Gaza and Precognitive Dreams

This precognitive synchro on November 20 is from our friend Judi Hertling, whose synchros we have used in both of our books. It concerns a dream that appears to be about the conflict going on between Israel and Gaza.

Personally, I’ve never understood the inner dynamics of this conflict because it’s primarily a religious war. I never understood the crusades, either.  I’ve never understood any dispute about religion and land and walls and boundaries that lead to destruction and death.  Yet, the fundamental storyline, whether in the real world or fiction is invariably compelling, and prompts me to take a deeper look at what’s going on.

The U.S. supports Israel with aid and weapons. They have nukes. Israel’s history is here. It’s been ongoing as long as Roswell. From what I can see, this struggle, this battle, is profoundly archetypal and Jungian, so it isn’t surprising that it appears in the dreams of individuals thousands of miles removed from the conflict.


From Judi:

You and I have been emailing for a few years now, so you know through reading and posting my synchros, and also from what I’ve emailed about some of the dreams that I have had, that on occasion I connect with the Universe in some form. Usually my dreams are about answers that I need, synchros that follow, mystical, etc.

But this is a new one – even for me – and I only realized the significance of it a few minutes ago.

When Steve is away I don’t watch news – too depressing. However, tonight while eating supper I flipped on the tv and caught CNN and watched the horror unfolding in Gaza with the airstrike. They reported it being the 7th day of the airstrike and the possibility of it turning into a full scale war. That’s when the significance of the images hit me.

Flipping back through the pages of my dream journal, this is what I wrote on Thursday, October 27th:

Emotions – depressed a couple of days prior to this dream, feeling very sad and with an urge to flee. Feel very depressed and restless which is very unlike who I am. Not like me at all. Very, very strange!

Dream – not a happy dream, unlike anything I have dreamt before. Missiles raining from the sky. I’m with a group of people climbing over rubble trying to get around a tall building that is on fire. People are crying. There is the noise of explosions everywhere. They are coming from the sky. I’m pleading loudly to whatever Universal force will listen. “Please tell them to stop! Make them stop, before it’s too late.” I really didn’t like this dream at all.

I had interpreted my emotions to be due to the earthquake that we had a few days later. Now after seeing the images on CNN I’m beginning to wonder if it was a precognition of what was to come.

What do you think? Is the veil between the consciousness and the collective consciousness getting thinner as we approach Dec 21st. Are our dreams more significant now than ever before? I pay attention to what I dream and the messages I sometimes receive, but this one. I have no explanation for why I would dream this at this time. Let’s hope I never have another one.


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27 Responses to Gaza and Precognitive Dreams

  1. I expected this kind of comments from this little community. People, you are a minority. It can be really painful to read comments under other online articles about wars/religions/crises/who’s to blame (Obama is a Muslim, Muslims are… or Muslims deserve… – stuff like that written by literate and educated people). Right now, something really ugly is happening to Serbs. Croatian war criminals were released after repeated trials in Hague and an Albanian criminal (and criminal in any other way imaginable) will probably be released today (killed and frightened Albanian witnesses as an excuse). On the other hand, politics in Serbia (also in other countries, but I live here) is falling apart since we had tried everything and nothing worked (maybe because we are tired and frustrated of too much history and foreign and domestic injustice). We collectively (with exceptions like open-minded visitors of this blog) behave like a big amorphous non-thinking mass. Maybe we have always been behaving this way (masters and slaves, winners who write history books and losers), but this generation shouldn’t be allowed to behave this way. The future will be the most complicated ever and the past (and decisions “made” back then) is like mud that is pulling us back.

  2. Darren B says:

    I don’t know if you would call this precognitive,but there is certainly some creepy parallels between movie events starring Tom Cruise as a crane driver in one movie
    (and I have no idea what movie it is from)
    and also as a criminal in Michael Mann’s film “Collateral” starring Jamie Foxx.
    Then hours later to see real life events unfold with strange parallels to what Jake and I were writing about.

