Scary Ghost Prank from Brazil

Uh, these people don’t mess around!!

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5 Responses to Scary Ghost Prank from Brazil

  1. Nicole says:

    Hi All, Oh my gosh that was great! The creepy little girl in a nightgown with ratty hair freaks me out every time. I would have certainly flatlined the second she screamed.

  2. I hope they have insurance, LOL (unless you are the victim!). I did a similar thing once in Taiwan. Dressed up as a ghoul for Halloween and walked into an elevator with a wicked look and evil gasp. Just like the video here, I had kids cowering and screaming in the corner. I had to stop because I was scaring them so bad – most Taiwanese have never seen a 195cm man, let alone ghoul!

  3. Blimey, that could give anyone a heart attack!

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