A.D.: After Disclosure

I’ve been reading several UFO-related books and one of them is quite compelling. A.D.: After Disclosure, by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel. It  uses a what if premise  and takes us through the first hour, day, month, and year after disclosure occurs. How will disclosure change governments? Religions? Cultures? You and me?

The authors speculate that the event which will trigger disclosure  could be a mass sighting. But we’ve had those before – the Phoenix Lights (1997), the Hudson Valley  sightings (1980s), Gulfport, Florida (late 80s, early 90s) Moscow (1990), Mexico City (1991), Belgium, Stephenville, Texas (2008) Norway (1980s). Some of these mass sightings had excellent video and photographs  and received, as the authors note, at least some press coverage.

“In several of the American cases, there were behind-the-scenes pressures to prevent mass panic. Frequently, the Federal Aviation Administration  (FAA) was on-the-spot, charged with stonewalling pubic inquiries with absurd explanations that were intended to prevent further press inquiry.”

However, this is now 2013 and millions of people worldwide have  Smart phones with high definition video and camera capabilities. As the authors point out, the steady growth of technology is “one great inexorable force, relentlessly pushing us all into the future, into the light of truth.”

But when you consider that the secrecy about UFOs and ETs has existed at least since Roswell in 1947, it may take more than thousands of high def videos and photos of UFOs for disclosure to reach a tipping point. Dolan and  Zabel speculate about the existence of a group that is actually in charge of the UFO secrecy. They call this cabal the Breakaway Group. Thanks to worldwide assets, this group isn’t beholden to any political or military authorities. “…it’s likely that the Breakaway Group answers not so much to the president of the United States as it does to private, internationally based individuals and groups.”

Why would these secret-keepers, these UFO/ET power brokers, surrender their silence?  They probably wouldn’t do it willingly, but circumstances may prompt them to do so.

There are sections in the book where the authors speculate about who these aliens are, what they want, how they think and it makes for fascinating reading.  They also mention the possibility that perhaps these beings aren’t aliens at all but are inter-dimensional travelers or perhaps even time travelers – us from the future?

There’s a fascinating section in the book about how both news and entertainment will change after disclosure. In fact, one of the authors, Bryce Zabel, has created five prime time network series, and I wonder if he worked out a possible series in the writing of A.D. this book. “…imagine a new show called Above and Beyond. In this series, almost anything goes, but its stock in trade is an aerial point of view, seeing the world below from a POV of a flying saucer. This series would be a vehicle to take audiences into previously classified labs.”

Reality shows, newscasts, both print and digital newspapers will be scrambling for new programming.  And late-night comedians will have a whole new spectrum of material for jokes.  The authors also explore the impact on art, publishing, the economy, technology, medicine.

It’s a fascinating read.

The second book, Nigel Kerner’s Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls, has a strange but not implausible premise: the Grays are bioengineered, don’t have souls, and are abducting humans to create hybrids that will have souls.  In other words, their mission is, well, spiritual. Sort of.  It parallels what one abductee said: “They don’t grok us.” They don’t understand our emotional attachments to each other, to pets, to anything.

Kerrner’s premise is couched in a dense, complex cosmology he has worked out about the nature of reality, the universe, and a supreme being. I started stumbling with this book when I read this line:

“If abortions are freely available and are carried out, then soon the natural balance of debt-engendered reincarnation will be upset; in time, no soul will be able to come through to the exact conditions required for a particular karma to be expedited.”

Huh? Really? Where’s free will in this picture? This idea felt intuitively wrong to me, so I wrote my friend Carol Bowman and asked her what she thought of that quote. Carol’s written two books on children’s past lives –Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven – and has an active past-life regression practice. I figured she could shed some light on this.

Her response:

“It seems that some souls aren’t even that involved with the forming fetus in the early stages of pregnancy.   And it seems that each soul coming in responds to the abortion differently.  If you have a copy of Return From Heaven I have a chapter on that called U-turn in the Womb.  Also, if the mother communicates with the soul of the unborn child and explains why she is aborting, the incoming soul can make other plans:  come later or go somewhere else.

“The whole concept of “debt-engendered” reincarnation is old school, as far as I’m concerned.  It sounds like the old punitive concept of reincarnation.  Who is this guy?”

I didn’t finish Kerner’s book. But I’m off now to finished A.D.: After Disclosure.


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12 Responses to A.D.: After Disclosure

