Doggies and Socrates

Sometimes, laughter really is the best medicine. The cartoon came from Adele Aldridge.

And the next  piece on Socrates was sent by Nancy McMoneagle:


Keep this in mind the next time you are about to repeat a rumor or spread gossip.

In ancient Greece (469 – 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day an acquaintance ran up to him excitedly and said, “Socrates, do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?”

“Wait a moment,” Socrates replied, “Before you tell me I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Triple Filter Test.”

“Triple filter?” asked the acquaintance.

“That’s right,” Socrates continued, “Before you talk to me about Diogenes let’s take a moment to filter what you’re going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made
absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

“No,” the man said, “Actually I just heard about it.”

“All right,” said Socrates, “So you don’t really know if it’s true or not. Now let’s try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about Diogenes something good?”

“No, on the contrary…”

“So,” Socrates continued, “You want to tell me something about Diogenes that may be bad, even though you’re not certain it’s true?”

The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued, “You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter, the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about Diogenes going to be useful to me?”

“No, not really.”

“Well,” concluded Socrates, “If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me or anyone at all?”

The man was bewildered and ashamed. This is an example of why Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

It also explains why Socrates never found out that Diogenes was banging his wife.

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6 Responses to Doggies and Socrates

  1. shadow says:

    this is going on a fridge and up at my desk at the office. i think, precious few stories will be told, hee heee heee. thanks for this!

  2. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    We need an app to find where they went, not where they’re likely to go. Too often where they went is underfoot!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh, so true! If everyone applied these three rules to gossip, what a different world it would be! LOVE that final sentence!!!! 😉

  4. Seems that sometimes we can be too clever and philosophical for our own good …

  5. DJan says:

    Oh, you made me laugh with that one! 🙂

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