Happy New Year!

Every new year’s eve for years, Rob and I have brainstormed about our joint new year’s resolutions, goals, hops and dreams. He transcribes them by hand ( and probably still has them stashed away somewhere). And most new years, we look back to see which goals, dreams, and resolutions have been  achieved and which have fallen by the side of the road and which are still unfolding.

Resolutions prompt us to focus, if only for a few moments, on how we can improve ourselves, our lives, the difference we make in the world. We are all diamonds in the rough who dream big dreams and have expansive visions. I believe we all have the capacity for optimism and laughter. Yes, life sometimes get in the way, but really, at the end of the day, what is most important?

The money in your bank account? Well, okay, the higher the amount, the more freedom you have. What you do with that freedom is what counts.

Your prestige? In comparison to who or what? By whose measurement?

Your achievements? Well, yes, but relative to what?

You see what I mean?

The best resolution I ever kept probably didn’t have anything to do with new year’s. It occurred after I read Carl Jung’s introduction to the I Ching, the Chinese Books of Changes. Jung wrote the forward for the Richard Wilhelm edition of this book in 1949 and in it, first spoke about his theory of synchronicity. I had one of those aha! moments when I recognized that Jung was referring to stuff in my life for which I’d never had any explanation. My resolution was to research this thing, this weirdness, this whatever it was – in any way I could.

In fact, when Rob and I first met, I remember asking him if he’d ever heard of synchronicity. He had and I thought, Okay, this guy may be a keeper.

I have a few more answers than I did when I made this resolution, but not by much. As the world continues to change and humanity evolves, synchronicity reflects that.

New archetypes and experiences emerge. Until the advent of blogging, for instance, I’d never heard of white feathers as symbolic of contact with a deceased loved one – which I first read about on Mike Perry’s blog.

I learned how synchronicity manifests itself through music, as it did for Darren when he was burying his cat Sylvester  and Peter Gabriel’s song “Digging in the Dirt” came on the radio.

I have discovered how powerfully a single synchronicity can shake up someone’s worldview, as it did for Gabe Carlson with his teapot synchro.

I have discovered how powerful dreaming can be, that we can all dream a better world, as our friend Adelita says.

Through blogging and connecting with people whose interests in synchronicity parallel my own, I have realized we are all both teachers and students. Our personal lives and worldviews vary, our goals and dreams are different, but all of us seem to acknowledge the essential mystery of the world in which we live. And since synchronicity is an equal opportunity phenomenon, no one is excluded. It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from, whether you’re male or female, young, old or middle aged, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or a blue skinned alien from Pluto.  Anyone can experience this phenomenon simply by recognizing coincidence as personally meaningful.

So as the sun sets on 2012 and it passes into history, the MacGregors thank you all for increasing our knowledge and understanding of synchronicity and all things that go bump in the night. We wish everyone a happy, prosperous, and healthy 2013 filled with many… well, synchros, of course!

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25 Responses to Happy New Year!

  1. Happy Synchro Year to you!

    One thing I’ve enjoyed doing for the New Year is create my vision board of what I hope to experience before year’s end. This was my third time doing it, but the previous ones have not come true. However, it is nice project and inspires me when I look at the board. I also like writing the things I don’t want in my life on slips of paper and burning them. This had a powerful effect when I did it for New Year’s 2010.

    My first goal for 2013 is to find a new dwelling place. Hopefully, synchronicity will guide me to the right place!

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    May this grand adventure bring forth deepening friendships, much joy, creativity and love.

    This is the year of change for many of us, I am glad that I am part of your synchro group .

    Happy 2013 ….


  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy New Year and my very best wishes to the MacGregors and all of the wonderful people in their ever-expanding synchro circle. Peace and Light in our incredible universe for 2013 and beyond!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Happy, Happy New year to all here in MU. I am missing my cousin Gypsy. Have emailed but no response. Wondering if her power is off and how she is doing up there in one snowstorm after another. So J, if you’re reading this, please send a quickie and let us know you are OK!!!!! Meanwhile, joy and peace to everyone…..

