Really, What Is Synchronicity?

One day, Rob said to me, “You can spend an entire day writing and never speak to anyone except me and Megan, when she calls.”

Excuse me, I’m a Gemini and those of us born under the sign of the twins talk all the time. Today for instance, I had a long conversation with Nancy Atkinson  through email – about what synchronicity might be.  Nancy is writing a book and you get a sense of where she’s going from this initial email:


I am going in a different direction in the book. I now believe we are talking frequency in brain wave functions as being a huge part of the Shift. There is some very FASCINATING new information on brain mapping that is truly ground breaking. I think it can be interwoven with the coherence info regarding the heart, but I am not quite there yet. I am going to need more time to pull the two subjects together, but I think I am really on to something! It all ties into the frequency changes we are seeing in the Schumann Resonance. I think human beings are evolving through this frequency change. (It may also being driving some people crazy.) But with the new brain mapping you can actually see the changes in the brain through the frequency of thoughts. People will be able to actually learn to program their brains to go in the direction they want it to go.

This new neuroscience may also explain synchronicity. We only have to thoughts that vibrate at a certain frequency for 17 seconds before one of the laws of physics kicks in and our energy begins to attract like energy. By 68 seconds we are in a familiarity mode in our brain. This lightening fast.

We may be able to actually induce synchronicity…


Abraham Hicks says something similar about 17 seconds.

I don’t know about inducing synchronicity. I don’t think I’d want to. Part of the magic of the phenomenon is what it means, is it a confirmation or warning etc. If we induce synchros, then what  are they telling us? What’s the message? What would be the point?


Do you know where I can find the Hicks reference to 17 seconds?


I just remember it from one of their books, can’t recall which one. And it may not have been 17 seconds. It might be 60. I’ll ask Megan. She’s the Hicks expert

I’ve often thought that if synchronicity could be unraveled, as a phenomenon, it would probably turn out to be the theory of everything that Einstein was looking for.

Physicist David Bohm believed that everything in the universe, even time, unfolded from the implicate order in the universe/reality. My sense is that synchronicity exists along the border between the implicate (enfolded) and explicate (what manifests as reality) orders, that it somehow binds the two together.


You may be right. As this new science (which is in its babyhood) unfolds, we may be able to actually “see” it working. The brain is a transponder and how well “trained” it is to receive and comprehend frequencies may actually tie into the implicate and explicate order. We know synchronicity can increase as the person starts to pay attention. What if we can map that process in the brain and then train the brain to tune into the phenomenon? That may be the tie between the seen and the unseen, between the incarnate and the discarnate.


Megan said it’s 17 seconds – and it’s referred to in most of the Hicks’  books and CDs. If you hold a thought for 68 seconds – then stuff really begins to manifest. That process can probably be mapped in the brain, but I also think it’s part of something much larger, an expanding consciousness – and consciousness isn’t just located in the brain.  


Exactly! Wow. This new neuroscience has been able to map these things happening in the brain.

17 seconds to start attracting the energy you are putting out, 68 seconds for a “familiarity” neuro pathway to be established (those neuro ruts I’ve often talked about)

In other words – you need to change your thought process within 17 seconds if you don’t want to start attracting unwanted energy. It means not talking about it, not reliving it, not holding on to negativity at all if you don’t want to attract more of what you don’t want. Exactly what Hicks has been saying…

Now I have to find a link between this and the new heart coherence information. It is linked. I know it. Learning to “think” through the heart may actually be a way of creating new pathways in the brain.


If you read Michael Talbott’s The Holographic Universe, you may find the link in there. When we talk about thinking through the heart, what we’re really talking about is acknowledging that our emotions are powerful forces, powerful attractors, and aren’t really associated with the heart – the organ – at all, but with our soul selves, our deeper selves. Another good book is Lynn Grabhorn’s Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting, also about the power of emotion.


I’ve read Michael’s book. I loved it.

The heart energy is actually the organ. It has its own neural cells! In other words – it thinks! It may be the connection to our creator – however you want to define it. We evolve from a heart, it has a stronger electromagnetic field than does the brain. My heart waves will show up in your brain waves if we are within feet apart. Your heart synchronizes with whomever you are sleeping next to. It is the actual science of the heart that I think is somehow connected to this evolutionary process. And I want to find a link to learning how to use the heart to remap the brain.

One way to think of this is if you are trying to make a decision about something – you would ask yourself – what would my heart say? By doing this over and over you remap your neural pathways in your brain to begin thinking in a higher vibrational frequency. Evolution!!


Now I wonder if Abraham got this from a book – about the 17/68 second thing!

Sort of a synchro for me. In the new novel I’m writing, a group of psychics are in such complete attunement with each other that their brains vibrate together in theta waves and that enables them to communicate. Just finished that scene.


Wow. We are somehow on the same wavelength. I read something last night that is a channeled information on Theta being the frequency of evolution… This is the first I’ve heard about the 17/68 second thing. I thought it was new information coming from this research, but I could be wrong. Maybe we’re the psychics, hahahahaha

Your novel isn’t so far off actually. We are being watched constantly. Everything we do, read, say, watch, is monitored. Why is that, do you think?

Not for national security, that’s for sure. It is for a far more nefarious reason, I can assure you. They are always several steps ahead of us. We are evolving, and the powers that be want to squelch whatever they think might be a threat to them. Why do you think the NDAA was passed – drones allowed over our cities – the NSA security data centers? Your novel is not that far off from reality.

