In the aftermath of our appearance on Coast to Coast AM, we received a number of fascinating emails – and a few phone calls. We’ll be posting about some of these stories periodically.

I’d like to preface this by saying that I’m always surprised when someone who is a complete stranger tracks down our phone number and calls. We have caller ID and usually don’t answer calls from numbers we don’t recognize. Our feeling is that if you have something to say that necessitates a call, then please leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

Not too long ago, a call from an unrecognized number came through and because the area code was from the city in Florida where our daughter, Megan, went to college, I answered it. I figured maybe she had lost her cell phone! But it wasn’t Megan calling.

The woman on the other end had written a book that involved synchronicity and wanted us to review it. Usually, we’re happy to help out other writers. But I was irritated by the call, by this woman’s pushiness, by her intrusion into that time of day when I enjoy my coffee and drop by other blogs. In the end, I sent her book to a friend to review and it got lost in the shuffle of daily life and was never reviewed.

One of the emails we received after Coast to Coast was from a guy named Tom, who has filmed a documentary called 933 skills that involves synchronicity/ETs, UFOs. Before you click on the link, please read  the rest of the post.

We received three emails from Tom within a 24-hour period, asking if we had watched his film. I explained that we were recovering from sleep deprivation – the show was from 2-5 AM EST – and no, we hadn’t watched it yet, but would.  So yesterday, I did.

There are three segments to this film, which add up to about half an hour. First, the numbers intrigued me – 933. A new one. What could it possibly address? I wondered, and clicked on part one- the clip to the far right on  the You Tube link.  I nearly stopped watching within the first minute or so because of the way Obama is depicted, but hey, okay, a difference of opinion and all that. I’m glad I kept watching.

Tom’s documentary involves a sighting on October 12, 1992, of a “a green ball of fire” that was witnessed by thousands of people in the northeastern U.S.  He delves into this event and the number 933 in the same way our Australian blogging friend, Daz, dives into synchronicities. Both men drill through layers of stuff, of connections within connections, labyrinths within labyrinths,  until your head spins. But the bottom line is always satisfying and provides insights into synchronicity.

I sent the You Tube link to mathaddict (Connie Cannon in Aliens in the Backyard). She’s the best numerologist I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and  I figured she would have something to say about it. She did: Here I go again….the 933 on this guy’s moniker is 9+3+3 = 15 = 6. Any  questions, Bueller? This is the number, as we all know by now, of anything  relative to UFOs/ETs and such.

When I sent her remark to Tom, he asked, “Who’s Bueller?”

I think Bueller refers to a line in the 1986 movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off , a comedy starring Matthew Broderick. The important thing here, though, is that Connie identified, numerologically, the substance of Tom’s documentary.

After I watched part one, I was interested enough to click on part two. I happened to glance at the numbers of views it had received and yes, there it was, the number 933. Not 930 or 9,300 or 93. But 933, the very number Tom  talks about in the film. At this point, I asked myself what I usually do when confronted with this sort of thing, Who’s orchestrating this  stuff, anyway?

 There are no easy answers to that question. The WHO seems to depend on our individual belief systems – philosophical, spiritual, scientific, academic, medical, whatever. But for me, it usually goes back to physicist David Bohm. He believed in an underlying order in the universe that he called the implicate or enfolded order. It’s a kind of primal soup that births everything – even time.  The explicate order is our external reality – i.e. , for instance, Tom’s film. Synchronicity is what lives and breathes at the border between the implicate  and the explicate, the internal and the external realities.

The 933 views was an obvious synchro, a confirmation that I should watch parts 2 and 3. So I did. And Tom may be on to something here.

Each of us has a different way of experiencing, interpreting, using and  living with synchronicity. I couldn’t do a film like Tom’s; I can’t write about synchros in the way that Daz does. After a certain level of drilling, frustration sets in and I walk away. Yet I’m grateful for people like Tom and Daz who possess the patience and  perseverance to go for the absolute bottom line: what is this this thing called synchronicity, anyway? Who are we in the greater scheme of things?  And hey, hello, what’s going on? So take a look at Tom’s film. It provides much fodder for thought.



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22 Responses to 933

  1. whoot says:

    yet you guys write books on the subject,, thats what has me so confused… it’s Hermes,, something like herpes,, just a different kind of infection… not all good seems,, sad to say……. fallen man..

  2. whoot says:

    bozo address 7 wore 77 relocated 77 town 777 7/7/7 7 days before 49 after,,,, 30 pus 7 plus 7 1/2 dozen maybe forgottennnnn (7/7/11) baseball 128K (2 to the 7th) space jump,,,, BOZO says in the most enduring way he can,,, thinks your all a bit off your rocker…. S L no O,,, normal guy,, you guys see the synch with this years calendars………. algebra problem,,,, 1+ blank = 8,,,,,,, blah blah blah,,,,, what your points folks,,,, it’swhat up in arms or all Felix B….. fat fat fat

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, it’s now Monday night in FL and of course it’s on the world-wide news by now: Pope Benedict is resigning as of the 28th. First Pope to resign in over 700 years. When I read your comment about Madonna and the Pope, I couldn’t help but chuckle “synchro”!! 😉