  5. Darren B says:

    “DiCaprio To Fly Out Of Canberra (Oz capital) On NYE Party Mission”


    “A group of international celebrities will be forced to fly into Canberra very early on New Year’s Day because of Sydney Airport’s night curfew.
    The A-list stars will be celebrating New Year’s Eve in Sydney before boarding a small aircraft to Canberra where a jumbo jet will take them directly to Las Vegas in time for New Year’s Eve there.
    It is believed Leonardo DiCaprio is among the movie stars wanting to take part in two New Year celebrations in one ‘night’.
    DiCaprio is in Sydney travelling with Jonah Hill and
    Jamie Foxx who are the co-stars in his two upcoming movies
    “Django Unchained” and “The Wolf of Wall Street”.
    The group also includes Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl, Matthew Morrison from Glee, Colton Haynes from “Teen Wolf”, Entourage’s Kevin Connolly,
    and DJ’s Dirty South and Samantha Ronson.
    The party has been brought to the country as celebrity guests of Sydney’s Star City Casino.
    Canberra Airport managing director Stephen Byron says the capital’s curfew-free status will allow the 747 to take off between 1:00am and 2:00am AEDT.
    “We’ve always said Canberra Airport’s got a key role as an overflow for Sydney in terms of this night time activity,” he said. ”
    “A lot of it would be 747 freighters but in this case the 747 freight is A-list celebrities and that’s pretty exciting too.”

    Time Travelers from Oz ?

  6. Darren B says:

    My New Year’s resolution was not to make any more New Year’s resolutions.-)
    Thanks for filling the year with great posts on a fascinating subject ,
    and a Happy New Year to all.

  7. Thanks to you and this energizing cyber community for the opportunity to reflect together on things that matter and motivate. Let’s see what we take on next year. Every blessing for the new year.

  8. Momwithwings says:

    Happy New Year to all of you too. To have a place to come to and learn new things, comment on things that aren’t new and having a place where I am always learning and where I feel safe has been wonderful.
    Please keep on blogging and sharing!
    Have a wonderful New Years Eve and I’m glad that we will all be together in our little community here for a glorious New Year!!!

  9. And thanks to you too for all of the knowledge you have passed on. Happy New Year to you both and your readers. ( May your ‘hops’ be many in 2013 – hopping all over the world perhaps! )

  10. Nancy says:

    Hubby and I do the same thing each year. We make a fondue dinner, open a great bottle of wine, and reflect on the year. We look to the year ahead and what we want to manifest, and now I will do as Rob does, and write it down. What a great way to review the next year. For me, this year is the year to finish The Shift and share the knowledge I’ve gained over a lifetime of study. I’m happy to have the MacGregor’s in my life to be a part of a lifetime goal. You two are amazing writers and soulful friends. Happy New Year!

  11. Wishing all MacGregors a wonderful new year too!
    Reading your blog is part of my routine and it has inspired and entertained me on numerous levels. Thanks!

  12. Happy New Year to you, Trish and Rob

    I am right there with you about Carl Jung and the I Ching. I even included that in my foreword to my just out book, I Ching Meditations. And also right there as well with the power of dreams. We are definitely in sync on so much.

    Love to all,

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I always wonder: suppose I had never run across the I Ching?!

      • Why wonder? You were meant to come across it when you did because it directed your life in a specific direction.

        You ever see the film “Sliding Doors”? While I did not care for the story, I thought it was an interesting premise. In the end, Gwyneth Paltrow’s character learned the same info, but in one pathway, it just took longer to get there. I believe that is what happens. So I don’t wonder about what if I didn’t come across that information. I believe that I receive the information I need at the right time.

  13. lauren raine says:

    Thanks to both of you for the understanding and eloquence you’ve brought, and for the community you’ve created for all of us to share in and enjoy. Happy New Year!

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