Who are ‘they?’

After reading Trish’s conversation with Nancy Atkinson about synchronicity and related matters posted here Jan. 28, I was reminded of the e-mail conversations I’ve had with Charles, who we wrote about in the Quebec Encounter series here and who is featured in Aliens in the Backyard, our latest take on synchronicity.

In the aftermath of his dramatic UFO experience, synchronicities were so rampant that he went to a bookstore in Montreal one day and found a book on the subject. A few days later, he Googled the term UFOs and synchronicity and ended up on a blog that featured a UFO  illustration with beams of light that was very similar to what he saw behind his house. Then he noticed an image of  The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity at the top of the blog and realized we were also the authors of the book he was reading. Another synchronicity. And he knew he had to contact us about his story.

The synchros have continued in Charles’ life and he has repeatedly referred to ‘them,’ the ones creating these synchros. He seems to see it as an outside force that is directing him on a path and off his old mainstream path. He repeatedly wonders who ‘they’ are and why they are doing this to him. That said, he has settled into his new perspective on life and is more and more comfortable with it. But there is always that question about ‘them.’

At first my thought was, ‘Charles, they are you. You  are the one creating these experiences, at least a deeper part of yourself.’ Then after a recent comment from him, again wondering about who ‘they’ are, it occurred to me that possibly I knew who they were. I’ve met them, at least my own version of ‘them.’

It happened in May 1975, the night of the full moon on Mykonos in the Greek Isles. I was staying on a beach where travelers from many countries rested for days or weeks sometimes. It was cheap, comfortable and beautiful. You could stay in a room with electricity and a bed for $1 a night or stay for free camping in one of the row of stone huts that provided no amentities. There was a restaurant, bathrooms and showers (10 cents a shower!) I was on a long trip with a limited budget so I stayed in one of the huts.

During that time, I spent a great deal of time with people who spoke English as a second language and used the language as a common denominator. In order to be better understood, I slowed my English and inadvertently started adopting a  ‘broken English’ lexicon myself to the point that other Americans and British nationals joining us would assume I was maybe Scandinavian or German. They would even sometimes mention they were quite surprised by my grasp of English. I knew all the words! Duh!

One of those Americans on the beach who never figured out I was a compatriot was not very well liked. He was a hustler and a braggart and a liar. Totally wrapped up in his ego and he was convinced I was after his girlfriend, a Swedish woman. He also sold LSD on the beach and one evening at dinner he slyly stuck a double dose of it into the rice dish I was eating.

Within an hour my mind felt as if it was being turned inside out. As someone coming of age in the U.S. in the late ’60s, I had experimented with LSD and quickly figured out what he’d done. But I also realized he’d given me an exceptionally high dose, and I knew I was in trouble.

I couldn’t be around people any longer. So I started following a path that led inland away from the beach. After about half a mile I came upon a dog on the trail, who I swear communicated telepathically and told me to sit – a command it had probably heard a few times. It was a good idea and I sat down next to the trail. (Fortunately, the dog left me alone and didn’t have any further commands, such as fetch.)

After that, things took an even stranger turn. I know that some people will think the ensuing events were simply hallucinations, an escape from reality. However, I found LSD to be the opposite, a dive into a deeper reality – for better or worse. In this case, I would barely survive the journey.

After a few minutes, I heard the clip-clop of hooves coming down the trail from in-land. What was coming now? I wondered. This was going to be interesting. Under the moonlight, an upright figure appeared. He had the face of man with a prominent nose and jaw, exaggerated features. He walked past me never pausing, a slight smile on his face. His thighs were furry. His feet were hooves and continued making the clip-clop sound as he walked around a rocky bend, and out of sight.

I felt as if I’d moved into another time or dimension. But my heart was pounding rapidly, even though I was sitting. I felt like I was in serious trouble, that I was close to death, that my heart my explode.  I struggled to survive by telling myself over and over that I wanted to live. I felt very near the edge.

That was when ‘they’ appeared. The moment I was aware of them, a great cheer went up. I heard or sensed the word FINALLY. As if I was finally aware of their existence and I knew I was one of them, but in a physical existence. They were a consortium or group of spirits working together. Somehow, I was with them and here in this world. I clearly remember them telling me that I needed to stop wandering around, that I had work to do. They said I would not only live, but I would go on to write many books and my writings would touch on mysteries in the larger sense of the word.  Much of this came to me as visions unraveling, as well as words. At the very least, I was hallucinating my future!

I stood up and walked back toward the beach. My thought was that my life would never be the same. That I had entered some sort of new reality. I wasn’t even sure what I would find when I returned to the beach. I left the beach soon after that, but not before giving the drug dealer a harsh tongue-lashing in very rapid American English that left him speechless.

I knew nothing at the time about the concept of spirit groups. But later I began seeing references in channeled material to spirits who worked collectively to achieve common goals. Probably the best known spirit group is called Abraham and speaks through Esther Hicks, who has written many books related to the laws of attraction. Abraham has described themselves as “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension.”

