Category Archives: 11:11

11s Everywhere

Today, I had an appointment (randomly assigned by computer) at the motor vehicle department to renew my driver’s license. Because of changes in Homeland Security laws, you now have to present a passport, two pieces of evidence that you live … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Dona Nobis Pacem, Numbers, and Jeri Gerard

I think we meet Jeri Gerard during the first six months of our blog’s existence. I’m not sure how the connection came about, but her blog, Goddess of the Confluence, has always intrigued me. She has a profound connection with … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, synchronicity | 15 Comments

11:11 Synchro

Not too long ago, we did a post on 11s or 11:11, can’t recall which, and Daz from down under  provided a link to a store that sells 11:11 t-shirts.  I checked out the site and bought a t-shirt. When … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, synchronicity | 24 Comments

Post 11-11-11

Looking back at 11-11-11, here are some of the interesting stories that were either in the news or that we received. First, Egypt briefly closed the Great Pyramid because of rumors that it was going to be used for ceremonies … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, 11s, synchronicity | 4 Comments

The 11:11 Sunday Service

We’ve done a number of  posts on number cluster synchros and several on 11:11. But this sign outside a church is a first: Sunday service at 11:11. Gypsy woman sent the photo, with some info: “The King’s Highway Christian church … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11 | 13 Comments

More 11s

M.C. Escher woodcut We’ve done quite a few posts on the synchronicity of numbers, particularly on 11, 111, and 11:11. I don’t know what it is about these numbers, but sometimes when I’m writing about them, they appear in my … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, Numbers | 25 Comments

Those 11s Again!

Jung considered numbers to be archetypes. In his scheme of things, repeated synchronicities involving the same numbers suggests those numbers have become active in your psyche. With that in mind, here’s another synchronicity involving 11:11.  We’ve done several posts on … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, India, travel | 20 Comments

11-11-2009 = 11-11-11

We don’t often put up two posts the same day, but we can’t overlook the fact that today is 11/11. Of course, it’s 2009, which adds up to 11. So we’re re-posting our 11:11 post from June 22. Also, you … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11 | 15 Comments

11s, Again!

While we were writing a chapter in the book about cluster synchronicities involving numbers – specifically the number 11 – we received a cleaning bill from Megan’s college. This was the move out of the dorm, cleanup bill. The charge? … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, 11s, Numbers | 17 Comments


In researching cluster synchronicities involving the numbers 11, 111, and 11:11, I came across some intriguing information. First, if you Google 11:11, more than 203 million hits come up. Yeah, that’s 203 million. That number falls between the populations of … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11 | 28 Comments