    I only looked at “Collateral” because you mentioned interviewing Michael Mann for your “Miami Vice” book.Then I saw Foxx played Tubbs in the”Miami Vice” movie and saw Mann had cast him and Cruise together for “Collateral” and decided to tell Jake about it since he was obsessed with the Cruise / Jack December 21st syncs.
    I noticed Megan Fox was playing a lead roll in “This Is 40” and started to connect all the Fox/Foxx -Jack links together,since I found a magazine I had purchased in 2009 with Megan Fox on the cover ,but had not read,letting it get buried in pile of magazines in my cupboard.I only rediscovered it last week,but it has synced up beautifully to the present with all these weird things going on now.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    And lest we forget, when Professor Einstein was “stuck” on a problem or issue, he would take a fifteen minute “nap”. He had the ability to drop immediately into the brain’s wave pattern where dreams manifest. Invariably, when he awakened, he would have the solution to the issue at hand. Our brains/minds operate on many diverse levels and are receptive to and reflective of myriad influences.

  4. I’m not sure how I feel about the suggestion that Judi’s dream is a manifestation of the energies growing towards this coming Solstice, tied to the Mayan calendar. It’s pretty common for many people to dream about world events that don’t necessarily impact them directly prior to their happening. I wrote a post about “Dream Warnings” after the tsunami last year in Japan because of an encounter with a woman in a dream class very shaken by the fact that she had dreamt about it prior to the event. Jung had pre-cognitive dreams and waking visions about the outbreak of WWI. which of course, did affect him. J.W. Dunne wrote in the 1930s about how time seems to twist on itself, giving anyone who is paying attention, access to the future in dreams. It doesn’t make dreaming of disasters any easier, just helps a little to know that we’re very naturally capable of doing it.

    On the Israel and aid question, I’ve been following the work of John Perkins and found an interesting statement in this youtube video at about 14:11. He argues that Isreal receives the aid it does because it’s not about creating a homeland for the Jewish people, but about creating a surrogate fortress for Western oil interests in the middle of the Middle East. His theory, based on his own work for some of the corporate giants involved, is that most of our foreign aid is tied to the interests of corporate investments and the natural resources available in those aided countries.
    As always, there’s a lot to think and talk about in your posts and in the comments that follow.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      John Perkins should know, right? As a financial hit guy…what was the name of that book he wrote about it? It was riveting.
      Maybe none of it is about 12/21, per se, but just about the weird energy that seems to be swirling around now.

      • Darren B says:

        “On the Israel and aid question, I’ve been following the work of John Perkins and found an interesting statement in this youtube video at about 14:11. He argues that Israel receives the aid it does because it’s not about creating a homeland for the Jewish people, but about creating a surrogate fortress for Western oil interests in the middle of the Middle East.”

        I agree and while I don’t have an Israeli passport,I am of Jewish descent and can relate to a lot of my Jewish friends who do have one.But not growing up in the religious community and being somewhat alienated from the rest of the Jewish community through secular living and through generations long passed and the distance away from a strong Jewish community,I get the advantage of seeing things from a little further away.
        While people around the world think Israel is a law unto itself I get the feeling from everything I’ve read about the founding of Israel that it’s not really the people of Israel who have control of the country,it seems to me that it’s all the money men in the “City of London” and the corporations who really call the shots.
        It was Britain that gave (?) the Jewish people the land,so you have to ask just how much control they really handed over .
        It’s a bit like Australia.Australians think that we are now an independent country,who have long since become independent of Britain.This is just an illusion,it is very plain to see when you look around that Britain still calls the shots here…and probably always will,no matter what flag we fly from the flag pole.
        I suspect it is much the same in Canada as it is in Australia.
        And I think it is the same in Israel as well.
        It’s becoming quite clear that the corporations/bankers are the true rulers of this world,not the little guy.
        The more things change,the more they stay the same.
        Look back through history and you’ll see that the power-base underneath the facade hasn’t really changed that much at all over the centuries.
        Who really runs Wall Street ? I think if you dig a little you will soon find that it too is “The City of London” that powerful little square mile in the heart of London.
        The New World Order is really just the Old World Order rising from it’s slumber and taking back what it never really gave away in the first place.
        That’s the way I see it,anyway.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    I agree with you 100%, Mike. I firmly hold that there actually IS a group of under-the-radar world managers/manipulators that is in control. We call this group TPTB: The Powers That Be, and that group is comprised of people in power whose names are familiar to us, and people in power whose names we have never heard even whispered. Conspiracy theories abound regarding this group, but I honestly believe that it does exist, and that it does indeed have invisible control of the events and the population on the entire planet. Things are not what they seem…….and this group has many appellations, a few of which may be accurate, a few of which may not be accurate. But whatever it may be called, the group holds us as puppets on strings, and unless and until we may be able to untangle these strings and disband TPTB, little will change for the better. I understand this is a pessimistic view, but for me, it is what it is, I’m sorry to say.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Not only the world cop, but the world bread basket. Our own country has hundreds of thousands of sick and starving children and elderly, but what are we shown in the media, and what do American charities support? FOREIGN children. FOREIGN elderly. I’m not being mean or cruel. I simply have the conviction that we should take care of our own “family” (Americans in need) before we send billions to other countries. “GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR, YOUR HUNGRY MASSES LONGING TO BE FREE…..” was penned eons ago and has been taken to the extreme. Who comes to OUR aid when Americans need help? Other Americans, not other countries. Something to think about that desperately needs to be changed.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’m all for the department of peace. Who needs a pentagon?

