An Unwanted Synchronicity

We were coming home Sunday from an overnight trip to Sarasota, Florida and we both thought that we hadn’t experienced any synchronicity. It wasn’t until this morning when I read a Facebook synchronicity page entry that I realized that we had indeed encountered synchronicity. We just didn’t want to recognize it.

In the blog entry I read, a woman from Ontario had gone to a conference, but her hotel room wasn’t available, and her camera broke en route beyond repair. However, she quickly found a room in a neighboring hotel for half the price. She took a bus ride, got off at her destination, and there was a camera shop across the street, where she replaced her old camera. Then, back at the room, she found that two movies she’d been wanting to see were on the schedule. Well, these are more like serendipity experiences, than synchronicity. Nevertheless, they reminded me that things had not gone so well on our trip.

We had gone to Sarasota to help our daughter move home from college…and nothing convenient happened, or so it seemed. There were delays, confusion and frustration. The kids were supposed to be packed up and ready to go home. They were hung over and the place was a wreck. Megan forgot her notebook computer in a common room and didn’t realize it until we were home, three hours away. She also forgot to turn in her room key. Her roommate’s bike was stolen and she had to buy it back from a pawn shop. That affected us because we were taking the bikes home.

All that I realized was a synchronicity, because astrologically we are in the last week of Mercury retrograde which means: possible delays, miscommunication, and confusion, especially related to travel. Also, you can experience computer problems!

Yikes! It was so obvious that we didn’t see it.

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3 Responses to An Unwanted Synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This synchornicity illustrates the weird connections between fiction and real life. May we use this in the book?
    – Trish

  2. whipwarrior says:

    That reminds me of a darkly ironic synchronicity that happened when I got married. I bought my fiancee a blue aquamarine engagement ring, which is her birthstone. I got the idea from a the 2002 version of The Time Machine, starring Guy Pearce and Sienna Guillory. In the film, the pair are robbed by a thief who demands the birthstone engagement ring that Alexander gives to Emma. After we were married in March, my wife kept her engagement ring in her top dresser drawer in favor of wearing her wedding band. Our apartment was robbed in December, three days before Christmas, and the thief took, among other things, the birthstone engagement ring.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray Getzinger, whose synchronicities we’ve posted several times, sent us an e-mail this afternoon. We asked if we could post it under comments.
    I’m wondering about the significance of synchronicity now that I am aware of some of the smaller ones. I have three Word of the Day dictionary daily emails. Today one of the phrases was Philadelphia Lawyer. I read this before taking Andi to school. I read for a couple of hours at Starbucks waiting for her to finish.

    I was reading Cry Mercy by Mariah Stewart. It is the second in a trilogy about a wealthy man whose wife disappears. He starts an agency that looks for missing persons. The investigator/heroine and her client go to the home of a man they believe has something to do with the client’s missing niece. It turns out the man they are questioning, a Maryland legislator is a lawyer from Philadelphia. He fits the definition of a Philadelphia Lawyer to a T.

    Until today the only time I had heard the term was in an old Country song and watching old movies.

    Since I started reading your blogs I remember more synchronicities. Lately they have been coming more often than ever before.


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