A worldwide event for 12/21/12, 11:11 AM UT. Take a look at the video. Hope to see you there!



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9 Responses to UNIFY

  1. Nicole says:

    I am sure you are right. I guess I didn’t have to be in a spiritual retreat chanting mantras or on a mountain top at some sacred site, I was home in the midst of being human in my reality and still even if it was the for but a moment, I had the thought that there is so much more beyond me and you and all of us, and I was and am so very thankful for being a part of it. So now that you say it like that I don’t feel so bad. Thanks for helping me see that. 🙂

  2. Nicole says:

    So did anyone feel anything different I wonder? I missed the 11:11 time frame too. I actually have been on a real streak of peace and calmness and yesterday I was uptight and crabby and feeling rushed with everything. I was aware that I should be open to whatever vibes are out there for me to feel, yet life seemed extra demanding yesterday, which is why I was probably crabby. I so had wanted to meditate or be somewhere quiet and inspiring. Instead I was swept up in finishing all the “stuff” that doesn’t really matter for getting ready for Christmas. At one point I paused looking out my kitchen window in the late afternoon spying the moon. I had one of those Horton Hears a Who moments, where I envisioned me standing there at the kitchen sink and then what was just beyond me outside and then our planet and the moon and the galaxy, the sun and on and on. I felt small yet peaceful but only for a moment and then it was gone. Not my usual self yesterday, too distracted and agitated. I regret being so and feel as if I missed out on something. I am disappointed that I didn’t feel more in tune given the specialness of the day. Anyone else have any real vibes or feelings of transformation? What is your take on this?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sounds like you DID have a special moment, Nicole. Maybe that’s what it’s really about. Recognizing those moments, acknowledging them, and inviting more of them into your life.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy Solstice, everyone! I’ve spent the day indoors, weathering out the apocalyptic winter chill in our toasty warm house. Tonight we’ll light up the fireplace and watch Lord of the Rings. By the way, if you haven’t seen The Hobbit yet, go see it because it is AWESOME! 🙂

  4. gypsy says:

    neat video – and thanks mike for stonehenge – passed the 11:11 time and coming upon the time of 12:21 right NOW…wishing all a wonderful wonder-filled remainder of 2012 and all of 2013!

  5. Nancy says:

    This is a huge movement and it has just started. We are blessed to be here at this time.

  6. Missed the 11:11 slot unfortunately but a good day so far.

    There are photos of today’s Stonehenge Winter Solstice on the Huff Post, but this is different to 11:11.

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