Aliens and…Ankles?!

I ran across this story on Mike Perry’s blog and asked him if we could re-post it. He received it from one of his readers who calls herself Revelation Petra. It’s a strange story and as Mike says, “As with most stories received I have to take this at face value. There’s nothing I can research to verify what is said to have happened. So, as I often say, see what you think.”


“I had just arrived home from a friend’s place and was lying on my bed  looking out of the window at the stars. I felt a sharp pain like a pin being stuck in my toe.

It felt like I was frozen and I wanted to yell out but didn’t want to disturb my mother who was asleep in the next room. I was wide awake and had only just put my head on the pillow seconds earlier, thinking about tomorrow and things I had to do. I felt someone was in my room and there were sounds from the foot of my bed.

I couldn’t see anything, and couldn’t move at all. It was then that I felt hands around my feet where the pin prick had been. I could only lift my head slightly and I saw three small figures looking at me from the foot of the bed.

There were two small entities standing at the end of my bed and one was holding my ankle and examining it. While this was happening I hoped my mother, in the next room, wouldn’t wake up and disturb these entities as they might panic and hurt her. After what seemed like just a few seconds I noticed three more figures standing at the foot of the bed and they stuck something in my leg.

I started to feel able to move again, only slightly and lifted my head off the pillow and saw right into their faces. They looked back but never stopped doing whatever they were doing. They knew I was looking straight at them and that I was wide awake.

They were not trying to intentionally hurt me and I felt no fear and I can remember everything that they did. I was aware of being awake and that this was not a dream. I tried to communicate with them but I couldn’t talk as no sounds came from my mouth.

They looked quite solid, long arms but not abnormal, smallish heads, not extremely large, more like small children feeling around and playing. They were around three or four feet tall, dark greyish in appearance with lizard like scales, Their skin seemed the same colour throughout the body as far as I could see. They had a almost sad look about them and there was definitely some kind of rank as one or two ordered the others around – not with words or telepathy but they just seemed to obey without answering.

They still had hold of my ankle and reminded me of well trained doctors with nurses helping them, this was a real event. I noticed that they had three large type fingers that seemed to be too large to do anything intricate, yet they were doing things to me with the skill of a surgeon.

I felt no pain except for the initial discomfort of a pinprick in my toe.

They wanted to look at my legs and feet and didn’t come near my face or touch any part of me except my toes and ankles, although they had direct contact with my eyes.

They seemed to be quite aware of my feelings and as they continued they would look my way to see if I was in any discomfort.

Before they left I noticed they looked back at me and then vanished.

It was then that I felt a sensation in my foot and toe and I immediately jumped up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

When I checked the time it was less than three minutes since I had arrived home. This was impossible as I had made something to eat when I first arrived home, went to the bathroom, got undressed and went to bed.

I then heard my mother talking and realized it was all over.”


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14 Responses to Aliens and…Ankles?!

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    MomWithWings, perhaps…only perhaps, though….the ‘healings’ you’ve received may have come from discarnate entities: Healers in Spirit, as opposed to aliens? This has
    happened on many occasions with me. I’ve experienced healings from Spirit, and have received other types of positive input from one certain species of ETs or Alien Beings, altho not healings. I suppose for each of us, it can be quite different. I’ve had nothing but horror from the Grays, and also from interaction with our military (unless that is a screen memory) interacting with the Grays. That doesn’t mean, however, that other folks haven’t had positive encounters with them. My own have been negative, and have never evolved into any type of positive results. I thing they must have different strokes for different folks, maybe. Or, different species of Aliens……

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Very curious that they were interested in her feet, specifically toes, considering that in acupuncture, etc, there are myriad pressure points on the feet and in the toes. Something I learned from an authority on this subject is that if a person takes two fingers, the index and middle fingers of one hand, and presses them against the wrist
    approximately an inch and a half or so below the junction of the wrist and hand (that horizontal line) there is a powerful pressure point in that wrist area that when pressed in such a manner, can and does relieve motion sickness. This has made me wonder if the bruises and puncture marks that appear on those points on my wrists may be the Good Guys attempting to relieve the horrific motion sickness I experience following abductions. However, they appear sometimes in the daytime when the three black helicopters hover and there doesn’t SEEM to have been an abduction-type encounter. Strange, high weirdness.

    • Nancy says:

      We talked with a woman on our flight from Hawaii night before last that had a terrycloth cuff with a magnet that works just as you described. She was hoping she would not get motion sickness on the flight. Not sure it worked…

  3. Nancy says:

    This story is so strange. It immediately reminded me of a dream I had just the other night. I felt a horrific pain in the ball of my foot. I remember thinking that I could control the pain by using the skills I used in child birth. When I woke up I looked at my foot, but couldn’t find anything wrong. Strange, because I don’t have any problems with my feet, or pain for that matter. But in the dream it was intense.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that connection Trish.

    I just want to say I have had contact and I guess I’m one of the rare people where it has been rather benign. In fact, I recently had to see a special massage therapist for migraines and she really had to get deep in my muscles. I have Fibromyalgia so this was painful at that moment, yet I knew it would help. At one point I was about to say “stop!” ,when I saw three alien faces (my eyes were closed) and they immediately told me that I needed this and I was momentarily out of body feeling no pain.
    I have had their help at the dentist also.
    I know that some are very kind and loving, yet whenever I see a picture of a certain type of robot I have intense fear. One group put that memory into me and I hate it and I remember as a child trying to get away from it.
    Their are def. different aliens amongst us.

  5. Certainly an event that would be rather startling, true or not. It is interesting that they would be concerned with her discomfort yet other abduction stories tell quite the opposite.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    This was an interesting post and rang true to me.
    I have found strange bruises on my ankles and being that I can be a bit clumsy I assume I did it somehow, although…it has always bewildered me.
    Now I am wondering.

  7. A strange story – interesting what Math writes.

    Thanks for re-posting.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Interesting post. Leads to different interpretations and speculations. I’ve never seen any of the entities with scales. That certainly doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Regarding the “pinprick” in her ankle, there are numerous occasions when black and blue bruises with a tiny puncture mark inside the bruise will appear on both my wrists pulse points. The puncture marks and bruises fade much more rapidly than ordinary bruises, which take several days and change colors. These bruises disappear in a matter of hours. They aren’t painful, like an ordinary bruise. I suspect this person wasn’t actually in her bed but was rather on a craft and simply didn’t realize she had been taken from her room. Of course I could be wrong. But the TIME thing….
    that generally indicates a change in space, often being inside a UFO or whatever. In any event, thanks for sharing. Food for thought, this.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      This post, when I read it on Mike’s blog, struck me as a genuine experience. I also wondered about whether she was actually in a craft.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I don’t know if this young woman found any puncture marks. I’ll ask Mike if he knows.

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