Weird or What…

Some of you may remember that last winter we journeyed to Toronto where Trish was interviewed on William Shatner’s Weird or What about Wolfgang Pauli, or more specifically, the ‘Pauli Effect’–an ability Pauli apparently had to damage or shut down electronic equipment in laboratories simply by showing up.

To our knowledge, the program has only been shown in Canada so far, but we found it on You Tube by Googling ‘Weird or What Mind Control’ after a Canadian reader alerted us that she had seen the show.

We were surprised when we played it because we had no idea that the first third of the episode would be about alien abductions and mind control. That was a synchronicity for us, since we are writing, Aliens in the Backyard – Encounters, Abductions & Synchronicities.

The second segment dealt with the mysterious case of Pearl Curran, a poorly educated housewife from St. Louis, Missouri, who in the early twentieth century wrote several books dictated by a spirit guide Patience Worth. Interestingly, that was another synchro, since Rob is currently under contract for a book called Ghosts & Spirit Guides that will come out in October of next year. In his outline for the book, he had overlooked Patience Worth, even though he was familiar with the story.

The third segment is the one where Trish appears. It’s about government mind control, specifically the case of Cheryl Welsh, who believes she was the subject of a long-term government experiment. Trish’s perspective in this case is actually as one of the skeptics – even though her solution–the Pauli Effect, or psychokinesis–is equally strange as government mind control.

That segment begins at 29:08 and Trish gets the last word on the show beginning at about 41:00.


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8 Responses to Weird or What…

  1. Darren B says:

    Thanks for posting the “Weird Or What” show.I have never seen any of these shows before.I enjoyed the whole show and it was a thrill seeing Trish on a TV show.
    And I can’t wait to grab a copy of “Aliens in the Backyard – Encounters, Abductions & Synchronicities” when it comes out.
    I see “The Sync Book 2” is out soon.
    I will definitely be grabbing a copy of that one,and can’t wait to read your chapter in it.

  2. Nice to see you Trish – a TV star is born! Interesting subject: government control? At the moment I feel it may be true, we are being manipulated all the time. The Pauli effect? We are all power circuits plus we are surrounded by them so, at times with some people, all sorts of things are possible.

  3. Melissa says:

    Trish you should be on TV all the time!

  4. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating. The story of Patiance Worth was especially interesting to me, and I’m glad as well that HAARP is mentioned, if only briefly. So few know about this truly terrifying experiment, and how it may be effecting our weather, not to mention, as Shatner’s program suggests, our minds as well. Enjoyed Trish’s comments about the Pauli effect….amazing.

    I once was aquainted with someone who could “pop lightbulbs”, especially if she was in an upset state. We all thought it was kind of funny. I always wondered about that.

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