Schrödinger’s Cat

our Schrodinger’s cat, Simba


I happened to stop by the blog for the Monroe Institute the other day and found a great article on synchronicity and manifestation. They had gotten the article from a site called conscious creation.

The gist of the synchro is  simple and astounding. A couple had lost their cat. They spent six months searching for it, then finally went to their local animal shelter to adopt a new pet. While they were there, another couple brought in a cat they had just found and…yes, you guessed it! – it was the first couple’s lost cat.

Powerful synchro, we can all agree on that, right?  Well, the author of the post doesn’t stop there.

“… there’s also more to learn here about how everything was and wasn’t lining up,” wrote Kristen.  “The article shares that the couple was heartbroken and looked for their cat every day, so just imagine the sad, not connected, not-having vibe that might have been there, perhaps coupled with feelings of guilt as well. And after six months of working through these feelings, they shifted their vibe. Maybe they thought that so much time had passed that it was unlikely they’d see their beloved cat again. Maybe they decided that even if it wasn’t their lost cat, they really wanted to have a cat in their lives again. Maybe they thought that they’d done all they could and perhaps it was just time to move on, knowing other cats in the shelter also needed good homes.

“Vibrationally, they released their ‘struggle to find’, and their resistance to NOT having their cat, and stepped into the vibe of HAVING a cat, even if it wasn’t their previously lost pet, but a cat they wanted, nonetheless. Whatever their motivation, when they were lined up with having a cat again, the perfect cat appeared for them!”

She expanded this thought with some personal examples, then wrote: “Resistance, either to your current circumstances or undesired potential circumstances, splits focus between what you want and what you don’t want, but can also be part of the path of shifting energy from where it is to where you want it to be, like being led along step by step. The feeling of knowing that you’re ready to move forward is an indication that your energy is now freed up from old resistance and attachments (positive or negative) and focused, no matter what all of the circumstances might look like to the rational mind at the time. Shift your energy and probabilities shift around to meet your new choices, often in ways that you wouldn’t have been able to predict from your old perspective!”

This struck me as parallel to the Hicks/Abraham teachings, as well the material in the Seth books by Jane Roberts. The Abraham teachings talk a lot about bringing yourself into alignment with what you want.  Seth’s foundation is you get what you concentrate on.

In both belief systems, when we hold on to old hurts, grievances, grudges, we get more of the same because that’s where our emotional focus lies. When we withdraw our attention from the negative, we are essentially disempowering it and eventually it simply falls out of our experience. This is especially true if we are turning our emotional focus toward what we love and appreciate about our lives.

My problem with this is that it always has sounded too simplistic.  And yet. It also resonates intuitively and has panned out for me at certain times in my life. The simplest example is the manifestation of a parking space when you need one. A more complex application is meeting your soul mate, landing your dream job, living your bliss.

Kary Mullis, Nobel-prize winner in chemistry in 1993, wrote a wonderful memoir,   Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, where he discusses some of these ideas. In one personal story, he talks specifically about Schrödinger’s cat, a thought experiment. Here are the scientific specifics.   The theory is actually posing a question (from Wikipedia): “when does a quantum system stop existing as a superposition of states and become one or the other?”

In practical terms, let’s say you’ve applied to colleges and grad schools. Your top choice is Harvard. One afternoon, you receive a letter from Harvard. In the world of Kerry Mullis  (and Seth and Abraham) until you open that envelope, everything is possible. You are accepted and you aren’t, the cat is both alive and dead. Which path do you want more than anything else in the universe? When you open that envelope, you discover what you desire at the most profound levels of your being.

In 1950, Albert Einstein wrote to Schrödinger about how he “sees that one cannot get around the assumption of reality, if only one is honest. Most of them (other physicists) simply do not see what sort of risky game they are playing with reality—reality as something independent of what is experimentally established. Their interpretation is, however, refuted most elegantly by your system of radioactive atom + amplifier + charge of gunpowder + cat in a box, in which the psi-function of the system contains both the cat alive and blown to bits. Nobody really doubts that the presence or absence of the cat is something independent of the act of observation.

As Mullis wrote in his book, “things can be immediately and intimately connected to each other even though they are light years apart.”

And isn’t that how synchronicity speaks to us?

