
This video pretty much says it all.



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16 Responses to War

  1. Darren B says:

    Great clip and it’s good to see people are waking up (although,few too many at present) and asking WHY?
    And I just love that haunting cover of “Tears for Fears” “Mad World”.
    (Probably one cover that surpasses the original version…although,I still like the original also).
    Ever since hearing it in the movie “Donnie Darko”,it has been my favourite version of the two.

  2. Natalie says:

    Power punch to the solar plexus , *tears*. Why does this not bother them?

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    Thank you. I’ve heard these voices, many times before. They are the same as the voices of the young men I listened to a generation ago. Vietnam cost 50,000 young American lives, and millions of Vietnamese lives. Many, many demonstrations, media events, documentaries, and movies have been made about it, from “Coming Home” (John Voight), Apocalypse Now (Martin Sheen), Born on the 4th of July (Tom Cruise)………..and on and on. And yet, here we are again. The nuclear disaster taking place in Japan demonstrates the very real ecological catastrophe that all future generations are facing, and what are we doing to divert attention? Interfering in the civil war of another middle eastern country. Starting another war. Why?

    In 2009 I stood before the white house and watched Cindy Sheehan (who lost her son in Iraq), two priests, and 3 Quakers get arrested in protest of the anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. The media treated us like a bunch of silly kooks, hippies, foolish idealists.

    I don’t understand. I can’t fathom why the suffering of all those people in Vietnam, the soldiers of my generation and the people of that country…….why the lessons they offered the future have been utterly lost.

    • rob and trish says:

      It’s maddening, the way the administration is trying to spin this as a humanitarian effort. Way back, during Rwanda, we didn’t do squat. No resources we wanted. Hate to be so cynical, but after reading Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, it all seems so

      • The problem with Rwanda is that it happened on the heals of the fiasco in Somalia. People can’t seem to remember but after President George Herbert Walker Bush lost his reelection bid, he committed troops to Somalia and handed it off to his successor knowing full well that Clinton had zero foreign policy experience. When the incident happened known as “Black Hawk Down”, this caused a huge uproar in America and Clinton got a lot of flak for it, because he was a draft dodger whom the military did not like or trust. There was no way he could push the military to do the right thing in Rwanda. The political price would have been huge. Our M-I-C doesn’t care about humanitarian efforts. When I was in the military, a lot of guys were Republican / conservative and had no problem going to war over oil, but they did not want to intervene in Bosnia, Rwanda, or Haiti. That’s just the mindset of a conservative for you: exploitation of natural resources. Oil matters more than human lives, especially “black or brown human lives.”

        For me, the switch in Obama’s position is more reflective of the power of the M-I-C than Obama’s true motives. What would you do if you walk into the White House and realize that you can’t do what you want in Iraq or Afghanistan if you care about your family, life, and legacy? It stuns me that people are so naive about politics and take everything at face value. I don’t. You have to read behind the lines. There is a reason why politicians tell reporters when they are going to speak “off the record.” This means that the pen comes down or the tape recorder is turned off and the politician tells the honest truth to a reporter about a situation. The reporter is privy to knowledge he or she can’t divulge if they care about having access and credibility. This also means that there is a conspiracy to keep Americans ignorant of the truth. And yet, people fall into it by making comments or judgements about what is reported, as if that was the real truth of things. I’m telling you from my strongest intuitive feeling…Obama has no choice but to do what the M-I-C wants if he cares about living to create a post-presidency legacy and see his daughters grow up and get married and start their own lives. I really think that there are some evil people lurking in the shadows of our government and I think GWB finally realized he was played in the worst way in the last few months of his presidency (he looked like a broken man in his last year in office).

        • Lauren Raine says:

          Thank you for your thoughtful response – I think there is much truth in what you have to say. Sometimes, I think we all cannot help but be naive.

        • rob and trish says:

          You make some great points, Sansego. The secret gov’t stuff – the Illuminati again?

          • I’m not sure what I think about the Illuminati or the Freemasons or Skull and Bones. All I know is that something is not right when liberal Democratic politicians change their views regarding our war policies when they become president. Is it better to have a president who doesn’t want war or a president with no qualms about war to take orders from the M-I-C?

            One thing I learned about the Kennedy Administration is that JFK did not trust the military brass who wanted to go to war against Cuba, because Kennedy had the foresight to know that it could launch WWIII and that the Soviets would likely invade West Berlin. Kennedy didn’t trust the military because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. So you can imagine that after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when he sought a more peaceful solution than what the military wanted, that when they pushed for him to send ground troops to Vietnam, he was resistant and the M-I-C found that LBJ was more than willing to commit to their plan, so the coup was set for Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963 with hired man Lee Harvey Oswald set up to be the fall guy and Jack Ruby to be the silencer while the real assassins slipped away unnoticed.

            It does often amaze me when I hear people say they don’t believe its possible for our country to do evil. One look at Cheney’s face and you can see the pulsating evil. We are the richest, most powerful nation in the world and people don’t think that there are evil men with money and power who are manipulating things behind the scenes?!?

  4. karena says:

    Go Nica!!! Yes…a copy to the white house. Great idea! Glad to see this video making its way around the net. Thanks MacGregors!

  5. Nancy says:

    Absolutely, it does!

  6. Sad doesn’t begin to describe it. We don’t have any words in any language that can adequately address these crimes against humanity. Nor do we have sufficient tears to shed.

  7. Phew – that does say it all, doesn’t it? And now Libya … ?

  8. friend of nica says:

    you’re right – the video said it ALL – ALL! shall we send a copy to the white house?

  9. Nancy says:

    OMG -I-just posted the same video and then noticed the post on LITT – stopped by here and found it again! We are on the same wavelength!

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