A Special Indra’s Net



Angie, one of the beauticians at the salon where I get my hair cut, told me today about a new year’s eve synchronicity that turned her life around. A little background.

Angie is 49, raised three kids from her first marriage, and has been married to her second husband for several years. He also has three children, from his first marriage. Last fall, one of his kids, a teenage girl, came to live with him and Angie. She now officially had a stepdaughter.

The girl was apparently out of control, tensions mounted, and the marriage started unraveling. Then Angie’s husband told her he wanted to move his other kids to Florida, too. She drew her line in the sand. “I’d already raised three kids. I wasn’t about to raise three more, which would take me somewhere into my sixties.”

So shortly before Thanksgiving, her second husband moved out with his daughter and Angie and her son had to move in with her parents. For weeks, she said she cried daily, she despaired. “Here I was, 49 and living at home with mom and dad, in the same bedroom where I’d grown up. I desperately needed closure to this marriage.”

On new year’s eve, Angie and a female friend went to a local place on the intracoastal to celebrate. Angie arrived early, found two open stools at the bar, and sat down to wait for her friend. She and the man sitting next to her struck up a conversation. He turned out to be a teacher at the same high school her stepdaughter had attended. “What do you teach?” she asked.

“Auto mechanics.”

Her stepdaughter had taken auto mechanics.  Angie suddenly realized this conversation was important. She said her stepdaughter’s name; let’s call her Joann Smith.   “Was she in your class?”

“Sure was. The only female. But she wasn’t there long. Joann said her stepmother was a bitch, drove her and her father out of the house.”

Angie knew her stepdaughter had spread terrible stories about her, and here she was, sitting next to one of the girl’s teachers. What were the odds ?

In the course of the conversation, Angie discovered that  the teacher has been born in the same New Jersey town that she had, had attended the same elementary school, and that his parents lived just around the block from where she had grown up. She also found out  that her stepdaughter had told the teacher that she and her dad were moving back to Texas where her mother and siblings still lived.

“This entire conversation was closure for me, the closure I so desperately needed.” The next day, January 1, 2013, Angie’s soon to be ex called her and begged her for a reconciliation. She told him to forget it and  they are now proceeding with a divorce.

“From that moment forward,” Angie said, “I stopped crying. I started envisioning what I wanted for my life, for myself. All my life, I had been giving to others – first husband, kids, second husband, kids. I kept seeing this perfect apartment for my son and I, a place on the water. I wanted this place, I knew it was out there, waiting for me. I’m not greedy, Trish. I jut want some peace.”

About a week later, the realtor with whom Angie had been working called her and said he had a couple of condos to show her. One of them was older, hadn’t been shown in six months, the owner had been upgrading. He thought it might suit her.

“Where’s it located?” Angie asked.

“On the intracoastal. A water view.”

“I’d like to see that one first.”

When Angie walked into that intracoastal apartment, she was stunned. It was exactly where she had envisioned living with her son.

These events all happened within the first 12 days of the new year. “In the mornings, before I go to work, I sit on my balcony sipping coffee and watching the water out there and I appreciate all of it, over and over again. “

“What happened that night with the teacher?” I asked, sensing another layer of this story.

Angie laughed. “He asked for my number, then suddenly said he didn’t know my name.  I told him I was Joann’s wicked stepmother and my friend and I invited him to spend new year’s with us. At some point in the evening, he disappeared. The point is that he was the messenger, the one who provided closure to my second marriage. I’m so done with it. My life is opening up in new, exciting ways. I’m exactly where I need to be.”

When she finished telling me all this, I sat there for a few moments, absorbing it all. “Angie, this entire thing you’ve just told me is how synchronicity and the law of attraction work together to confirm what we’re doing when.”

She leaned toward me and whispered, “I know. Isn’t it just mind-blowing?”

Uh-huh. Sounds like our old friend, Indra’s Net.

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15 Responses to A Special Indra’s Net

  1. gypsy says:

    great story – the messenger a mechanic – whose job it is to fix broken parts – of a car – and the car? well, angie was fixed – her heart mended – again, great story!!!

  2. DJan says:

    I love this story. I love mathaddict’s story, too. It’s hard to grasp how much our thoughts create our reality, but occasionally it’s impossible to miss, like these two. I wish Angie all good things (thinking just now of that line in the Sendlak video) and knowing that she is truly “living her life.” HER life, not someone else’s. 🙂

  3. Darren B says:

    Don’t you just love the strange MECHANICS of the universe?
    Sometimes we just have to listen to our AUTO pilots .-)

  4. Debra Page says:

    A beautiful story! I love her openness to the experience. Her intuition recognized the kairos of the moment.

  5. I like two of the aspects of this story: the messenger and finding the right apartment. The lessons are there! A timely reminder.

  6. nancy says:

    Thoughts + emotion = Creative process

    I have had this theory for years that if you want to find true love then spend time envisioning exactly how you are going to FEEL when you are with this person. Go into minute detail doing things with this person, laughing, sharing, etc. The key is to not put a face or a body on this person. The end result is that when you meet this individual your heart will recognize what you really want in a partner and you will FEEL the connection as opposed to being distracted by superficial, transient, properties people often think are most important.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    We so often miss our messengers! What a great story!

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Terrific story. It reminds me of a situation with my sister Kay from many years ago. making a much longer story very brief: she wanted to live with her husband and three children in a log cabin the the woods of Missouri, close enough to town to not be completely isolated, yet definitely in the woods with no neighbors. In her mind, she kept seeing the home, and even the interior, which she decorated in her mind as well. Kay is an artist, and she she painted a gorgeous oil painting of their log home in the woods and hung it on the wall of their house, looking at it, dreaming about it, creating it on canvas and in her thoughts. Within a few months, they contacted a realtor to locate a new home. Kay didn’t mention the log house to the realtoir, thinking it was an impossible dream. But one afternoon the realtor called and told them she’d happened to fins a home she believed they might like, even though it was
    “not in town” and was unique. By now you know what I’m going to say. It was Kay’s log home in the woods, and even the porch across its front and the path that led from the door to the sandy road had the curve in it that Kay had painted in her picture! Of course they bought the log house, and when she showed the painting to their realtor, the real estate woman almost fainted! This is a true story. Kay “created” her dream home, “created” it on canvas, and VOILA! It appeared! They lived there happily for years, until his job required them to move to a dofferent location.

  9. lauren raine says:

    Spider Woman’s Web and all those resonant threads……………what a great story!

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