You have to wonder just exactly how you came up with the theme for your book. I think we have “helpers” that are working overtime to wake us up. Books like yours, even though fiction, may actually be serving a greater good. And isn’t that what synchronicity really is? Little signposts along the way that lead us in a direction. If we are in tuned, then we benefit. If not, they go unnoticed.

At this point, Rob and I  went to the dog park and then out to dinner and I’ve been thinking about this conversation ever since. Is synchronicity essentially as unknowable as, say, the alien agenda? Is it a perpetual conundrum? How does it actually tie our daily lives to something larger, more comprehensive? Can synchronicity be induced? And if so, does it change the context of the message?

Plenty to think about.


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29 Responses to Really, What Is Synchronicity?

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I do not know if this link will work, but here goes:,%20Mind%20and%20Spirit%20%20Mohamed%20Salem.pdf

    Read it , I am saving it to my iBooks collection on my iPad.

    Next, when Lauri Monroe was still here she had Mark Macy do a heart meditation exercise with hemi sync. I suggest those who can, get it. The technique of moving your conscience to the back of your head then down into your heartspace, I find still a bit difficult to do. Then I go and find out that there is a mini brain in the heart. It all makes sense now!

    BTW, if you get a chance, get the SRS myTunes Pro HD audio enhancement app. Play a hemi sync tune( make sure it is 192 kbs or higher ) set the SRS. app to widest and watch out.

    Be well


  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    I agree with you, Nancy, about THE SEAT OF THE SOUL being his best book. I started reading the sequeal way back then, but didn’t finish it altho I still have both texts. Heart transplants…..brings forth an enigmatic and intriguing set of questions and concepts. If I may share something here that is very personal: at the age of 32, our youngest son had to have open-heart surgery to repair life-threatening damage inflicted within his cardiac system by an overwhelming acute bacterial endocarditis.
    Until that time, since his birth, he had manifested many aspects of my Dad’s….my son’s granddad’s….personality and major and minor characteristics; all my Dad’s memories; he was the physical and mental and emotional and spiritual images of my Dad. Far too many to describe here. I have a copy of my dad’s autopsy report. (Dad died of cancer at age 42 and had a malignancy in the left ventricular septum of his heart, which was where the central problem was in my son’s heart.) For those first 32 years of my son’s life, I felt one of two things was happening: either he was the reincarnation of my Dad, or, my dad was guiding him closely from Spirit. The twin-ness between them was all-encompassing and undeniable. AFTER the open-heart surgery, if an image of my dad’s heart at his death was laid over an image of my son’s heart, their hearts’ left ventricular septal hole (which was huge) were in the identical location in both and were identical in size and character. My son recovered and is an athlete; he is fine. But….the undeniable fragments of my dad that were so astonishingly phenomenal for my son’s first 32 years, disappeared immediately post-open-heart surgery. WHY? Did my Dad initially reincarnate in my son as a means of finishing something that was completed at the time of the surgery, and therefore he withdrew those fragments that had manifested as the man who had been my Dad/Son? Dad is no longer present in or around my son. He left at the time of the surgery. This is a puzzle, and a significant one, with which I have struggled for a long time. The heart, the seat of the soul of my dad, if you will, was apparently housed within my son for his first 32 years, then departed during surgery, and my son has a completely different (still amazing) personality and character, yet not my Dad’s. I would give so much to have access to explanations for this enigma, but as yet, haven’t found any that seem to resonate. Am open to the thoughts and ideas of any and all…….

  3. whoot says:

    you know guys, years ago I had visited a certain town in your state,, in the middle of visit (spring break) had gone for a 200 mile ride to visit a cousin (27 years later her PHD hubby would tell me he thought I was looking into a “mountain of data” as for coincidences,,,, I’ll never forget the phrase, got cousins in this area who won’t go for a 100 yard walk to drop in on me…. point being the town I visited in which sat a certain Univeristy,, these days has a mayor (coincidence!!! considering blah blah blah with a few etc.’s) with a pretty specific name,,, large gough job,,,, thinking that’s what synchronicty might B

  4. Nancy says:

    I am always so happy to find others that think about the same stuff we do, Trish, and loved the comments. I’m off to check out Dr. Paul Brunton.

  5. gypsy says:

    oh, geeeeeee! inCREDible dialogue – intense and intriguing – this research on the heart just the tip of the iceberg i think – can’t wait for both your books, nancy and trish –

  6. Two aside thoughts that arose when reading this post.

    May or may not be relevant but hexagram 17 in I Ching is called, “Following” – Lake over Thunder. It is about following and being followed. That might well be part of synchronicity only happening in a flash.

    The other association with this discussion is about the heart and I Ching. In hexagram 29, – Water over Water, it talks about water being the symbol for the heart as the soul locked in the body.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Book: THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, by Gary Zukav, 1990. An astonishing text on insights regarding this subject of the post. And, I disagree on one point with a comment. I don’t think that synchronicity increases as our attention increases. I have the conviction that the synchronicities are ALREADY MANIFESTING…’s simply that our ability to RECOGNIZE them increases when we pay attention. Also, in this above-mentioned book, the author cites highly credible studies connecting the release of the soul from the physical body at the time of death with extraordinary scientific experiments involving the measurements and weight of the heart just prior to death and immediately after the very moment of death. He presents pretty mind-shattering evidence that our brains do not house our souls, but rather that the physical heart, in and of itself, is the physical organ within which the animating soul resides and from which it is released upon the death of the physical vehicle. Great discussion, guys. Much food for thought and investigation.

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