Category Archives: astrology


a bookazine +++ Some synchronicities are in your face, so obvious that you would have to be blind and deaf to miss them. But others are apparent only in retrospect and they’re usually more subtle, unfolding over a greater length … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, bookazines, synchronicity | 13 Comments

Venus Rocks!

Tomorrow, June 5, there’s a rare astronomical event that won’t  happen again for 105 years, an alignment of the Earth, Venus and the sun. People in North America, Central America and the northern part of South America will be able … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, astronomer, synchronicity | 9 Comments

Astro Highlights for May 2012

solar eclipse   This month has some terrific astrological events that are worth noting. Circle May 12-13. These two days are the luckiest this year. The sun and Jupiter meet up in Taurus and spread around luck, expansiveness, optimism, and … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, synchronicity | 4 Comments

Paradigms and Neptune

A woman believes that people are stealing her clothes, her jewelry, her money. She holds conversations with her mother, dead now for 30 years, and sometimes thinks that her son is a distant cousin and that  her husband is her … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Neptune, paradigms, synchronicity | 25 Comments

War, Neptune, and Hit Counters

NASA’s pic of Neptune +++ Hit counters like sitemeter and statcounter have various categories that provide specific information about the visitors to your blog or website. One of the most intriguing categories is the search term visitors use. Whenever a … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Neptune, synchronicity, war | 17 Comments

New Moon in Capricorn

from center for touch drawing   On December 24, we have the last new moon of the year, in Capricorn, a focused, determined earth sign. Before we even get started about this new moon, check out your natal chart to … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, synchronicity | 6 Comments

That Trickster: Merc Retro in Sagittarius

Archetypes are funny things. They often work themselves into conversations where you don’t normally find them. Years ago when I first started studying astrology,  I rarely ran across any reference to the planet Mercury as a trickster. But as a … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, merc retro, synchronicity | 14 Comments

New Moon

  On October 26, there’s a new moon in Scorpio, the most emotionally intense and psychic sign in the zodiac.  New moons, just to refresh, are about new beginnings, new opportunities, new chapters, new, new new.  This moon favors research, … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, synchronicity | 14 Comments

The Warrior: Full Moon in Aries

On October 11, there’s a full moon in Aries. So let’s see what’s in store for us. Aries is the warrior. He’s the guy who goes to bat for the oppressed, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden. He’s Russell Crowe in Gladiator, … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, occupy wall street, synchronicity | 5 Comments

Super New Moon in Libra

Apollo 11 Tomorrow, September 27, there will be a new moon in Libra. It will also be a super moon, a new or full moon that coincides with a close approach of the moon to the earth.  New moons are … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, synchronicity | 19 Comments