The Orange Doggie Ball & Manifestation

This is our dog’s favorite toy. It’s called a chucker. The orange ball that usually comes with the chucker is covered with fuzz, like a tennis ball, and the one in the photo is a rubber ball, Noah’s preference.  When we take the chucker and the rubber ball to the dog park, he chases it relentlessly, races other dogs to catch it, and gets quite a cardio workout and general exercise.

Recently, the orange ball got lost. We substituted a tennis ball, but Noah wasn’t interested. So we switched back to a Frisbee, which used to be his favorite toy. But after months of chasing the orange ball, he really wasn’t that interested. He would either stand by the fence, hoping to spot a squirrel, or would do this:

We looked all over the house and yard, in both cars, but couldn’t find the  ball. So today we decided to head to the pet store to buy some new orange balls. While I was waiting for Rob to come outside,  I straightened the sheet we use on the back seat whenever Noah rides in this car. And there was the lost orange ball, just sitting there in the folds of the sheet.

I heard the trickster, laughing.  We had looked repeatedly in the back seat of this car, had removed the sheet and shaken it out, had even changed sheets since the ball had gotten lost. So how could the orange ball suddenly be there?

I have a sort of theory about this. We had already been out for several hours this morning, running errands. While I enjoy trips to the pet store, today I really just wanted to stay home and work on my book. So, just as we’re about to head out to the pet store to buy more orange balls, the lost ball is found. Rob calls it an instant manifestation – no more than a few minutes had passed between my thought about wanting to stay home– and finding the ball. But exactly what is manifestation?

According to, here are the choices:

a : the act, process, or an instance of manifesting

b (1) : something that manifests or is manifest (2) : a perceptible, outward, or visible expression

c : one of the forms in which an individual is manifested

d : an occult phenomenon; specifically : materialization

2: a public demonstration of power and purpose

I think “d” fits nicely, a materialization – it takes shape in three-dimensional reality,  we can hold it, see it, experience it. But why is it referred to as an occult phenomenon?  This immediately casts manifestation in a disparaging light -as suspicious, something that belongs in woo-woo land, something interwoven with hidden or secret knowledge. Yet, don’t most of us have desires that we hope will be manifested?

On a personal level, your desire may be as mundane as finding a lost orange ball  or as big as being healed of cancer. The manifestation of that desire underscores the mysterious nature of reality and may also address the powerful roles that emotion and belief play in the process.

So if a desire doesn’t manifest itself, does that mean your emotions and beliefs weren’t strong enough? This is where things sometimes get murky, at least for me.

Of course it’d like to have a million bucks,  to see all my books and Rob’s become bestsellers,  of course I want my daughter to be happy, of course I want world peace and an end to hunger. The last two desires involve the emotions and beliefs of everyone else on the planet, so I know I can’t do that one alone.  My desire for Megan is powerful, but unless it’s also her desire for herself, my influence is minimal. The first two desires, though, involve the combined reality that Rob and I share and synchronicity certainly is a significant factor – as guidance, affirmation, warning.

Lately, I’ve noticed other “quick” manifestations. I may not be in a place where I can manifest a million bucks by tomorrow morning, but I’m paying attention.

Now, if I can just manifest all those lost socks in the clothes dryer!



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19 Responses to The Orange Doggie Ball & Manifestation

  1. I’ve been tossing the metaphorical frisbee of what exactly is manifestation for a few days, as a result of an intense dose of William Buhlman’s work on OBEs. In his OBE garnered experience, the world we perceive as “real” is the dense, outermost layer of existence. Through controlled OBE exploration, Buhlman states we’ll discover many parallel non-physical worlds to explore. It’s this outer dense matter layer that’s hardest to influence through thought manifestation, but not impossible. Once you leave this dense vibratory plane, thought becomes the agent of manifestation more transparently. So, the question is, whose manifestation of that ball was it? Trish, with the solid desire to get some writing done, or Noah’s, who just wanted his old ball back. You know, Trish, like in the old Spanish lullaby, “Senora Santana, porque llora el nino… ” Do you know that song? The moral of it is the child is crying because he wants his apple back, not a new one, his apple, the one he lost. Maybe this is Noah’s manifestation.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Si, lo conozco! And after seeing Noah at the park today, racing happily after his ball, I think you’re probably right. It was HIS manifestation!
      I liked Buhlman’s book….

