Dueling Phone Calls

Natalie sent us this story June 3 about synchronistic and simultaneous telephone calls. As you’ll see, almost everything about these two calls was synchronous. Natalie also noted that I had the same initials, R.M. as the two male callers. Rob

At ten o’clock yesterday morning, the office phone, and the home phone, rang in unison.

Hub wasn’t going to answer his work phone, as he was swamped, and didn’t recognize the number on the display. I wasn’t going to pick up the home phone for exactly the same reasons. But after a few rings, we both picked up.

On his line was an old friend who he had not seen, or spoken to, since June, 2006. This friend was part of a couple who were good friends of his during his previous marriage. They had lost touch with Hub after he married me. The caller was also conversant with Hub’s work, and out of the blue wanted to run an idea by him.

On my line was an old friend who I had not seen or heard from since June, 2006. Like Hub’s caller, my friend and I had lost touch when I married Hub, and started a different kind of life. I was knowledgeable about his work, since I’d worked with him on many occasions in the past. He was calling, just like Hub’s caller, to run an idea by me. (Also out of the blue)

Both conversations were long and very pleasant. Both callers were talking about a computer-based work idea they’d had the night before. One for Hub to help with, and one for me to participate in.

Both callers were male. Both callers have the initials R.M. So many synchronicities.

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3 Responses to Dueling Phone Calls

  1. Natalie says:

    Hey! it's here. On my page it was deleted. Weird.

  2. Lover of Life says:

    I read this one on her blog – so weird – and synchronistic.

  3. gypsywoman says:

    very very interesting! what a story!

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