Mysterious object

This object, photographed by an amateur astronomer, is truly strange.

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18 Responses to Mysterious object

  1. Momwithwings says:

    My husband doesn’t know what to think but he is much more open than he was.
    He did agree though, that the voices were just that, human voices. There was no doubt about what we heard.
    He also knows that over the past few years something has been going on in our house, why and by whom we don’t know.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Very interesting, I wonder what it is.

    What I found even more interesting is what others here have said about hearing and seeing things in their homes.

    We were hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, 9 days w/o power etc. on about the third day my husband and I were sitting in our family room getting ready to turn off the generator and head to bed. Just as I turned off our little radio and as we were getting up from the couch we both heard a male and female conversing in our kitchen. We both froze and listened and then when my husband said ” do you hear that?!” The voices stopped.

    We checked our back doors to be sure it wasn’t a neighbor in need, but then both realized at the same time that the voices were clearly inside and in our kitchen. It didn’t frighten us and I was glad that my husband heard them

    A few days later I was alone, still no power when I heard someone whistling upstairs. I said “hi” and hoped for a response but got none.

    Oh, the same night that we heard the conversation in our kitchen I had a dream where I saw all kind of different types of alien faces.

    My youngest daughter said that she has also had an increase of seeing people and shadows out of the corner of her eyes, and even some quite clearly that then fade away.

    It has definitely been on the upswing and I never have a bad feeling.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Fascinating. I was thinking of u thos morning, wondering how u and your family fared. Am glad to know u are okay. What does your husband thieves events with the voices?

  3. How weird and similar to the ‘ translucent unidentified aerial object’ mentioned in Nancy’s comment. Like Karen’s idea that the ‘veil is definitely thinning’ .

  4. Nancy says:

    What is so strange is this same shape of UFO was filmed by a commercial pilot over Gardiner, New York a few days later. Scroll down on the page to see a picture of similar (or same?) object:

  5. karen says:

    I almost feel like the veil IS definitely thinning….. to a point where we can now see other parallels entering our dimension. Like we’re seeing glimpses for just a few seconds and then it’s gone kinda thing. Also I seem to be sharing living space full of high strangeness. Even my son in law who doesn’t think much of this kind of stuff hears sounds like someone or something is in the other room when he knows perfectly well there isn’t. He has even heard someone or thing clear it’s throat. I’m not a TV person so it’s usually quiet….and it’s amazing the sounds, and flashes, and weirder when I find my dog giving attention to thin air. So maybe that’s what’s happening in our skies as well…..just a thought.
    Hope you are both well. Sorry for my lack of comment lately…I’ve been feeling the need to be rather introspective……but I remain a faithful reader, and as always enjoy your posts. Have a wonderful weekend MacGregor family!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    I always think of Spielberg whenever I see these types of things. Such a genius he is, and I think life is imitating art in many of these sightings. Goodness knows what “things” and entities are coming into our dimension, or from where they originate. There now seem to be so many different TYPES of unidentified objects in the skies and also around the oceans. Can’t help but wonder if it’s all leading up to something, and if the presence of these whatevers have something to do with the unprecedented weather patterns… addition to the climate change. Wild times in which we live!

  7. gypsy says:

    i saw this video when it first came out – did i not forward it to ya’ll? i certainly meant to – really intriguing thing, isn’t it? like cj, i’ve noticed an increase in television showings of the so-called doomsday caliber – and otherwise, just on aliens and ufos etc, an increase of these subjects even in kids’ cartoons etc –

    but, back to this object – really extremely interesting –

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    What IS that thing?? Due to a back injury, I’ve been temporarily immobilized to sitting much more than usual, and am watching more of the TV. Last night watched the beginning of a six-part series on The History Channel about the “Coming Apocalypse, 12-21-2012”. On it, the program showed a lot of the world’s newest and supposedly secret aircraft and military flying machines, some of which have truly weird configurations and appearances, and even one that looks like a gigantic grasshopper. (It’s a drone of some sort.) But in this photo above, nothing even remotely resembling those two lines is shown in the program. And what is that burst of colored fire on one end? Very strange indeed. As we approach 12-21-2012, don’t you wonder how many odd and unusual “things” all of us may experience? There’s certainly been an enormous increase in the number of TV series and movies about this type of thing…..more and more appear constantly. Provocative. Thanks for sharing!

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