Category Archives: clusters

Scooter’s 5 Fox Synchro Clusters

 Cluster synchronicities can occur with just about anything – names, objects, words, symbols, music, animals – and are invariably intriguing. Then tend to cover a period of several hours or days and often repeat until we get the message. Our … Continue reading

Posted in animals, animals as messengers, clusters, synchronicity | 14 Comments


Back in the late 1970s, long before I had met Rob, I was writing my first novel and named one of the main characters McGregor. This is not the same spelling – or origin – of my married name now … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 29 Comments

Patterns in Synchronicity

                                 mandala, from Jung’s The Red Book Sharlie West, whose synchros we’ve used in the past, wrote the other day about a repeating pattern she has noticed in her life. It appears to be a cluster synchronicity involving a a … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 19 Comments

The Koi Pond Synchro

  When 7 Secrets of Synchronicity was published, we gave a copy to our neighbor, Annette, who had never heard the term, but knew what a coincidence was. Once she and her twin had read the book, they both dropped … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 11 Comments

Obama and the David Clusters

Synchronicities involving clusters of names, numbers, songs – virtually anything can be a cluster – are among the most intriguing. This one, brought to our attention by Nicholas (Sansego) centers on President Obama. ++ This past weekend, I learned that … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 8 Comments

2:26,2-26: Spirit Contact Through Clusters

This sequence of synchronicities – date and number clusters – comes from Ann. It certainly has the signature of spirit communication – from a beloved dog who passed away recently and from Ann’s mother and husband, who are also on … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, number clusters, spirit communication, synchronicity | 13 Comments

Flight 191 As you see in the You Tube video, this is the chaotic scene on March 27, 2012, on Jet Blue’s Flight 191, New York to Las Vegas,  when the captain who was co-piloting the flight tried to storm … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, number clusters, synchronicity | 14 Comments

The 3 Jacquelines

Adele Aldridge, who has one of the best I Ching sites, sent us this interesting cluster synchro involving a name – Jacqueline. In 7 Secrets, we have a chapter on cluster synchros – they’re  always fascinating, though their message isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 20 Comments

Clusters of Twos

One of the sites I visit periodically is George Ure’s urban survival blog. His posts are mostly about the economy, but now and then he publishes a letter from a reader or something  else that catches my attention. The other … Continue reading

Posted in 2s, clusters, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Synchros That Come in Threes

We ran a Golden Scarab contest for the best five synchros and Andrew Hicks was one of the winners. He recently sent us another synchro about clusters – specifically, about how a certain sent of clusters came in threes for … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, synchronicity | 34 Comments