Joke, Hoax, or Something Else?

I came across this bit of video on Whitley Strieber’s site, then clicked around, looking for other sources for the story.

According to an AP site, Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was giving a TV interview on Friday and “joked that each Russian leader gets two folders with information about extraterrestrials that visited our planet – and stayed here,” reports the AP.

His off camera comments to a journalist from REN TV, which according to Wikipedia is one of the largest private federal TV channels in Russia, is the  brief snippet you’ll hear. So is this a hoax, a joke, or a hint about impending disclosure?





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11 Responses to Joke, Hoax, or Something Else?

  1. Darren B says:

    IKEA’s new employee recruitment program ?
    This little guy probably heard that the staff work for peanuts.-)

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Laboratory rats, or hamsters spinning round and round on little and big wheels, being injected with all sorts of noxious stuff in foods and medicines and otherwise, then taken to see what happens as a result? Sounds pretty reasonable to me. But anyone on this planet controlling THEM? Nah. Not a chance. They’re too advanced; far, far supeior to the human species. They probably created us…..several different groups of them with varying agendas. Maybe. Lots to think about.

  3. gypsy says:

    so, someone on this planet is “exercising control” over aliens??? so what does that make us?

  4. He says ‘that exercises control’. So the Russians are controlling the aliens?!

  5. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Just a thought on what construes an “Alien” :

    At this point I do not even know what is indigenous to this planet and what is not. Maybe Scott Adams was closer to a truth about this planet. This ball of blue might just be a rest stop / fuel station on the inter galactic highway. Populated and maintained by humans employees of a unknown caste system.

    Be well,


    Btw, did you see that Joe Mcmoneagle is taking over the remote viewing track at the Monroe Institute.

  6. lauren raine says:

    He doesn’t look like he’s kidding. But maybe the television channel is? I thought the comment about control of aliens was a little funny. How, exactly, would the Russian government control them?

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