The Talisman

A talisman is something which allegedly holds certain magical properties that protect us from harm, provide good luck, or communicate something we need to know. Or all of the above. I suppose we might call it a superstition. But when a particular pattern related to this talisman recurs again and again, we call it synchronicity: the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that is meaningful to the observer and that can’t be explained by cause and effect.

A talisman can be anything – an animal, a song, a book, a phrase, an object. My talisman is Frog. When a live frog appears in our home, it’s a signal that something big is coming. Whether the event is positive, negative or something in between seems to depend on the frog’s health, the room in which it’s found, and whether we can free it without hurting it.

For our friend Mike Perry of the UK,  white feathers are a talisman that usually indicate spirit communication and a positive affirmation that the soul lives on.  For our daughter, a dragonfly means communication and good luck. For other people, it might be the traditional rabbit’s foot, a ladybug, a shamrock. In fact, here are 50 good luck signs.

This evening, we received a neat story from David Wilson of Crossroad Press about his talisman. (Or is it talismen??)


It was a normal day, nothing special going on.

I stopped to get my dry-cleaning, and as I got out of the car, I found a shiny, face-up 1983 penny right beside my car.  I’m not really superstitious, but sometimes…  anyway, I picked it up.

That same day:

I got an unexpected check for $900.

I got an e-mail from Clive Barker offering crazy-good help on a writing project.  He now is offering us some of his books.

I met the trustee of the estate of a dear, departed friend, Hugh Cave,  and became the publisher for all of that great man’s works.

I collect lucky pennies now and hand them out.  If I find one face down, I turn it.  If I have a penny, I place it face up where it can be found…


…by you or me!


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17 Responses to The Talisman

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I’m being hacked by some entity, company, whatever, that says it’s my PayPal account and needs to verify my banking #s. The thing is, I don’t use my bank for PayPal. It’s a scam, guys, so watch for it and be careful!!!!! I didn’t open it…the info was in the heading so I quickly trashed it.

  2. Darren B says:

    I’m in the middle of doing a very similar post on Feng Shui,talismans and luck as well.
    You know what they say about great minds,don’t you?-)

  3. This comment is from Adelita. I’m not sure why it didn’t show up, so I copied it and put it up.
    Hi Trish, I’m with Mike on his views of what infuses the talisman with potency. But, I’m waiting for your post on the popes resignation and, did you catch the synchro of how lightning struck St. Peter’s right after his announcement? Here’s a cool video from BBC news (you have to suffer the ad at the beginning, sorry).

    The official reason the pope gave is that he’s pooped, but it may have more to do with the revelations in this recent doc that aired last week on HBO and I think will air again this Friday. I look forward to your observations.

  4. Vicky says:

    PS. Please feel free to cut my message to you, it’s unsually long for a ‘comment’. Sorry!

  5. Vicky says:

    How bizarre! Here’s a synchronicity related to this post..

    I’m going through a bumpy, uncertain phase just now which is affecting my finances and primary relationship.

    Around an hour ago, I went out for a walk and inwardly told the universe I knew that I was surely being helped behind the scenes but it would be really good if I could also have a sign that I’m being helped and guided. Even when we practice having faith, it helps to get a little comforting sign in uncertain times.

    I looked up and saw lots of the seagulls above soaring on the wind. At the start of the year, I’d chosen Soar as my guiding ‘word of the year’ and when I see birds soaring, it reminds me of the word. However, since this sight is a common occurence, I didn’t take this as being a powerful ‘sign’.

    I came home and with thoughts about whether or not it’s possible for one’s ‘luck to run out’, I decide to look up some articles along those lines, hoping for some clarity and positive reading. I found lots of articles and read a couple about about making your own luck, the power of superstitions, lucky symbols and so on….

    I had literally just finished looking up articles on good luck and being lucky, when I decided to check my blog roll to see if any of my favourite bloggers had posted anything new. Yours was at the top of the list – discussing lucky talismens and even providing a link to 50 Good Luck signs!!

    The experience of this past hour – asking for a sign, seeing birds soaring, looking for articles about luck, then opening your article about talismans and lucky signs – has certainly comforted me and I do believe it’s all an inter-connected positive sign.

    Also, your friend’s story about the ‘lucky penny’ reminded me of a dream that I had – it must have been last night or very recently – in which I was looking downwards on a staircase and saw a penny and thought maybe I should pick it up. I then saw another and thought I should maybe give it to my boyfriend. I feel this is a meaningful sign too.

    I’ve just looked up the possible meanings of pennies as a dream omen:-

    finding pennies in dreams means:-
    ‘overcoming pettiness, or insights into what you have been petty about.’
    – Maybe I should learn where I’m worrying about trivial, petty details and just have faith in the universe that all will be well….?

    to dream of giving pennies away in a dream means:-
    that you are having money problems.
    – Accurate

    to dream of picking up pennies in a dream means:-
    that things will get better for you. You are overcoming your fears and worries about rekindling this relationship.
    – Maybe I am beginning to tune into and pick up on the ways I can improve my life.

    Also, dreaming of moving down a flight of stairs represents your repressed thoughts. You are regressing back into your subconscious. It also refers to the setbacks that you are experiencing in your life. Again, accurate.

    Thank you for your post which prompted all this soul searching!


  6. Hi Trish, I’m with Mike on his views of what infuses the talisman with potency. But, I’m waiting for your post on the popes resignation and, did you catch the synchro of how lightning struck St. Peter’s right after his announcement? Here’s a cool video from BBC news (you have to suffer the ad at the beginning, sorry).

    The official reason the pope gave is that he’s pooped, but it may have more to do with the revelations in this recent doc that aired last week on HBO and I think will air again this Friday. I look forward to your observations.

  7. Years ago I made a talisman for Karin to attract money – and it worked! I guess the main ingredient is belief, as we tend to attract what we believe.

    I like the idea of distributing lucky pennies or coins, at the very least it will brighten someone’s day and give them a tale to tell – almost an act of random kindness.

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