More Exorcists on Call

The Catholic diocese of Milan, Italy started an exorcism hotline in November 2012, and doubled the number of exorcism-practicing priests from six to 12. The diocese hopes to keep up with an apparent increase in calls over the past 15 years.

“From the number of calls we receive, the need has doubled,” Monsignor Angelo Mascheroni — the diocese’s chief exorcist since 1995 — told the news website Incrocinews. “We get young and old, men and women, people with different levels of education, from school-leavers to graduates.”

Mascheroni also said that one priest was reportedly seeing as many as 120 people a day.

A special switchboard has been set up where people can call Monday through Friday between 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. for all their exorcism needs. Mascheroni gave out the phone number to Incrocinews. Beginning with the country code, it is: 39-02-8556457 (If dialing from the U.S., you need to add 011 as the first three digits).

But Americans shouldn’t expect much help from the Milanese crew. The exorcists don’t want to travel too far from their home base and their website is in Italian, suggesting that foreign folks should take their demon problems elsewhere.

Interestingly, Mascheroni says that the demonic forces aren’t necessarily getting stronger. Rather, he says, cases of mental illness are increasing. He also suggests that the rise in exorcist calls could be related to the number of parents having discipline problems with their children.

Yeah. That’s especially true when the kids spin their heads around, spew green pea soup, and turn the room into a refrigerator.




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19 Responses to More Exorcists on Call

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    You’re right, Lauren. I shut down psychically for a long time after the attachment.
    Many folks can’t begin to imagine the impact it has to have an invisible entity latched onto you and influencing your body and your thoughts, etc. I never want to go there again.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes indeed! The late Dr. Edith Fiore wrote a very informative non-fiction text, THE UNQUIET DEAD, about possessions and spirit attachments. That book is well worth the read for ANYONE who is on a spiritual path that involves discarnates…..and most do, in one way or another. Also, my very dear friend of many years, Dr. Ronald P.DeVasto of Orlando, PhD, DCH, worte a huge tome on Possession and Spirit Attachments (that’s the title) and he is the quintessential hypnotist about whom I’ve commented in the past. He’s a clincal psychologist and also has a doctorate in clinical hypnotism and has created innovated, unique hypnotic techniques that he teaches to other professionals such as physicians, anesthesiologists, psychologists, psychiatrists for their purposes. Ron also does regressions and Spirit attachment release. I’m intimately acquainted with attachment.

    I was the final hands-on care-giver for my mother-in-law, who was 100 years old and who, rather slowly over a few days, died of congestive heart failure when her old heart just decided it had beat long enough. But she fought death until her last breath. Afterwards, when we returned home to FL from her N. GA mountain home, I suddenly began to have awful physical symptoms. My blood presure, heart rate, body core temperature, dropped dangerously low, and I couldn’t see out of my left eye. I was too fatigued to do ANYTHING, and felt as if I were dying. After a few days, I asked my Helpers on The Other Side what was going on with me….I’d had cancer two decades previously, and was legitimately concerned. But….in my sleeping dream, I was quite emphatically informed that hub’s mother had attached to me. SHE came to me and told me she wanted me to “help her go home”. Well, I came awake thinking she meant help her go into the Light. I went to see Ron. She had tagged me like a leech and was hitching a ride in my energy field. I was exhibiting ALL the symptoms she had during her final few days and hours. (She, btw, was blind from glaucoma in her left eye.) And nope, she didn’t want my help getting into the Light. She wanted me to help her get back to that century-old homestead in the mountains. It took several hours to release her, and I assumed she had gone into the Light.

    My high energy level and great health immediately was restored when she left ME. But when we went back to the mountains very recently, there she was, her Spirit sitting in its accustomed place on the end of the sofa in the living room! Should I say I never again went in there except once, not long ago, when hub’s brother, who lived with her there, died? Now BOTH of them are there, hanging out as they did in life, she on the sofa, he in his chair!!!!! They are easily seen. I took pics on that last visit and sent them to the Macs. Lots of orbs and faces in the pics. I won’t even get out of the car at that property now. Here’s the deal as I understand it, and have experienced it: mediums, even folks who don’t know they are mediums, emit a bright light that attracts Spirits, and they can attach to and draw energy from the medium’s life force, and manifest. Also, lower entities on the lower astral planes who used drugs, alcohol, etc, to excess, hang out in places and around humans who use, and will attach to THEM.

