Is Disclosure a Pipe Dream?

I’ve been re-reading The Day After Roswell, Philip J Corso’s riveting account of the government’ coverup of Roswell – and everything else related to UFOs. It was published in 1997, became a  bestseller, and had a huge impact on the UFO field. Corso, after all, was a retired colonel, former Pentagon official, and a member of  Eisenhower’s National Security Council.

One of the chapters in Corso’s book is called “The Strategy.” It’s one of the best explanations we’ve found about how Roswell and everything that has transpired since then has been kept secretive for so long:

“Were you to search through every government document to find the declassified secrets of Roswell and the contact we maintained with the aliens who were visiting us before and have been doing so ever since, you would find code-named project after code-named project, each with its own file, security classification, military or government administration, oversight mechanism, some sort of budget, and even reports of highly classified documents. All of these projects were started to accomplish part of the same task: manage our ongoing relationship with the alien visitors  we discovered at Roswell. However, at each level, once the security had been breached for whatever reason – even by design – part of the secret was disclosed through declassification while the rest was dragged into a new classified project or moved to an existing one that had not been compromised.”

This stunning insight into how a government maintains secrets actually makes perfect sense. As a piece of one secret is uncovered, those in the know declassify the documents pertaining to that piece of the secret, then scramble to put the rest of the secret into a new little box with a new name and new classification. “For all the years after Roswell,” Corso wrote, “we weren’t just one step ahead of people wanting to know what really happened, we were a hundred steps ahead, a thousand, or even more. In fact, we never hid the truth from anybody, we just camouflaged it. It  was always there, people just didn’t know what to look for or recognize it for what it was when they found it. And they found it over and over again.”

Corso’s statements, of course, have been refuted by other experts.  John B. Alexander is one of those “experts.” In his book, UFOs: myths, conspiracies, and realities, he has a chapter called “The Corso Conudrum,” in which he details everything that’s wrong with Corso’s version of events. In fact, after the publication of Corso’s book, Alexander  wrote Corso a seven-page letter addressing the errors he’d found in the book. He includes it in an appendix in his book.

“…in The Day After Roswell,” Alexander wrote,  “Corso made many extraordinary claims, especially regarding the use of crashed UFO material in the development of American advanced technology. Unfortunately, none of those claims have been substantiated, and most are directly refuted by known facts.”

But skeptics and debunkers begin with an agenda and then attempt to prove they are right and everyone else is wrong.  But the facts seem to tell us that the official U.S. government MO for the last 65 years has been coverup, denial, and disinformation. If you doubt that the U.S. government has attempted to hide information or deceive the public about UFOs, drop by  a website called The Black Vault. Run by John Greenewald, Jr., The Black Vault includes more than 600,000 pages of declassified material released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

For a government with an official stance that UFOs do not exist, it’s staggering to see how often the topic appears in official documents. In 2009, the CIA released multiple documents after a request was filed with the Defense Intelligence Agency. The 65 pages that were released, says Greenewald, “prove the CIA is still collecting intelligence in regards to UFOs, and that material from just the past few years is considered a threat to our national security.”

One document from the president’s Office of Science and Technology Policy labeled “UFO strategy” discusses efforts to curtail comments of UFO-related technology on so-called ‘open government blog’ sites created to attract ideas from the public. The UFO-related comments are categorized as fringe ideas and they were being removed from the main discussion. The staff members of the office discussed the irony of blocking UFO comments while promoting open public discussion. Even the New York Times had something to say about it.

“The New York Times, however, is reporting that while the Obama administration has asked the public for new ideas with the unveiling of an open-government website, the administration is considering steps to curtain free speech and discussion of the UFO issue on the prejudiced supposition that UFO subjects are somehow ‘fringe’ – the modern term for heresy, which was considered a crime against the church when Galileo published his findings in opposition to the conventional wisdom of his time.”

In browsing documents in The Black Vault, it quickly becomes obvious that the U.S. government is like a huge squid with so many tentacles that no single arm has the full information on UFOs, pretty much what Corso said in his book.  Each agency possesses bits and pieces of the puzzle and appears to be scrambling to uncover what the other agencies know – or don’t know. If that’s the case, and no one group holds all the information, how will disclosure ever happen?

But maybe  we’re reaching a tipping point in all this. A 2012 poll by the National Geographic Society  indicated that 36 percent of Americans – about 80 million people – believe that UFOs exist, 17 percent  don’t believe, and the rest are undecided.  The figure that is really intriguing is that 80 percent of the NGS survey believe the government is hiding information about UFOs. The current population of the U.S. stands at 314,826,000. Do the math.

Yet, even with the math, in the article about the NGS survey, a spokesman from the Skeptical Inquirer – Micheal Sherner – writes it all off as people like to believe in “weird things.”  Flippant. And not so different, really, from the way the government has handled things for all these decades. Hallucinations, weather balloons, the planet Venus. Uh-huh. Tell that to an abductee.



