Fantastic! The astrologers were wrong about the long term repercussions – Obama won tonight – not weeks from now.It was a dicier election, a tougher route to re-eleciton, but…

…the astrologers, I think, were right about the long lines, attempts at voter suppression, voter purging, and attempts by republican governors like Rick Scott of Florida to shorten early voting days. It’s an instance where the collective will of the people overcame everything else.





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24 Responses to A WIN!

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I think he’s just a sincere, great all-round guy and stays on top of things. I was glad to see him tackle Trump’s insane tweets about Obama, but Brian did it in a dignified manner that didn’t take himself down to Trump’s level. Sign of a gentleman, in my view. Delivering something so distasteful, doing it quite effectively, and then leaving it. He rarely editorializes, but this time I think he felt it was appropriate. I agree. Trump’s remarks about Obama showed a complete lack of couth and were un-American….but we know that about Trump, anyway, huh.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Brian Williams is my hero. I always have liked him, but after his brief nod to Trump’s atrocities about Obama following the election, Brian got even more respect from me. He says a great deal with few words, and I’ve never seen him be nasty in all the years I’ve watched him. Quiet, polite, but effective.

  3. Glad you got what you wished for and hope it lives up to expectations.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    I know this is off the topic of the blog, but…..That’s a blessing in disguise, Adele…..using the frigid air and snow as the refrigerator when the power is out! We had an ice storm once in Atlanta and the electricity was off for days. We kept the food really cold outside, and used our fireplace to heat soup, etc, on. True Boy Scouts up there for you! I saw a young girl, age 11, on the news who still had power in her house, and she cooked a meal and took it outside where there were people just wandering around hungry and cold. Her idea caught on immediately, and suddenly there were many people who had power, bringing hot food and beverages and tables outside to that street and feeding anyone who needed to be fed. Talk about “Paying It Forward”! That was such a beautiful act of kindness from a little girl, in the middle of such a tragic crisis. Am hoping you and your neighbors will have an easier go of it with the incoming storm!

  5. gypsy says:

    still cheering…so relieved…a win for us all!!! forward…

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh gosh, Adele! Didn’t realize you’re up there in that terrible mess, and now with another storm imminent! Hopefully your power will stay on this time. There are so many displaced folks, and still so many without electricity in that freezing weather. I was absolutely appalled when the fifty power trucks from Alabama arrived there to assist and were immediately turned around and sent back home because they were not “unionized”! As many people as there are up there in dire need, and the authorities, or whoever, sent the assistance away over a political issue! If I lived there, I’d have screamed bloody murder about that! I must be in a mood today, because I’m having a lot of deep thoughts about how much we need to try to live cooperatively as a human community and put differences behind us as much as possible. If we don’t, we’ll remain souls who are dis-enfranchised and heartless, and that, for me, is tragic. In any event, will send you and your daughter and family and neighbors positive thoughts and energy. Am not trying to sound goody-goody. Am just wanting there to be Peace, I guess.

  7. My power was out for 6 days during the storm and my voting place had to be moved. I was relieved to see the polls packed when I got there. I’m still exhausted from having no heat or electricity for 6 days and the news tells me a snow storm with high winds is heading our way tonight. AAAK! My daughter’s and husband’s house on the Connecticut sound had their house almost destroyed and who knows what will happen when with this huge problem. So Obama winning is great news for my very scrambled head at the moment.

    I missed you people. Being without Internet is another form of devastation. At least for me it is.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    I’m not a Romney fan by any means, but I think we should be a bit more humble in victory…..as true spiritual champions should attempt to try to be…..and allow Mr. Romney to simply slip back into the shadows. I tend to give credit where credit is due, and the man believed in his convictions, (whether they are right or wrong isn’t the issue), as we each believe in ours. Good winners must remember to not put down the losers….no offense intended, T & R. By attacking Romney after the victory, we attack millions of our friends and neighbors who believed as he believes, and that isn’t good sportmanship. We won. Let’s now leave Romney to his life and move forward….shaking hands and trying to work together as a nation. If we continue to express devisiveness, we’ll never progress efficiently. Just my opinion…..

  9. lauren raine says:

    Oh boy, I was hiding my head in the sand yesterday for fear……….whew, hooray!

  10. DJan says:

    The difference in response between Katrina and Sandy was very telling. Putting your cronies into positions of power in a federal response agency doesn’t work very well. I am thrilled with the unequivocal outcome of this election. Let the healing begin!

  11. Becky says:

    I was fairly convinced last week that the President would be re-elected do to his response to Sandy and the praises he got from Chris Christie ( a republican, Ha!) On the morning talk shows these two points have been brought up several times and I chuckle a little because I said last week the President would win becasue of the superstorm.

  12. I still remember Rob, when you sent me those intense high resolution photos from the Obama inauguration you attended four years ago and were kind enough to send me. Those were way cool.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The emotional level was not the same this time after four tough years, but he deserves another four years to finish what he started and get us out of the hole created by the Bush years when the enormous defense spendings weren’t included in the national budget.

  13. Melissa says:

    Whew!!! Yay!!! I’m so pleased!!!

    And Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts!

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