Dona Nobis Pacem, Numbers, and Jeri Gerard

I think we meet Jeri Gerard during the first six months of our blog’s existence. I’m not sure how the connection came about, but her blog, Goddess of the Confluence, has always intrigued me. She has a profound connection with Nepal and we used several of her synchros in both of our books on synchronicity. She’s the mother of two boys and has a flourishing jewelry business that keeps her on the road.

Her jewelry isn’t your run of the mill mall stuff; it’s from Nepal and other parts of the world where she travels. One Christmas, I bought a singing bowl from Jeri and gave it to Rob for Christmas. He uses it in his meditation and yoga classes. We think the monk who owned it hangs around here from time to time, a little trickster who makes things disappear. We did a post on him.

We hadn’t heard from Jeri for awhile, then today – October 17 – she dropped by and left a comment. Shortly afterward, I received an email from her about a synchronicity involving numbers, her sons, and, well, life.


Here is a beautiful little synchronicity for you.

Joshua has had a horrible transition to high school.  His grades are fine but he wants to be involved in everything.  The stress has eroded the lining of his stomach and he has been missing a lot school and after school activities that he really should be enjoying.Meanwhile his father and I have been stressing about Joshua as well as our finances.  I won’t go into the details, but there has been a hurricane of bills and unexpected responsibilities.

I have been bombarded with  11:11 and 4:44 encounters. I  often wake up at 4:44 am or am having a chat in the kitchen with my husband and suddenly notice it’s 11:11 both am and pm.  Finally, I went looking for the meanings of  11:11 and 4:44 and came up with something that suggested to me that a change is coming and I am being escorted by loving guidance.  I do not know if this is a personal or a global reference or both.

Concurrently, my 9 year old, Sean, and I are reading a Wrinkle in Time together for his 5th grade book club.  A few nights ago our family went to see Joshua in a concert.  Sean, who was not much interested in the concert spent the entire time reading A Wrinkle in Time, on my iPhone.  When he finished the book he went in search of another Madeleine L’Engle book and found A Swiftly Tilting Planet, that he immediately downloaded and began to read.

The choir director announced that they were going to sing ‘Dona Nobis Pacem.’  Sean lifted his head and was wide-eyed with attention for the first time that evening.  He said, “Look, Mom!”  He was pointing to the passage on the iPhone where Charles Wallace suggests to his family, “Let’s sing Dona Nobis Pacem.  It’s what we’re all praying for.”

And the choir began to sing, “Give us peace, give us peace, give us peace,”  over and over again.  It was beautiful.  I took this as a suggestion. That night   before I went to sleep, I said my prayer for peace and thanked my loving escorts.  That night I woke up at 3:33 am.  In the morning I looked up 3:33 to find a cosmic YES.

Joshua is feeling better but will be taking stomach medicine for a few weeks.  Wayne and I will be digging out from under the bills for a while but we do have resources and the worry really doesn’t help.  Sometimes it takes a little nudge to let go of the worry and embrace the peace.  Still, part of me feels that these signs are not just about my family but more of a global entreaty.

I hope all is well with you.




I think it’s great that a nine-year-old boy recognized the synchro between the song and what he was reading at that very moment!


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15 Responses to Dona Nobis Pacem, Numbers, and Jeri Gerard

  1. Darren B says:

    It’s funny,I have a brother named Wayne and a son named Sean,too.
    Bit of a sync,but like Jeri said I think this is more of a global entreaty as well.
    I had just read a story about Angelina Jolie in an old “Vanity Fair” magazine which was about her first movie as a director
    and about her jewelry line
    Notice that this story was posted on 4/11/11 ,as you Americans would write the date.
    It would be written as 11/4/11 in Oz.
    I couldn’t help thinking that Jeri’s and Angie’s path are sort of similar in their quest to help unfortunate children on the other side of the globe.
    I also see Ange has signed up for “Salt 2”.
    I wonder if Richard Martini
    will be involved in the sequel as well ?

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Turned my head over on the pillow last night. Digital red read-out on bedside table: 11-11pm. I smiled. Woke up, eyes looked at clock. 3:30am. Smiled again. Seems to be a pretty universal frequency theme, and there’s always meaning behind universal frequency themes. The 11-11 is most common, and several good texts have been written and published about it and are available at B & N and on Amazon, but really don’t answer the questions adequately.

  3. Great post, always fascinated by those numbers. Twice in the last week I have woken during the night at 3:33 – or maybe it was just the time I looked at the bedside clock.

  4. DJan says:

    This is indeed a happy synchronicity. I hope things get better for her. I am still being surrounded by 1’s of all sorts, especially 11:11 and 1:11.

  5. Melissa says:

    This is a great one. I am constantly surrounded by 11:11. I like to think of that particular number cluster as a little message from someone out there or a hello from the other side.

    Oh, and those L’Engle books her boy are reading are wonderful, too!

  6. gypsy says:

    wonderful post – and so good to hear from our blogging friend – seems a lot of 1’s/3s abounding lately –

  7. J STEVE KANE says:

    Love that story and the idea that 33 is a cosmic yes, i get 11:11 regularly and don’t really have an explanation. Jake Kotze blogged alot about it. i have blogged about my experiences with 333 before

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks for the link, Steve. Will check it out. I suspect many people experience these clusters and don’t know what they may mean. They really are mysterious.

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