    • Have read all of your comments, Math, with great interest.

      You mention in this comment about the US sending aid to other countries. This issue is big in the UK too, about how we (the British) send billions in aid abroad while we are in a financial mess and struggling with elderly care etc etc.

      An individual country can’t save the fiscal problems of the world but it’s not the individuals who have caused these difficulties. There’s a lot more to it than that. The situation has to change – a simplistic question, but where has all of the world’s money gone? Is it all in a big pile somewhere! There’s a lot of manipulation going on behind the scenes.

  7. lauren raine says:

    Judi seems a very compassionate person, and who can say but that sensitivity opens us to the suffering of others in our dreams?

    I don’t think many Americans know how much of their tax money goes to support Israel and their military; it’s quite effectively hidden from the general American public.

    “Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That’s true. But it’s still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000……….. Although Congress authorizes America’s foreign aid total, the fact that more than a third of it goes to a country smaller in both area and population than Hong Kong probably never has been mentioned on the floor of the Senate or House. Yet it’s been going on for more than a generation.”

    By Richard H. Curtiss
    Former U.S. Foreign Service Officer
    The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

    As much as 5 billion dollars a year to support, mostly, Israels military regime………….that could put a lot of Americans in school, back to work, or heal the environment…………………….

  8. Darren B says:

    Just on a different note.
    I see “The SYNC Book 2” is already out –
    I can’t wait to read Rob and Trish’s chapter as well as a few other blogging buddies of mine who have chapters in it.
    I kind of felt like I missed the party by not contributing a chapter when Alan asked if I would,but I think I made the right decision,as I don’t feel I had anything of real importance to contribute to the theories of sync that already hasn’t been said before.
    But it would have been nice being in a book with so many great bloggers of the sync world.
    Oh well,maybe I’ll have something to say for “The Sync Book 3”?

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Amen, Darren. For me, I regret to say, it’s almost a sense that time is running out. The planet’s general population has been too complacent for too long, too involved in the many ins and outs of our own little pieces of the world, and have now come to the edge of the tipping point. I don’t mean to sound pessimistic. I believe each of us can do SOMETHING through our individual thoughts, prayers, interactions with others, etc., to help avoid the most disastrous catastrophes. I hope my belief is sufficiently powerful to at least make a tiny dent in the slippery slope so that there will be hand-holds to grab if and when everything “tilts”. In America at the moment, we’re waiting out the approach towards the fiscal cliff, which if not averted will impact every living person not only in our country but worldwide. And this fiscal cliff is but a portion of the gigantic hole we’ve dug ourselves into by not paying attention. We can’t simply blame the leaders, because it’s the voters who put the leaders into their positions, such as the devastating BushCo years that indeed impacted the world and not just the United States, in virtually all aspects of life. Perhaps as a species we’ve gone together ceurrently as a karmic “Group”, and it’s only going to be as a collaborative group effort that we may be able to bring order out of the chaos. I have a daily vision in my meditations in which I see persons of all colors, cultures, religions, holding hands and circling Earth. Maybe that’s nothing more than a silly and unrealistic pipe dream, but if many of us can visualize such an act of friendship, we may be able to pull it off.

