Crystal Skull synchros…

I was shelving a couple of books in my office the other day when my gaze fell on an antique snuff box on one of the shelves. I hadn’t opened it for quite awhile and had forgotten what was inside. I’d bought the box  at an outdoor clan gathering in Orlando a few years ago after the cover caught my attention: McGREGORS HIGH TOAST SNUFF next to a little pic of a  Scotsman. 
Curious now, I opened it and inside were two grape-sized quartz crystal skulls I’d bought in NYC years ago, an unusually smooth igneous stone (spewed out from a volcano and handed down from a Santero in Miami long ago), and a palm-sized skull made from a dark blue stone like lapiz that came from China via a Colorado rock store.

I took out the blue skull, held it in my hand, and gazed at it. I tried to quiet my mind, but kept  wondering if it had any power.  I had just read a book called Paranormal, by Raymond Moody and in it he has a chapter about the power of crystal gazing. (Was it the gazing or the crystal that had the power?) After a minute, I put it back in the box. Nothing had happened that I could tell.

I turned to my e-mail and opened one from our e-book editor, who asked about cover art for my novel, Crystal Skull. Hm, intereesting, I thought. I’d sent a copy of the out-of-print novel weeks ago and I didn’t know he was ready to move ahead with it.

After answering his query, telling him I would look for photos I noticed that I had a Facebook message from JoAnn Parks, someone I hadn’t heard from for months. JoAnn happens to own Max, a life-sized crystal skull that she inherited from a Tibetan healer in Houston. She worked for him for years, but he had never mentioned the skull to her. JoAnn readily agreed to have her granddaughter take a couple photos of Max and e-mail them to us.

To top off the series of synchros, JoAnn had come to my Facebook page to comment on a photo of a shaved llama (or alpaca), a photo that I’d snatched from David Wilson’s Facebook page. David is the editor who had asked about the Crystal Skull cover!

All that happened within minutes of gazing at the blue skull. So, well, maybe there is some power there.

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4 Responses to Crystal Skull synchros…

  1. Great synchros. Maybe the skull does have a power, or is it the power of the mind?

  2. gypsy says:

    love this story! i’ve always been so fascinated by the crystal skulls – totally fascinated!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    A synchro….night before last I was watching Indy and The Crystal Skull on XFinity.
    It’s one of my Indy favorites, especially the end. (#1 fav is Raiders!) My little clear crystal skull lives inside my working Pyramid that I use for energizing ‘things’.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Wow, lots of synchronicity. The story about Joanne Park’s skull sounds interesting too.

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