All this occurred to me the other night when Charles wrote about how he had recently met another man who, like him, had experienced alien encounters. That happened in spite of the fact that Charles is secretive and hasn’t even told some family members what happened to him and his wife. Charles again wondered who they were, the ones leading him on this path. So it could be that ‘they’ are him, but much more than him.


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14 Responses to Who are ‘they?’

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Ditto X1000 to comment of MomWithWings. That was one of my comment that didn’t make it through. I don’t believe that “they’ are “me”. That isn’t a concept that I am able to embrace on any level. It simplt doesn’t resonate with me, unless it refers to ALL of us “being One”.

  2. Nancy says:

    Maybe these experiences are why we are the way we are. Seekers, pure and simple. My first dream that was not a dream happened when I was six. I think we are given opportunities to open our minds and once opened, we can never go back. Can’t wait to read the book, and expecially to listen to Coast to Coast. You both have so much to share on this subject and so many others. It should be a very interesting night.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    This post was very intriguing. There have been scientists who dropped LSD in the ’70s and it changed their viewpoints-opened them up.

    During a trance session years ago, I was shown our family clusters but the fruit I was shown was a cluster of grapes. Everytime I buy grapes I think of that. How we are connected yet are each single.

    I love how your beings said “finally”, I’ve heard that several times over the years!

    One time when I was doing a reading with two close friends, things in my house changed and I could actually see another lifetime as a Native American Indian. It was right there in my family room. It was wild and spooked me a bit.

    Someone once put something in my drink, luckily nothing as strong what you had. I now realize that my guides got me home safely. I just listened to everything they told me and did it. So sorry you had that happen, it is terrifying.

  4. gypsy says:

    what a story – shades of constaneda – and it reminds me of several pieces of my own poetry that seem to address that issue of “them” and just “who they are” – the two pieces are “they come” and “on wings of wire” both of which may be found on my blog or even FB should anyone wish to read in their entirety – but just little excerpts here:
    from “they come” –
    ….do you hear them
    do you see them
    do you feel them
    they are here
    they are near
    those you fear
    they are
    and then, from “on wings of wire” which came from a very vivid dream i’d just had – the blue bear and lion – remember, rob and trish? – and you all were kind enough to help in deciphering the totem aspect of that dream – anyway, from this piece:
    …they come
    their hearts upon the drum
    they come from another place
    another time
    from the dark recesses
    of our mind
    and soar on wings unseen
    the tribal elders to convene…

    anyway, your story brought these pieces to mind in terms of that question and answer – thanks so much for sharing –
    like others, i, too, like the idea of soul groups –

  5. I like the idea of Soul Groups, though have never experienced anything like what happened in the post. It seems acceptable that we have a bigger family, perhaps of a similar level, working together.

    Food for thought – thanks!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    I attempted to make a comment earlier today…same comment…none of them went thru altho I did the little math thingie. Just want to say that there are portions of JOURNEY OF SOULS that left me deeply depressed when I read it, more than once when it was released, and it remains in my library alongside its sequel, which I didn;t finish. Having said that without further explanation…..Several years ago a discarnate Teacher spent several days “downloading” a series of discourses to me while I was in a deeply altered state. He called these discourses The Pomegranate Teachings, and they were extremely complex, complicated, yet reasonable descriptions of family soul groups, using the pomegranate fruit as a teaching tool. If one cuts into that fruit, we can see the clusters of tiny seeds, the pulp divisions between these clusters of seeds, the individual seeds within the clusters, and the pomegranate tree. I have all of this on hard copy and when I would come back into the beta conscious state and read what I had penned by hand, I was fascinated by its content. In any case, I certainly have the conviction that we exist in family group souls with various designations as we travel across Time and Dimensions.

  7. lauren raine says:

    It’s not everyday that the Great God Pan turns up…………in Greece yet! That has to be an omen of good, or vitality at the very least.

    I think of Michael Newton’s work in Journey of Souls, how his regressions seem to emphasize that we belong to soul groups that incarnate over and over again, although all members may not incarnate at the same time. That leaves the notion of “individuality” rather a seamless idea.

    What that dealer did is unconsionable, but it seems that as cruel as his intent was, it was a gift for you in the long run, and for all of us readers who have benefited from your work.

  8. Dale Dassel says:

    Rob, I detect shades of Indy’s experiences in this post: the silver eggs from Peril at Delphi where Indy’s guardian eagle opens each one, revealing glimpses of his future (with the accompanying verbal narrative); the mind-bending hallucinations that Indy experiences after being drugged by the Janissaries in Genesis Deluge; and the devil-like creature that terrifies Indy when he’s trapped in the labyrinth with Salandra in Interior World. It’s fascinating to learn the origin of these scenes, although I wish it had happened under better circumstances. I would’ve fetched the nearest policeman and turned in that scummy drug dealer.

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