  10. DJan says:

    My dreams have been unsettled, but nothing like this. I do wonder, too, if this very unique Solstice is something others can feel but not me. Of course, I know I am not an empath (and I’m thankful for that), but something is cooking, no doubt. I read these dreams and stories with both a feeling of anticipation and dread…

  11. Darren B says:

    I agree with Connie that the world is at a crossroads and is about to give birth to a new way of living,whether that is good or bad or both,may just be a matter of where we are fortune or unfortunate to have been born on this planet.
    The old ways aren’t working any more and if we as group don’t act soon to fix things like the economy,and utilize our finite resources better,and change our ways of thinking about the future of the planet then disaster will happen by default.
    I think a lot of people sense this window of opportunity for a peaceful solution to the worlds problems is about to close if we stand back and do nothing.
    There is a great sense of collective anxiety in the world,whether through dreams or just an intuitive feeling that things must change and they must change soon and that if they don’t change for the better of us all,then they will by default change for the worse for most of the population of this planet.
    I am optimistic that the world can change for the better,but admit that at the moment it is a bit of a high-wire act that logically looks like a very precarious act to get through safely without some form of unseen guidance to help us through.

    I know that I dream,but in a way I’m glad that I don’t recall most of them when I wake up anxious into the morning light and just shake them off as the product of an overactive and worried mind trying to purge itself through the night with fragments of nightmarish pieces that my rational mind can’t be bothered to try and make sense out of.
    As Bob Dylan sings “The times are a changin'”,and his lyrics are just as potent today as they were when he wrote the song back in the sixties,if not more so.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    As I began to read your dream, and before reaching your final paragraph about 12-21, that date immediately came into my mind. It seems that there’s an infinite amount of information being “downloaded” into our mass consciousness from some Source….the downloading is coming via various means, one of those means being precognitive dreams, another being extremely clear intuitive messages that we prefer to ignore. My youngest son is a profound sensitive, and his recent dreams mirror yours, Judi. He’s not a conspiracy theorist and is unusually well-grounded: he’s the Director of Environmental Services at a 128-bed facility in our city. His dreams are increasingly disturbing to him, and they are almost identical to yours; people screaming and running and crying in the streets, many are hurt and bleeding, and he sees what appear to be weapons and fire raining down from the skies. He sees people falling injured and dead on the streets all around him. For me, these similar images come in the form of both dreams and alpha-consciousness, unsought “visions”.

    Several friends who are deeply “in touch” with Universal spirituality have been telling me they are experiencing similar incidents. So…answering your question, I would certainly surmise that either the veil is growing more thin by the moment, or we are being fore-warned by our Source to pay attention to whatever may be coming down the pike, and soon. I tend to sense that as a species, humans must hit rock bottom, whether suddenly or gradually, before we will be able to crawl back up and move into a higher state of Awareness. Like birth pains, I doubt that this will come easily or without suffering. But I DO sense the Re-Birthing will be worth whatever we must experience. Some will make it, some will not. For me, personally, I’m finding it difficult to get through an entire day without shedding tears, and haven’t made it there yet. When I do, it will be a victory for me. This has been going on for awhile now.

    I admit there are events in my individual life that contribute to this overwhelming sadness, but it is also due to Something Else that I can’t define. A very close, young physician friend of mine, (age 45), living in Boulder, CO phoned to tell me he is being pulled by some extremely powerful “force” to get himself to Wyoming before 12-21. His parents live here in FL and want him to come here on 12-20. He has told them he will not be in the air during the month of December, for any reason. He. too, is one of the most sensitive intuitives I’ve ever known. We shall see before long what, if anything, shall occur. One thing is undeniable: like it or not, all of us are in it together, and all of us shall be affected one way or another by the “whatever unknown” is in play. Good post, MacGregors. And Judi, thank you for sharing. The more we share these insights, the more prepared we may become.

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