E.A. Poe & Time Travel

Synchronicity occurs under many conditions. But one environment that seems to attract meaningful coincidence is when you are focused on something to the extent that almost everything else disappears from your awareness. That was the case recently for David Wilson, publisher of Crossroad Press, when he was working on a fantasy novel called Nevermore.  In the novel, his main character takes two other characters on a vision ride to the past, where they see Edgar Allan Poe and Lenore.

Writes David: “Edgar travels with a crow named Grimm (after the brothers) and we learn his stories come in dreams and visions – he’s a mage, Grimm the familiar, but he has no magic to help his dying bride, Virginia.  Lenore is an artist.  She sees faces and people in trees, rocks, water, etc.  She draws what she sees, then painstakingly removes whatever traps the faces / people and frees them to move on to whatever is next.

“The point is that Poe theoretically MAY have written the first draft of The Raven at a roadhouse that used to sit on the border of NC and VA  – which is where they all meet. For some reason I look at GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES…and find they wrote a tale called “The Raven” – in which a young girl is imprisoned in the form of a raven by her foolish mother…and needs to be freed…”

Synchronicity. David told me the story because he knows about this blog and because I’ve laid a couple of strange synchros on him in e-mails – most recently about  how I had ‘coincidentally’ come in contact with the owners of two full-sized crystal skulls at the time when I was looking for royalty-free photos of crystal skulls for the book cover of my novel by the same name that David was publishing.

What David didn’t know, though, was that years ago I had written a novel called Romancing the Raven that involved the main character traveling back in time and meeting Poe.


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6 Responses to E.A. Poe & Time Travel

  1. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    A bit off topic, but you can find some interesting stories and info related to the upcoming SYNC BOOK-2 on Facebook.

  2. gypsy says:

    love the way mike put it – ribbons of thoughts – accessible to many – great story!

  3. There seems to be ribbons of thought which several – or even many – people can access, so they come up with similar ideas.

  4. lauren raine says:

    What an interesting synchronicity. They say great minds think alike. Maybe there are also stories that want to be told, and they kind of visit sympatico storytellers from the noosphere?

    I have to thank you for my own little synchronicity this morning………..I’ve been making masks about “spirit of place” and have no idea what to do with the darn things, they just keep emerging. Recently I’ve been thinking, well, maybe just make them anyway and we’ll see what the point is to it all eventually. Thanks for:

    “She sees faces and people in trees, rocks, water, etc. She draws what she sees, then painstakingly removes whatever traps the faces / people and frees them to move on to whatever is next.”

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Love that idea, Lauren. Strories that want to be told…I feel that a lot of times, when a story suddenly pops into my head. I imagine it’s the same for artists of all stripes.

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