Dreams & synchros

Sometimes the synchronicities are like dreams. If you don’t write them down immediately, they drift away. For me, that often happens after I’ve said or thought that I’m definitely not going to forget that one.

I wrote the above comment because I had just experienced that very thing. I remember clearly telling Trish about the synchro and Megan, who was visiting, heard it, too. We were all somewhat baffled and impressed at the same time by it. Then we all forgot it.

Possibly, the forgetting was related to what happened next. Megan was watching television and a character in a movie uttered this line: “Who sleeps standing up?”

That caught our attention because less than hour earlier Trish had mentioned how she had come out of the bathroom during the middle of the night and found me standing near the end of the bed facing the wall. I was sound asleep. I had no memory of that, but figured I’d gotten up shortly after Trish and realized she was in the bathroom. So, as I waited, I dozed off. Perhaps, because of my yoga and meditation practice, I’m actually able to sleep standing up.

So Megan answered the guy on TV by saying, “My dad does.”

Several days passed and as we were driving past a restaurant near our house called the Welli Deli, I suddenly remembered the initial synchronicity that set off this post. Here’s what happened.

An Australian man, who Megan had met in Orlando, texted her and told her he was in Greenwich Village with his traveling buddy and they were looking for a good bar. Megan mentioned it to me and I said: “Tell them to go to the White Horse Tavern.” It’s an historical 19th century bar with a lot of character, a place where some famous writers have hung out, including Dylan Thomas, Norman Mailer, and Anais Nin.

Megan asked where it was so I Googled the name. I was stunned to see that the first thing that came up was White Horse Tavern Wellington, FL. That’s here. But I’d never heard of it. Where was it?

I clicked onto it. That’s it in the photo above. I realized that I did know about the restaurant, but not by that name. It’s actually only about a mile from our house as the crow flies, but located on a road that we rarely turn onto, unless we’re going to one of the winter equestrian events, which we don’t do very often since Megan took her chaps and riding boots and moved to Orlando.

Megan and Trish were as surprised as I was that my search had turned up a White Horse Tavern so close to home. I never did hear whether or not the Aussies found the one on Hudson Street in NYC. Because, for some reason, we all promptly forgot about the whole thing. As if it were a dream.


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21 Responses to Dreams & synchros

  1. Nancy says:

    I have had that “sudden remberance” happen to me in the past as well. One time my aunt gave me my grandmother’s diamond ring. It was a HUGE deal. I was so excited. I left her house with my dad and baby daughter. The next time I remembered that incident, or the ring, was years later when my aunt reminded me I had my grandmother’s heirloom ring. SOMETHING happened between leaving her house and arriving home and the ring and every memory of the ring just disappeared. My father never mentioned the ring, my husband said I never mentioned the ring, and it has never been found.
    I think we’re in the Matrix.

  2. gypsy says:

    neat story – my first thought, like mike, was that horses can sleep standing up – i can just see rob standing there…asleep…waiting…

    i’m guilty of the same thing – thinking that something is absolutely so significant that i couldn’t possibly forget it…only to not remember it again! – which is why i always try to have a notebook beside my bed –

  3. I read the post yesterday but someone called to see us before I had a chance to write a comment. My immediate thought was that a White Horse would sleep standing up, so a connection.

    Several white horses engraved on hillsides in England going back hundreds of years. I mentioned these in a post a while back.

  4. Melissa says:

    Loved this post, and it’s a little creepy that you sleep standing up, Rob. Makes me think of those last few scenes in “The Blair Witch Project” with the guy standing facing the wall, doing nothing.

    I’ll have to look up that restaurant by you guys…it looks so much like one of the places we went to when seeking out a venue for our wedding. Obviously, it didn’t end up being in Wellington, but it just seems so familiar. Or maybe I’ve driven past it a million times and never noticed!

  5. Darren B says:

    On the subject of Mike Perry,
    I Googled “White Horse Tavern+Cornwall” to see if there was a tavern named
    White Horse in his neck of the woods,and found this tragic story;

  6. Darren B says:

    I also found this interesting bit of info on horses sleeping on their feet –
    MYTH: Horses sleep standing up.
    NOT BUSTED! But there is more to consider. . .
    Horses have a special, unique structure in their legs that lets them “lock” them in place. It is called the “stay apparatus” (you can use this to impress guests at the next party you go to!). Because they can do this, they can doze in a light sleep while standing.
    This is a great advantage when trying to flee predators since the horse wastes no time in having to get up – it can run off immediately.
    In order for a horse to get a real deep sleep, the kind we all like to get, they need to lie down. Horses will lie down when they feel they are in a secure location. It’s not at all uncommon to see domestic and wild horses lying down either upright on their chest or flat out on their sides. If they are in groups, there will usually be one horse in the group keeping watch.

  7. Darren B says:

    Who sleeps standing up?
    Apart from these guys?
    Guy sleeps standing up on the subway
    Well if you open your eyes you’ll see that you’ve missed a big synchro here.-)
    Mike Perry had this post on his blog the other day,that Trish left a comment on ;
    And he had this joke in it –
    A white horse walks into a pub and asks for a whisky.
    The landlord says: “Hey, we’ve got a whisky named after you.”
    The horse replies: “What, George?”

    And if you look at the address of this bar Megan wanted to tell the Aussies about (I’m an Aussie,by the way.-) the address is –
    567 Hudson St
    (between 11th St & Perry St)
    New York, NY 10014

    That’s 5 (67 ) Hudson St. (between 11th St & PERRY St)

    Maybe the lesson here is that sometimes we are asleep on our feet when synchros are tapping us on the shoulder ?-)

  8. lauren raine says:

    How strange!

    I used to hang out for Irish music jam night at the White Horse Tavern in NYC in the early 90’s when I lived there for a while. Alas, I was sad to learn when I visited in 2003 that the White Horse is no more. So they could not have visited it……not unless they come to Florida, apparently!

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