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15 Responses to Is Disclosure a Pipe Dream?

  1. That webpage is just a small a small part of a much bigger website (hence the number 22). The style isn’t always serious, but it is about some serious issues such as religious fundamentalism, good and bad etc. That webpage is about supposed interventions of aliens to evolution and migrations of species on our planets. You can’t tell that it, no matter how weird (Why would they bother to do something like that?), doesn’t make sense. Besides all things mentioned there, I think that Cambrian explosion, teeth, eyes, feathers, and even the origin of life shouldn’t exist in a strictly mechanistic/deterministic world.

  2. Michael Shermer is a well known skeptic and debunker… the baby with the bathwater…

  3. Great info and will spend some time in The Black Vault. As Math indicates why do we think that aliens are the same as us? The old ‘it’s life but not as we know it’ sometimes rings true. It’s not a subject we can ignore.

    Huh, tried to post the above and, for the first time, didn’t tick the box and saw the message about how I didn’t tick the box saying that I’m human!

  4. Dale Dassel says:

    I really need to finish reading Corso’s book, just one in a stack of UFO titles that I bought at the beginning of the year. I read the first five chapters of The Day After Roswell, along with the beginning of After Disclosure by Richard M. Dolan, and I’ve recently added a few new Atlantis books to my shelf. Browsing with PayPal is like grocery shopping when you’re hungry: EVERYTHING looks delicious!

    Now I just need time to digest it all! 🙂

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    The one thing that bothers me more than anything else about this subject, is that genius scientists such as my former mentor who was an astro-physicist, claim that there simply CANNOT be life on other stars or planets because those stars and planets don’t have the envionments to sustain life. HELLO!!!! Can’t they get it through their stupidly thick skulls that life on other planets is not HUMAN??? That life on other planets and stars are entities that are indigenous to their own laws of physics?? OUR laws of physics are not applicable to the entire universe or galaxy, for God’s sake. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that advanced civilizations have different laws of physics from the ones here on Earth, and therefore they ceratainly can have acquired the savvy to be able to move across the Time/Space Continuum…perhaps only in a matter of the blink of an eye. They don’t NEED H20. They don’t need oxygen. THEY AREN’T HUMAN. Duh. For all we know, some of them may have forms that look like rocks to us! Ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    • karen says:

      I’ve been thinking this same thing for a long time too…thanks for articulating it perfectly math!

    • “In the mind of the expert there is but one possibility, in the mind of the novice there are many.” Lao Zi

      Logic is only as sound as the presuppositions upon which it is founded. Science is out of its depth as a method and culture when it comes to realms of enquiry where there are great unknowns. Alien life is one area where science is greatly limited, as the thinking applied has to remain confined to the current body of scientific knowledge, the culture of academia and science (including extreme conservatism), dominant paradigms and the very limited nature of the preferred ways of knowing; and then by human perception itself.

  6. Nancy says:

    The debunkers are a thing of the past. They held that hand just a little too long. Like the GOP trying to run another campaign by telling lies over and over again until they’re believed. It worked for Bush, but not for Romney. Rove was unable to pull that one off in the last election for the same reason – you can only fool the people for so long and then they get smart. Discloser is going to happen with or without the government. I think as people become more and more comfortable with the thought of intelligent life, we will see more and more UFOs, and then they will make contact. Baby steps.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    A post-script. My friend apparently doubts the veracity of the incident at Warner Robins AFB. If our friends don’t believe us, how can we expect the general public and others to accept our experiences as the Truth that they are?? IT makes me want to crawl back into my deep dark closet and just shut the heck up……

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes. Who do they think they are kidding? A strange synchronicity happened relative to this. Before coming to the blog today, I was emailing back and forth with a close friend, and discussing the incident at Warner Robins AFB. Then I click over to the blog, and what is today’s posted subject? In all truth, I don’t think any agency of the world’s governments has genuine control or power over the ETs/EDs and their actions. I think it’s more likely the other way around. They are eons advanced beyond our current scientific knowledge, and, some of them are highly combative and definitely hostile. Knowing which is which can be an essential issue to be resolved at some point, because I, personally, have not a single doubt that a war is on-going not only on our planet across the ocean, but that a war is on-going in dimensions that are invisible to our physical eyes, in the skies around us or in parallel dimensions. Sooner or later, revelation will hit us int he face and then what?
    Ask an abductee…….

  9. gypsy says:

    great post – and another book for my hit list – my thought on disclosure is that it is more likely than not that the “disclosure” will be made for the government by the aliens themselves as their appearances/contacts increase – i mean, what does the govt really think it’s hiding – perhaps certain specifics, yes – but the overall issue of extraterrestrial visitors, no – far too many professionally qualified people have come forward – not to mention the number of lay citizens who have had experiences directly and indirectly with these visitors – last night i watched the history channel’s ancient aliens and the link with davinci’s art and other projects – absolutely fascinating and a must-see – although you most probably have already seen it – i’m not sure when it first came out – here’s the link –

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