  4. Darren B says:

    nine − X = 6
    That is the math problem I have to work out before I can post this comment.
    Can you believe it?
    This is a rabbit hole you’ve unearthed here.
    I took a look at this film (1st part so far) and thought what about the other numbers on the numberplate (4GF-933) 4GF =17 since 4+G (7)+F(6) = 17.
    I put 17+933 into Goggle images and found this page –
    What struck me personally since I have had so many raven,Poe syncs was the photo of E.A.Poe’s grave,which takes you to this site-
    It’s the site of an author named Adam Corbin Fusco.
    When I Goggled him I found he has written some interesting articles-
    he is also a Casting Assistant and has worked on a Jodie Foster film,which I find interesting since the radio antennas in the 933 doco reminded me of the movie “Contact”starring Jodie Foster.
    Also another image I found was this image of a Madonna look a like wearing a cross,which leads to this site –
    The Village Bike?-)
    Funny,since I just did a piece on Madonna and the Pope –
    which has so far had 33 views!?
    This is a rabbit hole that I’m afraid to climb into,because I may not be able to find my way out.
    Why did you have to show me this?-)

    • Darren B says:

      It’s funny that Connie should make reference to the movie
      “FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF” as it is one of my favourite movies.
      Also the Ferris Wheel is a very important sync symbol for me,as you can see from my blog.
      I am working on a post involving a Ferris Wheel and a teacher,but it’s on the back burner for the moment.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Into the rabbit hole: I figured this one would speak to you, Daz!

  5. Nancy says:

    I feel the same way about David Wilcock. He did a very long disertation on his blog about what is happening in our galaxy right now. Since I’m researching frequency changes I was thrilled he did so much leg work on this subject. I don’t mind the layers of data as long as the end result is interesting. Thanks for link.

    Here is the link to the one I found on David’s blog:


  6. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating string of synchros………..and I appreciate the way you point out the subjective (quontum?) aspect of not just synchronicity, but of perception. Interpreting a synchro is kind of like interpreting a dream………which is very individual. Although sometimes I think there are synchros which are collective in nature as well.

    Will enjoy checking out the videos. I have to leave for several weeks so may not be around the “cyberspace block” for a while……….wishing all of you a lovely Valentine Day.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Gypsy, my dear distant Cousin….I have a candle burning for you! You’ve been so much on my mind lately. Congratulations on your book! Your poet’s voice is so magnificent. I will continue to keep sending thoughts your way, and you know I know what it is to miss “that special friend” who helps us get through difficult times.
    Be healthy! cj

  8. gypsy says:

    Ok – really weird your post today because i’ve been meaning to send you a note of a very recent synchro for me – all last week for some reason i seemed to have norah jones on my mind – i mean, constantly, on my mind – and while i do love her music, i couldn’t begin to tell you the last time i had thought of her or played her music, until last week when i learned that i had to be seen by still another medical specialist and my mind took me back to a time when a friend of mine would have been there to help – to assuage any anxiety – to help me make it through the night so to speak – anyway on tuesday, the 5th, i even did a FB post of jones’ “help me make it through the night” – then, wednesday was another day at the computer – no music playing but i kept thinking of norah’s songs – on thursday i had to make the long out of town trek to the new physician’s office up north – it was a building/office to which i had never been and because of the circumstances of my visit, i was a bit anxious to say the least – but i had determined to focus positively in the days prior to this visit – however, when i arrived at the medical complex, i sat in my car a few minutes, gathering my whatever [positive focus, i guess] before i went in – it is a beautiful new modern building with exterior fountains and fabulous landscaping, all designed to be as calming and serene as possible – anyway, just as the beautiful glass and brass doors opened for me as i approached, the first thing i heard was the building PA system playing norah jones doing “help me make it through the night”! After my visit, as i left the medical complex, i decided to flip on some music – now, just as i was about to push the button, i realized that i could not remember the last time i’d played my car stereo – probably not since my sister’s death over a year ago – literally – and others had driven my car in that year and i’d no clue if there were even any cds of mine still in it, let alone what they might be – anyway, i punch the button – and the music begins – the song? norah jones doing “help me make it through the night” –

    so – i’m realizing that there are the three [3] times of the same song and that if the number 3 is multiplied by itself, it equals a 9 – and i’m trying to remember what i know about 3’s and 9’s – then i get on the highway headed home and just as i pick up speed, there, overhead, fly three [3] large hawks – together – they come from my right, swoop over my car and veer back to the right again – and so, there is the another series of 3’s – and hawks? –

    and to carry out the 3 theme, this past sunday, the 10th of february, my new book of poetry was released – the date of that release [which was unknown to me until i read it on FB that day] 02102013 contains 3 sets of 3 which equal 9 –

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    You’re right, The “Bueller” remark came from the movie FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF”. Ferris is a high school senior who delivers some pretty nifty philosophical comments throughout the storyline. Essentially, wake up, look around, SEIZE THE DAY. In terms of universal synchronicities, as I was watching an H2 documentary last night on the greatest minds on our planet, living and dead, and the differences that were/are in their gray matter itself upon dissection and examination, the narrator said more than once that this universe, and others, have a mathematical foundation that these great minds were somehow able to tap into. Einstein, Tesla, Socrates, Hawking, etc. One thing I have discovered as a fundamental truth is that
    everything and everyone that exists, has existance on a specific frequency measured by a specific number: 1 through 9. Anything relative to that person, place, thing, whatever, resonates within that same frequency. As stated above, 15/6 is the frequency of anything concerning UFOs/ETs and such. If that frequency isn’t there, then whatever is under scrutiny in these arenas isn’t valid. In any event, this is a great post, guys! And many, many thanks for the nod to my work! I must say, though, that a discarnate entity, a Mathematician who has never given me a name, is responsible for guiding me to and through the numbers! 😉

  10. I’ve only watched the first video but I personally didn’t find it very convincing. Sometimes I feel that we can over analyse and make ‘things’ fit in the way that ‘we’ want them to. Often with synchronicity it’s spontaneous, and we know inside that it is meaningful – almost without having to go seeking for the answer at great depth.

    I will, however, come back and watch the other two videos later and, who knows, may then change my mind!

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