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Am wondering if the sudden “Watchers” has anything to do with the imminent release of the book. I found it of intense interest that a gov’t agent appearing recently on one of the legitimate non-Fox-affiliate TV channels commented that the government has a computer complex sytem so sophisticated that it’s been pr0grammed with quite literally hundreds of thusands of words and phrases that it “picks” up, that trigger an instant “look-and-see” response from that massive system. I’m just a plain ordinary person who has had extraordiary experiences and who has had the inexplicable privilege of working with several spectacular individuals. But me, just me, myself, there’s nothing special about me except the weird lifetime of encounters, and the PSI abilities. I tend to have developed the hypothesis that abductions occur within human families. It certainly has in mine, for at least three generations: my Dad, my sister and myself, and my children. Maybe “they” keep tabs on the families through the generations for god-only-knows what agenda they have. I DO think these all-black vehicles and the apparent humans associated with them, whether planes, helicopters, or automobiles, are likely connected to the military. Or, could potentially be cloaked entities and vehicles from other realms of existence. But I admit, it can be terrifying. Even the puppy was shivering all over and the hair was raised on her back while she was furiously barking at the doors. In and of itself, that’s scary. Dogs and cats are primitively perceptive to energies.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    MomWithWings, you may be right in terms of my pup and my sudden departure from “routine”. There have been several other very significant “shifts” going on here since just before Christmas. One is that I am suddenly falling asleep spontaneously in the daytime, when I’m NOT on my PD meds, which do make me drowsy, and I’m having really peculiar dreams during these lengthy ‘naps’. The puppy falls asleep as well, and young puppies don’t ordinarily sleep for long periods of time. They will nap, play, eat, do their business, etc, but unlike human babies, they don’t usually take long naps. Storm is falling asleep with me, with her head on my feet or while she is in my lap, and we both wake up hungry. She sleeps in her dog crate which is right beside my bed, and often during the night I’ll wake up to hear her chomping and chewing on one of her toys between her nocturnal naps. In addition to the computer
    intrusions by the gov’t agencies, there have been several overt daytime, low fly-overs by that 1930s-type four-winged bi-plane with blacked windows….flyovers which cause my car alarm to go off but my neighbors, who see the plane as well, do not have their car alarms set off. Just mine. And, I’ve had a VERY frightening visit from an apparent MIB….I emailed the details to T & R. My next-door-neighbor came over afterwards. I had all my doors locked and didn’t peek outside, and both my puppy, who has a bark like a grown Mastiff, and the neighbor’s vicious Chow, were going nuts as the person kept persistently knocking and banging on my front door. Then the person lifted my garage door and came in and pounded on the interior door to the house, which thank God was locked. When my neighbor came over, she said a man had cupped his face and looked into her bay window, and she had yelled that she was calling the cops and was going to turn her dog loose on him. I asked her if she could see him; she said he was tall and in black clothes, (she is totally unaware of anything relevant to these issues), and that he was driving a black sedan with black windows. Honestly, this strikes terror in me due to past experience with this type of thing, and I have no clue why it has begun again, as I’ve not been reading any UFO/ET/Abduction books in a very long time. As an aside, while I was deeply asleep today in my LR chair, I dreamed about holding a white rabbit in my lap and telling someone to build it a big pen so that it wouldn’t feel closed-in. I woke with quite a shock of some kind, and am dizzy. When the guy was pounding on my doors I hid in my kitchen and had my landline phone in my hand to dial the cops when he immediately left, almost as if he could “see” what I was doing. My puppy has been edgy since, as have I. I DID phone my hubby because I knew he was working just a few minutes away, but by the time he got here, the black sedan and its driver had gone. My neighbor had been terrified by it as well, but she assumed it was an attempted home invasion. I knew better.

    • Momwithwings says:

      I had a “feeling” more was going on. Have you ever taken a picture of these MIB’s? Of course it sounds so frightening ….
      In December I too was falling into deep, dream filled sleeps/naps. We have all been hearing strange things in our house. Today I heard someone moving the kitchen chairs but on inspection nothing had been moved.
      My rescue cat has also been waking me up lately and sleeping on me at night. I keep asking him what’s going on but maybe that is what he wants to know!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      This story was harrowing when you wrote it in an email and somehow, even more harrowing reading it here.

    • nancy says:

      I’ve had the same problems with falling asleep at odd times. Very strange. Often right after reading or listening to programs having to do with esoteric information. At one point I laughingly thought “someone” didn’t want humanity to remember, and instead to “stay asleep.”

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Math, I think you are being watched. You had commented before that the black helicopters had been overhead. I wonder if something is going on and your LACK of communication, because of your puppy, has them suspicious.

    I think abortions are complex. I believe some souls agree to do that to affect the mother and or father.

    As always, interesting post and interesting discussion.

  4. Another very interesting post. About Carol Bowman: Surely it depends on when we believe the soul enters the body. Some would argue it’s not until the first breath. I don’t think Nigel Kerner’s opinion holds good about abortions – there will still be plenty of scope for ‘exact conditions’ for souls. I don’t see everything as being planned throughout our lives we do have free will.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    I tend to agree with Kerner’s concep that the Grays are bioengineered and have no souls. My agreement with his presentations stop there, however. According to several reference/research sources in my personal library, abortion, whether intentional or spontaneous, occurs ONLY with an agreement between the discarnate soul who would have come into that fetus, and the pregnant mother, and that there are numerous reasons that are applicable to the choice. Off-subject (somewhat), my security sytem has displayed five intrusions into my computer from DOD agencies during the past five days. One was from Homeland Security. One was from Warner Robins AFB “Complex”. All but one were scored as “low threats”. The HS was scored as a “severe threat”. All were deleted by my system. I have no idea why these defense people are watching me and my stuff. I’ve been on the computer much les soften during these last several weeks, as I’ve been alone all day for about ten hours daily with a new puppy who requires constant vigilence and intensive training and attention, so have had little time to be on-line.

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