Into the Fringe… a Podcast with TJ Ryan…and Darkness Radio

First, the important stuff: Happy Valentine’s Day!

We’ve included three things in this post; we couldn’t figure out how else to do it.

We hope you’ll join us tonight when we appear on Darkness Radio from 11 PM-1 AM Eastern time, to talk with Dave, the host, about Aliens in the Backyard.


Mike Clelland kindly put up a post on his blog about our new book, Aliens in the Backyard: UFO Encounters, Abductions & Synchronicity. As he explains, when he received an early copy of the e-book version, he quickly found himself tangled up in a synchronicity in which he found himself reading his own story.

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Here is a funny synchronicity involving this book. Trish and Rob sent me a PDF file of the book for me to review. When I opened the file I do what I do with any book when I first look at it, I open it at random and see what I find. I did this with the digital document, I just scrolled down randomly. My eye was drawn to some italic text on the page that read Into the Fringe. I thought to myself, I read that book. It has that weird part about her son seeing a satellite dish in the yard, but he knew it wasn’t what it appeared to be.

I read the next sentence and it says:

“There was a creepy scene in that book where a witness describes seeing a ‘satellite dish’ in his yard, but he knows it’s not a satellite dish.”

Exactly the scene I just remembered.

Then I looked at the rest of the page and it involves a retelling of one of my own experiences! They used one of my blog posts as part of their chapter on dreams. It took me a few seconds to remember that a few months earlier Rob and I emailed each other about his book project. I sent him a few links to my blog with personal stories that I thought might fit into the book. I gave him and Trish permission to use whatever they wanted.

I opened the book at random and I immediately zeroed in on my own story, just a few sentences long.


And of course we attributed the story to Mike, and used his real name. Although the book focuses on the experiences of four individuals, we’ve used stories from many others, some of whom originally told their stories here on the blog.

On an entirely different note, here’s a one-hour podcast on Aliens in the Backyard that we did with TJ Ryan, a great guy from Michigan who does weekly podcasts/interviews on the various phenomena that fascinate us!

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7 Responses to Into the Fringe… a Podcast with TJ Ryan…and Darkness Radio

  1. Debra Page says:

    Connie- I admire your courage & conviction. Thank you for living by your heart. 🙂
    I have also been diagnosed with MCS. I don’t know why, but electrical hypersensitivity is included under MCS.

    I’ve been listening to Darkness Radio tonite. So far, all interviews have been compelling to listen to.

    I knew there would be synchros linked to Aliens in the Back Yard! (Who didn’t?)

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    I just listened to the podcast. Great job! Lots of info in a short time. Lots to consider.
    I have two paperback copies of the book, and feel reluctant to comment because my experiences are among the central content. Be that as it may, MacGregors, as always you did a wonderful and compelling work with this book. It never ceases to amaze me that in your vast library of material, (except political, of course….smile!), you are able to maintain a non-dogmatic view while presenting issues of widespread contention between academic science and mystical/mysterious matters. Your book has done something special for me….it has opened a door through which I am able to approach my primary physician about my lifetime of alien abductions and encounters, and their impacts on my health issues, as well as the planetary empath impacts. I am giving her a copy with a cover letter. Fortunately, she was born in the Phillipines of Santerian parents, and although she is a professor of clinical medicine at our U of FL teaching hospital, she is a holistic pratitioner who combines alternative and traditional modalities. She’s been my primary physician and my dear friend for years, but I’ve never been able to confide the abductions to her. Your book has given me the way to do that, and I am deeply grateful. I’ve been diagnosed with a rare condition, MCSD, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder, which renders my physical body incapable of accepting substances such as almost all medications. I have the genuine conviction that this ailment, or condition, as it were, is the result of a lifetime of having been taken, and there is actually nothing that can be done about it. I’ve learned to live with this. But, it feels liberating to come out of the abductee closet and to not fear repercussions because, for whatever reason, I no longer care. I owe you two a debt of gratitude for this liberation that I can never repay. THANK YOU is insufficient, but is all I have to give you, for busting down the walls of a self-imposed prison within which I have hidden for decades. So, I THANK YOU.

  3. I read Mike’s story somewhere else, not sure where now, it does show how almost magical synchros can be. Great podcast, hope the message is getting out there about your book(s).

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