Pentagon exploring ‘synthetic telepathy’

One of the lesser known and secretive organizations within the Pentagon is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The agency was established in 1958 and was dedicated to expanding the Department of Defense’ technology usage, some of which included state-of-the-art, and top secret, research into the mind. It has also been called the ‘mad science’ division of the Pentagon.

Probably because of funding requirements, DARPA has listed some of its ongoing projects and they make for a baffling, head-scratching list. Among the strange stuff:

> Shape-shifting Bomber in need of Plow-sharing;

> You Can’t Hide from DARPA;

> Automated Mammalian Training Devices;

> Big Dog Robots;

> Shark Cyborgs.

> Superman underwear- Wearable undies that can help protect soldiers in warfare.

> Cyborg insects with nuclear-powered transponder -Radioisotope transmitter work is to power the insects.

> Bio-metrics at-a-distance – Demonstrate the ability to collect, localize, and evaluate physiological signals (e.g., heart rate) at distances greater than 10 meters.

> SMITE the wicked – Dynamically forecast when deadly moles deep within government departments will likely strike.

The list goes on and on. Reporters for the national media should be having a field day with this stuff, but I haven’t seen anything about it.

While SMITE the Wicked sounds interesting, the one that immediately attracted my attention was called ‘Silent Talk,’  a new project that which according to the description will “allow user-to-user communication on the battlefield without the use of vocalized speech through analysis of neural signals. An adjunct project investigates ‘wireless transmission of decoded thoughts.’

Isn’t that a long, round-about way of saying it’s a project exploring telepathy? Indeed it is. Yet, its a clunky kind of telepathy they’re talking about – ie. ‘mechanical’ or ‘synthetic’ telepathy, which probably is more acceptable to critics of the paranormal.

Note how it’s described:  Synthetic telepathy, the foundations of which lie in neuroscience and signal processing, is the subject of a $4 million grant awarded by the US Army Research Office. “DARPA wants to know if it is possible to map EEG patterns to individual words – for one person. Then, determine if everyone has similar patterns. Finally, decode the pattern and broadcast the words to team mates in the field.”

In essence, DARPA is spending millions of research dollars into building helmets to allow soldiers to telepathically communicate with one another on the battlefield. No intuitive skills required. 

I can’t help but wonder what happened to old-fashioned mind-to-mind telepathy and remote viewing (seeing at a distance) without the use of the weighty gizmos. Beyond that, it seems like a misplaced use of public money to apply ‘telepathy’ – if that’s what this is –  to war games rather than to the benefit of humanity. Besides, wouldn’t it be cheaper to install cell phones in their helmets?

But that wouldn’t be weird science.


Postscript: Even weirder than DARPA’s public domain list of projects are articles on the Internet about a secret one not included on the DARPA list. Project Pegasus supposedly involves time travel, teleportation to a colony on Mars, and ET contact. But reading one of the articles made me think that these folks who write so knowingly about Pegasus are the other extreme from the moon-walk deniers. These folks have congressmen and diplomats taking trips to Mars. If we could only leave some of them there!


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9 Responses to Pentagon exploring ‘synthetic telepathy’

  1. gypsy says:

    yesterday [day before xmas eve] at my youngest daughter’s house doing holiday cooking/baking – and we’re in the kitchen at her cooking range when she notices the time – again, 1:11 pm – and she comments on it and says that lately she’s been followed by number clusters lately – 1s and 3s and 4s – that everywhere she looks, she sees clusters of these numbers – now, she has never ever mentioned this before -she’s the deep analyst in the family and so for her to even have noticed was surprising, let alone to mention it and i had not mentioned to her my own clusters of late – very very unlike her and really intriguing –

  2. Momwithwings says:

    I thought the same as Gypsy, they can get this for free!

    Your time anomalies are strange indeed, Gypsy!
    Locally we’ve had some strange electrical things also, hmmmmm!
    My husband and I have also periodically heard loud rumblings. It isn’t an airplane and always sounds to me like it comes from the ground.
    Something is going on, I think Dharpa is involved.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Your remark about some psychics not being very spiritual is dead-on. No pun intended. In Cassadag sthere is an invisible dividing line between the spiritual sector and the secular sector. The spiritual advisors of whatever gifts are in the spiritual areas; the secular in a separate sector. It’s quite a political ‘thing’ over there. And I personally know a few remote viewers who worked for the gov’t who aren’t spiritually-oriented. It’s trained in them, and is just a job.

  4. I’ve never heard of DARPA previously but I don’t doubt that several countries are following such investigations. I think slightly different to what Lauren says in her comment though. Telepathy and the like I feel can be developed, without being dependent solely on spiritual expansion.

  5. lauren raine says:

    I hope Gypsy’s dream does not foretell any more tragedy. We all miss Gabby Gifford here in Arizona, she was truly a light and a fighter for justice.

    I am ever amazed at absolute idiocy of the military mind. Telepathy, remote viewing, prophecy, etc. are about the evolution of consciousness and spiritual expansion. To want these skills in order to make war is like saying “I want to achieve cosmic consciousness so I can bomb Bagdad.”

  6. gypsy says:

    well, seems the government is all about spending $$$ to get what could be gotten for free – but then, there would have to be admissions and acknowledgements of the validity of that which we all know to be valid already – the existence and power of mental telepathy – and i personally love your idea of cell phones in helmets – that could be a $15 walmart special –

    as an aside – a few offbeat things here – the last few weeks i’ve been followed by those 1 and 3 number clusters again – every day – and then, night before last, at 9:11pm my daughter’s dog [who never ever barks unless something really major is afoot] began barking furiously – i mean furiously – running through the house – really disturbed – and this kept up for some time – and nothing would pacify her – then, last night – early this morning that is – at precisely 1:11am our power went off throughout the entire house – it wasn’t out down the street in either direction – stayed off just a minute or so and came back on – in the meantime, i’ve had several – several – dreams of obama – dreams in which there is much sadness – somehow i’m there – wherever he is – and michelle is there but in the background more – one of the fleeting memory scenes is of my saying goodbye to him – we have shaken hands or reached our hands out to each other and the last thing i remember is my hand sliding from his as i turn, knowing i will not see him again – he knows it too – we are both sad – the thing is that the last time i had dreams of him and michelle was when gabrielle giffords was shot on january 8 last year – just seems very odd the timing etc – and the fact that both dreams involve obama – anyway, on my mind and thought i would mention it –

    oh, and the other thing – on december 20, the local tv stations here ran several – SEVERAL – emergency warning test transmittals – again, interesting…

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