It’s not enough for me to set my intentions for the year. It can’t be just  an intellectual exercise. I have to back my intentions with powerful emotions, profound desires, I have to come into alignment vibrationally with what I want. Prosperity, health, and happiness are not abstract concepts. They are vibrational realities. As Jimi Hendrix sang in Purple Haze,  “Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.”

And now, I’m off to kiss that sky.


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17 Responses to Schrödinger’s Cat

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    My decades-long intense work with frequencies/numbers seems to indicate that throughout our lifetimes, we have choices that our souls have “penciled in” on our blueprints before we are born. When the time and the experience come together, we THEN use free will to determine which path to take. Seems reasonable.

  2. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating discussion………..and I like the cat! Orange tabbies have so much personality.

    I agree with Seth about what we concentrate upon manifesting. But I have to admit, I have a bugaboo about the “create your own reality” thing too. There is a kind of reverse elitism, the “dark side of the light chasers”, that infuriates me…………it can actually further more suffering because people feel that if they have illness, or sadness, or are impoverished, it’s their fault because they lack “prosperity consciousness” or “think negatively”……… Great environmental misfortunes happen, economies collapse, epidemics occur, wars. These events impact all.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Yes, we have to deal with other people’s realities, as well as our own. One plays upon the other.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      That’s the part, Lauren, that has always stumped me. Are people who suffer through devastating earthquakes, tsunamis etc, creating their participation? This stuff either works all the time or it doesn’t work. i do believe that we choose our circumstances of birth, our parents, all if it,
      so perhaps there’s another level to all this that we don’t understand yet.

  3. DJan says:

    I don’t know exactly what I want to add here, but I do need to tell you that this post itself is a synchronicity for me. I believe that the premise that it all exists outside of time and space and we, as heart-connected creatures, manifest our lives in ways we cannot even fathom. I read it, and read it again, and I KNOW that I am manifesting in my life exactly what I desire to happen. And it’s good, even when I don’t think it’s good. If I remove my judgment and accept my life as it is, peace fills me from top to bottom.

    That will do for now. 🙂

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes….Thoughts are Things, consisting of matter that resonates at a frequency that is beyond the reach of the ordinary five senses. One of the Wiccan redes is that any though that is projected with Intent, Emotion, and Will, will manifest. The stronger the Intent, Emotion, and Will, the more likely the manifestation. That’s one of the fundamentals of Wiccan “magick” and ritual. That’s why we are admonished in our spiritual journey to take care with our thoughts and attempt to keep them as loving and as positive as we possibly can, especially thoughts that are being sent to Heal. This is a great post, guys.

  5. Excellent. I believe part of getting what we want is non-resistance and releasing negative traits we may have about whatever it is that we desire (often easier said than done). Also spirituality in my opinion doesn’t mean lack and not wanting. To quote something I have recently read:

    “… it is not ‘higher’ to be poor, for it often takes money to accomplish your life’s work. Your spiritual growth will increase your ability to manifest abundance and your ability to manifest will assist you in getting your spiritual work out to the world.”

    All things are possible (with belief) if we let the universe get on with it’s job and don’t get in it’s way by deciding ourselves how what we want or need should come about. Anyway, mustn’t ramble on!

  6. nancy says:

    Thoughts plus emotions = creation
    Whatever thoughts you have that also bring strong emotion is how energy starts organizing. Thoughts are thoughts until you add emotion and then you are engaging the heart. The heart is the real brain behind creation.
    Love this post!

  7. Wonderful discussion here. I especially like your statements, “‘things can be immediately and intimately connected to each other even though they are light years apart.”
    And isn’t that how synchronicity speaks to us?'”
    Yes, exactly.

    As a cat person, I also loved the picture of your cat who looks identical to a cat I once had, Candy, who lived to be 20 and she never once had to go to the vet. I have a theory that red cats are especially strong/healthy. I guess that’s off subject a bit- but you temped me with that picture.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      He’s our youngest… I never had an orange tabby until we got Simba.

      • Rob MACGREGOR says:

        Yesterday, Gabe Carlson ‘accidentally’ sent out an e-mail that consisted of a quote that he had put on his blog some time ago. He didn’t know how that happened. I liked the quote and put it on Facebook page. Today, Trish put up this post that seems to fit very well with the quote. Here it is:

        “The stream of human knowledge is impartially heading towards a non-mechanical reality. The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter. We are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of this realm.”

        – Sir James Jeans

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