Durga’s dance

The Hindu goddess Durga destroyed a demon. She can also make you hallucinate as you can see if you watch this video in an eyes-open meditative state. The whole sequence is beautiful.


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10 Responses to Durga’s dance

  1. Melissa says:

    That is really beautiful. Also really dig the music, it sounds just like Siouxsie Sioux, one of my favorites.

  2. Darren B says:

    Strange because I picked a book off my bookshelf this morning and started reading it on a whim called “Sync” by Steven Strogatz and it’s all about sync in nature and throughout the universe.Crickets chirping in unison,graceful undulating schools of fish,fireflies,planets and pacemaker cells performing in sync,etc.
    Here is Steven Strogatz giving a TED talk about sync.
    I was already reading two books,but got hooked on this one and thought I shouldn’t be reading another one as well,so I said to the universe give me a sign that I should read it and I will.
    I come here and see this video and say OK,I get the picture.-)
    I was also thinking of going to see the movie “Samsara” today,I go to to check the session times on the net and there is this trailer there as well –
    It’s an artistic movie with no words,just music…and what should be in that trailer?
    The above dance you feature here !? Go to the 49 sec mark of that clip in the above link to see the exact same performers doing Druga’s Dance.
    So thanks,you’ve made my mind up on two things I’ll be doing today .-)

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, really? The dance was in the trailer? That’s a good synchro, for sure. Off to check it out. Thanks for the links, Daz.

      • Darren B says:

        I just got home from seeing “Samsara” on the big screen,and yes the dancer in your clip above is in that movie,but you don’t see that much of the dance.
        The movie though was a visual feast and the shots of LA’s freeway system at night were very impressive.
        I would never want to live there.
        The traffic looks like a nightmare to me.
        If you get the chance to see this movie on the big screen,you won’t be sorry,but it will make you feel insignificant as far as being one human being goes.

  3. Awesome! Mesmerizing. Beautiful.

  4. That’s a shame, can’t watch the video in the UK (copyright restrictions)

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