  2. If only I could manifest the winning lottery numbers that easily.

  3. whoot says:

    that was “turned me onto a”,,,,,,, then center not cneter,,

  4. whoot says:

    hey folks,, bozo just signed his first online obituary “guest” book,, great guy, (also according to the ones who knew him as an adult),,, turned me a great national park 3 and 1/2 decades ago,, not the one with a visitor cneter with bozos name on it,, but ?? might we be able to guess the name of the passed away old friend…..

  5. I think we can try too hard with manifesting anything. I’ve found that at times throw away comments will materialise something quite unexpectedly – whereas too much effort almost gets in the way of the process.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could put our minds together and create some kind of vehicle that we could “ride” into the trickster’s black hole and retrieve these “lost” items???? I can’t imagine what happened to hubby’s two rings. My pup didn’t eat them. They wouldn’t pass thru her still-small digestive system and she would be very sick. I wonder if some extra-dimensional entity took a liking to the rings. Not long after our Mom transitioned, my older sister had inherited Mom’s collection of beloved Fabrege’ (sp?) eggs, which sister Kay kept in a locked glass display case. One of the eggs disappeared. It was there one day. Next day, it was gone. No one in the house but sis and hubby, and the key was on sister’s key ring. They searched high and low for that beautiful egg. It simply vanished. Then, out of nowhere a few weeks later, VOILA!, that damn egg appeared in the locked display case again as if it had never disappeared. No one can convince me that material items can’t be “teleported” to SOMEWHERE, and then returned, especially when there is absolutely no other possible explanation!!! I think our Mom was letting sis know she was around, and got her attention by snagging her favorite egg.

  7. gypsy says:

    neat story – so did you get back to your book? 😉 and i always love the photos of noah!

    reminds me, too, of the ring i lost and then found…..

  8. lauren raine says:

    I’ve noticed something like this myself…………..the internet is interesting that way, as I’ve often found I’ll be thinking of something, usually information I want, and bingo, someone out of the blue will send me an email that is so helpful! But I kind of think the manifestations that come to me are mostly for what I need spiritually, and that the universe is not so interested in providing me with my more mundane manifestations. After all, do I really need that pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey? But perhaps what manifested here is not really your desire, but the deep (spiritual) desire of Noah for his lost ball?

    Terry Pratchett, in his book (and fabulous movie of the same name – it’s on Netflix) “Hogfather” postulates a situation in which there is an excess of “belief” available in the universe at a particular time, which is why a sock-eating monster manifests in the laundry room, as well as an O-God of Hangovers.

  9. Momwithwings says:

    I love your dog.

    Whenever I can’t find something that I SHOULD be able to find, I find myself saying, ok trickster put it back! Sometimes when I do that and give it a few minutes I find it.
    It is so annoying!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I think I’ll try that. We “lost” a $100 two years ago – rob set it on the counter and when I turned around, it just wasn’t there. Searched high and low….still missing.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Love this post!!! And the picture of Noah riding a bicycle upside down!!!! Ah, yes, the disappearing/re-appearing oprange ball. Wish I had an answer. My husband has lost two rings that he wears when he dresses up: his “poker” ring, and his “Masonic” ring. He almost always puts them in the exact same place when he removes them: on the top of his high chest of drawers beside a large box that he keeps his “things” in. But he’s turned the house and all three of our vehicles upside down and inside out, and no rings. He swears that Storm, our black Lab puppy, has snagged them and eaten them, because she’s at that teething age where if something isn’t nailed down, it’s fair game for her to snatch and run, usually chewing and/or eating whatever she has grabbed. She’s unusally fond of paper and any kind of cloth items, but also steals ballpoint pens and anything else that takes her fancy, so I have to watch her every minute that she’s awake and try to keep dangerous objects out of her reach. I’ve tried to convince hubby that there’s no way she would have eaten his two rings. He’s not convinced, because since the rings disappeared, no one has been in our home except him, me, and the pup. So, I’m hoping that the Trickster will manifest those darn rings at some point! They MUST be somewhere. maybe floating around in a different dimension!!

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