The Pope and Lightning

Hours after Pope Benedict announced that he was retiring for health reasons, lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica. You can see it in this video. It’s one of those odd synchros that often happens during mass events, but this one is pretty extraordinary. What’s the message?

Even though such a resignation hasn’t happened in almost 600 years, the church has a system in place to deal with it. Of course they do. If nothing else, the Vatican is well-organized. They’ve got their bases covered.


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19 Responses to The Pope and Lightning

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Nicole, I’m right with you on the Catholic nonsense. There are many “recovering Catholics” among my friends. But my cardiologist, who is also my good friend, is an sbolutely brilliant person , and he is the most dedicated, brainwashed Catholic I have ever met. He spent several years attempting to convert me to that religion; sending me brochures and CDs in the mail; writing me lengthy letters about the Catholic doctrines; telling me if I learned the real truth about his religion he knew I would convert to Catholicism. It astonishes me that a person of his intelligence and logic and even scientific mind, if we want to include that, can be so enormously deceived by a religious cult. For me, Catholisim IS a cult. A huge one, yes, consisting of more than a billion members, but a cult nonetheless, and for me, it is a dark cult that is intensely harmful to individuals. I don’t mind saying this on the blog here. He and I have had many, many debates about the subject and I would never, ever offend him by giving HIM my opinions, although I HAVE told him that in no uncertain terms I would never become Catholic. And whenever there have been close-up photographs pf Pope Benedict’s face, I get the shivers. Truly I do. His eyes seem to me to be purely evil. OK. I’ve had my say about this. The way he holds his head down and looks up through his eyes at the world is…..wicked-appearing and scary. Could write volumes, but will refrain.

  2. Nicole says:

    He resigned due to health reasons. Sure he did. I think God knows better and there is more coming for Rat – zinger. Sorry, I have strong opinions on this one like you do with the politics. Best be quiet I suppose. But I do think the lighting strike is of powerful symbolism not to be mistook for coincidence. P.S. please don’t get any more complicated with the math equations, it was never my strong point. LOL

  3. Darren B says:

    There has certainly been a lot of weird syncs lately.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    One final remark: the little arithmetic problem at the bottom that we must solve in order to post our comments? My last one was 8+?=15. No joke. Is that a synchro, or what!!!!!

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    OK. All you guys know I HAVE to say this: the asteroid passing earth today is named “2012DA14” . Do the math. It comes to 15/6. And what does 15/6 represent? Yep. UFOs/Aliens/ETs and anything relative to those. No, I’m not stretching here. I doubt there’s a connection, just a FREQUENCY connection. Here’s the math:
    2+0+1+2+M(4)+A(1)+1+4=15/6. And, as previously noted, today is the 15th. Hhhhmmmmmmm. 2012DA14 weighs in at 130,000 tons. That’s a hunk of rock. The acientists and astronomers are divided on whether or not the one that exploded over Russia was a companion to 2012DA14, stating that all these giant flying rocks have smaller “companions” preceding them, and some do explode in the atmosphere, and some do actually hit the planet. There are really a lot of synchronicities going on. Several folks I know had almost identical dreams night before last about our skies being full of spacecraft. Can’t help but wonder………..????????? Guess I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist. However, when these things happen, who can help but be a conspiracy theorist?

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    To correct myself: the thing passing us today is an asteroid, not a meteorite, and it’s weight is unimaginable.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    While reading the biography to see his origin, the article kept referring to this Pope as being the messenger of “The Truth”. I cringed. How many times has a person said “May lightning strike me down if I’m not telling the truth?” ?????????

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    I looked it up to answer my question. The Pope is German.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    As if this lightning strike wasn’t symbolic enough, then a ten-ton meteorite explodes over Russia late yesterday/early this morning, injuring almost 1000 folks and terrifying thousands. My planetary empath symptoms have been off the chart for several days now. Someone please remind me….is the Pope from Russia or Germany? I can’t remember off-hand, and haven’t looked it up. The meteorite passing earth today has a path that is BETWEEN the surface of this planet and our satellites, plus the sun is sending solar flares and bursts, and we’ve been being warned about this sun thing for days now…that the electronics all around the planet may be affected by the flares and bursts. The meteorite will pass over the peninsula of Florida this afternoon at 2:26pm, EST. Seems the heavens are in a flurry of fury. The curious synchro is that before I came upstairs last nite, my hubby and I had been watching the H2 channel, a documentary about that very subject: heavenly bodies that hit the earth centuries ago and that could hit it in the future, then lo and behold, look what happened in Russia. A definite synchro. I wish I’d finished watching it, but hubby turned to a western so I came to a different room.
    Wild ride, guys.

  10. Very interesting. If I recall correctly, the day Jung died a specific tree that he loved and sat under was struck by lightning. I would have to look up the details to verify. Maybe some one else here has those facts. If/when I get some time I’ll see if I can find that reference.

  11. Darren B says:

    Reminds me of the movie “Back to the Future” were lightning strikes the clock tower to send Marty back to the future.
    On the subject of “Back to the Future” and coincidences take a look at this clip where Joe Alexander points out a few strange things about Grey Aliens in relation to the
    “Back to the Future” movie.

    • Darren B says:

      I just stumbled across this 88 coincidence when wondering what the 88th day of the year was,and if there was something significant about that date in relationship to the movie “Back to the Future” when they say
      ” If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious s#!+ “.
      On the 88th day of the year of 1882-The Knights of Columbus was chartered in Connecticut.
      The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization.
      The Order funded the first renovation of the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica in over 350 years

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