Coast to Coast AM

We weren’t going to put up the cover for our new book until the official pub date, Feb. 4, but something a bit strange thing happened late last night. I went onto statcounter and found numerous hits on our websites and the blog, all from Coast to Coast AM, with George Noory.  They have their upcoming shows listed and Rob and I are scheduled for February 4-5, to talk about Aliens in the Backyard: UFO Encounters, Abductions, & Synchronicity. February 4 is the launch date for the book.

In essence, this is our third book on synchronicity, and possibly the first UFO tome that takes a serious look at the connection between the UFO phenomenon and meaningful coincidence. We have a more detailed post on the book coming up on the 4th, but since Coast to Coast put up the link, we thought we should mention it. If nothing else, new arrivals to the blog won’t think they’ve stumbled on a dog park blog!

We love this radio show and are delighted to be included. Years ago, we were on the show when Art Bell hosted it, and talked about a book on dreams we had co-authored.

This time, the topic is one about which we’re really passionate, and our venue is different. The book is being published by Crossroad Press, a new company owned by a couple of visionaries, David Wilson and David Dodd. Crossroad is bringing out our back list titles. This is our first original book with them and we’ll have links available soon for purchase from Amazon, B&N, and iTunes. It will also be available in print.

An excerpt of the book will be available in the pages section of the blog (up there at the top) in a few days. We thank all of you who have contributed to our knowledge about and insights into synchronicity.

Oh, one other thing. We noticed on Statcounter that Homeland Security came here from Coast to Coast. Very interesting that the government apparently thinks UFOs just might be a security concern in spite of the fact that they deny the existence of non-human visitors (or resident-aliens) of our skies.

This entry was posted in aliens, aliens in the backyard, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Coast to Coast AM

  1. whoot says:

    be sure to ask George where it is he claimed to of seen his first UFO,,, lights truning at right angles high in the sky!!! waht late June 8 maybe 9???? m n ice neighb’s

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Ditto to Gypsy’s comments. And I’m also being visited via computer by gov’t agencies, as you are aware. The newest one that has joined Homeland Security and the others, is Northrup-Grumman located here north of our city. It’s a tightly secured, highly classified para-military facility that actually builds military aircraft. They paid me a visit yeaterday on my computer. I’ve had lots of gov’t visits, but this one from Grumman was a first from it, as far as I know. I suppose after the Coast to Coast interview and the release of the book, everyone will be getting hit by gov’t agencies. Wish I knew WHY. Things were relatively quiet for a long time, and recently activity has ramped up significantly in terms of UFO things that go bump in the night around my life.

  3. gypsy says:

    many congratulations on this book which addresses such an intriguing and controversial issue surrounding the experiences of so many people around the globe – you are to be commended not only for your interest but for your courage and perseverance in bringing these stories to light – to reality – where others who read of them may find comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone – congratulations and heartfelt thanks from all who have wandered those backyards thus far, alone –

    as to homeland security, well, just another indicator of their own agenda – your comment says it all –

  4. lauren raine says:

    What a great show – hope I can tune in. Homeland security – strange……….

  5. Dale Dassel says:

    Big Brother is watching you… Literally! *cue X-Files theme*

  6. Darren B says:

    Well I guess we already know one District that will be tuning in to listen on Feb 4th .-)

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