the atoms and molecules of our dimension. I could go on and on, but don’t want to dominate the blog. Feel free to email me and I’ll go much more in depth for you. Individual frequencies impact every single soul that is embodied, and Master Frequencies are especially complex and can be complicated. The more you encounter that 22, the closer you are to whatever purpose your soul came here to do, no matter how difficult that purpose may be! (Allow me to clarify something: if a person doesn’t follow the guidance of the Master Frequency he or she “owns”, then it DOES manifest in that person’s life at its simple root and no longer carries its Master influences.) I cannot stress enough that although the science of modern Numerology is involved here, these methods I’ve acquired go much deeper and are much more ancient and accurate than simple Numerology. My Teacher In Spirit refers to it as “Metaphysical Mathematics”, and it reaches farther into the human history than we can imagine. And, it’s FUN!!

  6. KLM says:

    Math, more fodder to give you an idea how often this happens – I went to the local UHaul store today for bubble pack to wrap a stained glass window my father made (he passed away in 2008). I left here about 3:30. When I was driving down the road, I glanced at the digital readout in my car, and the time on the song that was playing was 2:27. A few minutes later I looked at it as another song was just ending – 4:22. When I got to the UHaul store I looked up above the entrance door and saw 3 storage rooms through a window on the second floor. OK, I know you’re going to see a 2 inevitably on the door number, right? Well, yes: 2203, 2205, 2207. I went to get gas and to the car wash (we’re leaving for Disneyland tomorrow, my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday – more on her in another post). I got home, unpacked my car and walked into the kitchen. The time on the stove clock? 4:22.

    All day, every day.

  7. KLM says:

    I (a ‘he’, by the way) guess I should join the fray since my stories are getting ‘published.’ :o) My fear, if you can call it that, is I tend to get caught up in these conversations and spend wa-a-ay too much time in them. I’ll just need to curb that, even though the synchros are daily, and I MEAN DAILY.

    First, thank you, Rob and Trish, for sharing some of my experiences, and to everyone for all the kind words, and nudges.

    I am going to ride this dolphin into the creative world as long as he’ll have me. I was just commissioned to do a painting of a friends pet cockatiel. I just showed her a quick digital painting of it and she said it made her smile. Nice. That’s one of several Oregon synchros by the way – she is my job coach who moved from Klamath Falls and now lives in Portland, where my home office used to be located. We started talking about following our passion for work and got onto the subject of painting, of course. So, the guidance is coming in waves, dolphins, birds, initials, numbers, names and dates.

    Which leads me to:

    Hi Math, since you’re such a digit wizard, I’m curious as to your take on my number clusters; my number is basically 22 and for the past two and half years it is EVERYWHERE. Every time I look at the clock :22 minutes past the hour, in virtually all of my bank and credit card accounts, phone numbers, online ID’s, you name it, it’s there. I told my job coach about this so she looked at my file that day – I had been out of work for 2.29 weeks exactly. I stumbled onto my offer letter from my last employer – it was written and sent to me on Sept 22. And on and on and on… thoughts? I have read the meaning on several websites but would be interested in your take. It also shows with the number 7 a lot; 227, 722, and sometimes in 222, 2222.

    Sorry, maybe that should be a different post?


  8. I can recommend moving to Oregon! And I also recommend branching out into the arts and looking for jobs in the arts.

  9. lauren raine says:

    Feel like her response to this work of art is bringing the creative process, and creative people (mentors?) into her life? Sometimes we seem to get encouragement in those ways.

    Recently I learned from a friend that my two white odd-eyed cats (my muses) are from the area of Lake Van in Turkey, and are very famous and valued there by the people (they’re called Van Kedisi cats). I had no idea, but it’s interesting that I’ve been researching the mystery of Gobekli Tepe, a very ancient site (11,000 years old) not so very far from Lake Van and the homeland of “Van Cats”. Specifically, an aquaintance I admire has been doing artwork about this site, and leading tours there, and I was reading about her thoughts on a controversial female figure, flanked by two lions or feline forms, found there, which she feels is a Goddess or divinity image. If so, it is among the oldest images of a human being in the world.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that when we have a passion, we get guidance in strange synchronistic ways………….

  10. Nancy says:

    We are taking our Oregon grandchild to Hawaii in December with his mother and aunt (our daughters). Part of the trip we will be on the Big Island (Kona) where he will be able to swim with dolphins for his fifth birthday in a big lagoon. (Not sure how I feel about the dolphin/lagoon – but he is too young for the open water dolphin interactions. And you are only allowed to be with them for 45 minutes – 15 minutes for education and 30 minutes in the water. They do this twice per day with very small groups.) So this post hit home for me.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just tend to be seriously detail-oriented and to immediately “see” the tiniest details. Don’t know why. It was born with me!

  12. gypsy says:

    beautiful story – and fountain – always love hearing of our creature cousins guiding us as they do, if we but listen –

  13. Maybe the dolphins are giving KLM a nudge in the right direction.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Here are some further comments by K.

      New information on the fountain – the artist, Walter Rezcek, called me Sunday afternoon after I sent him an email about the fountain. He actually designed it while working for Henri Studio in IL some years ago. I looked it up in their catalogue and they are still offering it. He said they were sold worldwide to garden centers and nurseries, and were very popular. I never saw one other pop’s. He was thrilled that I contacted him about it. He invited me over to the studio and I am going to do that. I sent him a message yesterday telling him I want to see the place. I may get interested in designing and making my own fountains instead of going back to work, who knows. He told me he would make one of my own design rather than the dolphins if I wanted. While I was on the trail yesterday I came up with one idea that I thought would be very cool.

      By the way, there are 7 dolphins in the fountain – 3 each in the pedestals holding the bowls and the one at top the boy is riding. Math saw them right away, what’s the deal? :o) just kidding. I know since Meghan does dolphin paintings, they must’ve looked a little more like serpents.

      Thanks for posting it! I liked Mike’s comment – I am being nudged by dolphins!

  14. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a beautiful fountain! Strange….I saw the dolphin instantly, when my eyes first hit the photo! And how appropriate the subject of this piece of art…..a dolphin embracing a human child, and a human child embracing a dolphin. Actually, I can see more than the one dolphin. If you study the art closely, you can see the images of their tails and heads and fins wrapping round and round the body of the entire fountain. So lovely. Thank you for sharing it.

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