    I accept this as fact. The attachment happened to me. It wasn’t my imagination. Now I’m extremely careful whenever I go certain places, but always, every minute of every day, because I’m a medium who works with discarnates as their Voice, I make sure I’m protected and well within the Light and Love where nothing can hitch a ride on me again!

    • lauren raine says:

      I actually don’t talk about it much, because I don’t want to draw any of it back, but I had a long experience, during a time of vulnerability, and I might add, when I was very open and psychic, of having a being attach to me. It took a long time, and I gave up a lot of my psychic sensitivity in order to free myself. It’s also something that no one, who hasn’t experienced it, will believe. And of course, there is a very subjective aspect to the problem, so it takes a lot of discernment.

      It’s a real problem for people who are naturally sensitive and empathic. I did a lot of soul retrieval and shamanic work to heal as well.

  3. I read a report on this in one of the UK papers. Probably children are psychic for a while but get it knocked out of them when they are told that ‘this isn’t normal’ – when it actually is. Not sure if a Catholic priest would be the best place to go for advice though.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Exorcism, in a world with Hollywood images, mental illness, and Catholic guilt might be a difficult and highly subjective subject. Yet I agree with “Wings” as well – lots of kids may be having paranormal experiences.

    Exorcism is taken seriously in shamanic communities, who believe that spirits who haven’t crossed over can attach themselves to the living. A friend says that she doesn’t like to go to bars, because she sees spirits who are still attached to drink hanging around alcoholics, trying to have the experience of drink through them.

  5. Darren B says:

    Off topic here,but just wanted to let you know about a radio show on “The Red Book”
    on a Canadian radio station that you might be interested in listening to –

  6. gypsy says:

    hmmmm…interesting post – rob, i’m wondering if you had a really sensitive recording device on the porch if it might pick up these voices? would be neat to try i think – if you respond to them, do they then answer back?

  7. whoot says:

    I know this person whose got a pre teen son,,,, kid doesn’t listen to a thing he says,, at least that’s what I have seen in a limited amount of observations,,,, the guy’s family (and in laws) are as main stream as it get’s and I am absolutely certain he has been indoctrinated in the belief that the last thing you ever do is “put your hand on the kid in order to discipline” yeah go figure…..

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    And….there are countless valid records of true clairvoyants and psychics being put into strait jackets and confined to mental hospitals, diagnosed as being schizophrenic. One problem in this modern era is that many of the psychotropic medications given for depression, bi-polar disorder, etc, actually create hallucinations in and of themsenves, and carry that warning on their info labels.
    I have an ex-daughter-in-law who had a liver transplant. Her new liver came from a Katrina victim. (DIL wasn’t a drinker or drug-user. She had in incurable genetic disorder that woud have killed her had she not rec’d an implant. She got the entire liver.) Anyway, Shortly after the transplant, she began exhibiting major, life-threatening paranoid schiz symtoms. In HER case, she truly does have the disease. But it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between true mental illness and other causes of behavioral and personality disorders. Ex-DIL will be on Risperdal the rest of her life, in addition to all the anti-rejection meds. I can’t help but wonder if her donor had that problem and if DIL “inherited” it along with the new organ cells. No way to know. She’s a seriously brain-washed Catholic and was begging for an exorcism befopre the brain chemistry tests were done that proved her diagnosis, because she was banging her head against the wall constantly, hysterically screaming that a little girl “demon” was inside her trying to kill her. It was simply awful to see. Fortunately, new brain scans do show definitive changes in chemistry that can prove or disprove the presence of certain mental illnesses. No such tests or scans will show anything in a psychic’s brain. This is a tricky subject from ANY standpoint!

  9. Momwithwings says:

    I’m wondering if they are getting more calls, especially in regards to children, because the veil is thinning and these pure children are hearing the voices of spirits.

    I know that as a child I could see ghosts and hear them and was visited by kindly spirits, yet my family wanted none of it. It scared them. I still see this today.

    • Rob MACGREGOR says:

      I don’t know about the kids, but I’m hearing them. Yesterday evening was the third time I heard a voice while on the back porch where I meditate. It sounded as if it were coming from someone standing about 10 or 15 feet away. It said, “Did you hear me? Hello.”

      Nobody there…at least, nobody I could see. The first two times were also greetings…”Hel-looo.” R

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