The #23 and Obama

It seems as if March 23 was a big day in several ways:

Liz Taylor died. She was one of the last true drama babes  of Hollywood.

Jose Arguelles died. He was a visionary of the New Age movement.

And it looks as if President Obama got locked out of the White House. He’s the first African-American president.

First, let’s take a retrospective look at #23. We wrote about this number several times. Here’s the original article that talks about the obsession two men had about this number – William S Burroughs and Robert Anton Wilson.  We’ve provided a synopsis of what we’ve found about this number, taken from a subsequent post we wrote about this odd number:

In science and math:

During conception, each parent contributes 23 chromosome apiece to the fetus.

Euclid’s geometry has 23 axioms.
23 is the first prime number in which both digits are prime numbers and add up to another prime number.
It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

Every 23rd wave that slams into a shore is twice as large as the average wave.
The first lunar landing was in the Sea of Tranquility, 23.63 degrees East. The second lunar landing was in the Ocean of Storms, 23.42 degrees West. The first two landings were Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 – 11+12=23.
The earth rotates completely every 23 hours, 56 minutes.
The axis of the plane Earth is 23.5 degrees.
The human biorhythm cycle is 23 days.
The pattern of DNA shows irregular connections at every 23rd section.
Humans have 23 vertebra running down the main part of their spines.
The Harmonic Convergence occurs every 23,000 years.
Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth’s surface.
September 23rd is the Fall equinox.
23+23+23=WWW, the World Wide Web (W being the 23rd letter of the alphabet)

Divination Systems:

In The I Ching, Hexagram 23 is called Splitting Apart


Take X-Files. The production company, Ten-Thirteen -10+13 – adds up to 23. 10-13 is the birth date of creator Chris Carter. For fans of X-Files, remember that abandoned nuclear silo where a UFO is being held? 1013 is the number on the silo. In another episode, Mulder goes to the apartment of a recently deceased man and the number 23 is on the door.

In the popular TV series Lost, which builds on layers of synchronicity, there are a number of oddities involving 23:
Oceanic Flight 815 – 8+15=23
The gate number from which the flight departed
Jack’s seat on the flight was 23A
Rose and Bernard were sitting in row 23
Hurley stayed in a Sydney hotel on floor 23
The reward for turning Kate in: $23,000
One of the numbers in the sequence of 6 that won Hurley the lottery and opened the hatch: 4 8 15 16 23 42.
Even if the repetition of 23s in the series is intentional, it’s nonetheless the sort of weirdness that would have interested both Burroughs and Wilson.

So, on March 23, President Obama returns early from his trip to South America.  The U.S. is now involved in the Libya conflict and generally, people aren’t too too happy about the way he has handled this situation. He makes a decision for military action – and then leaves the country. When he returns a day early, he discovers he is locked out of the White House.

The symbolism alone doesn’t bode well for Obama’s re-election in 2012. The fact that the lock-out occurred on the 23rd day may be even more telling. We hope he or someone in his administration pays attention to symbolism and synchronicity. If they ignore the symbolism, if they don’t change course, then we could end up with some wacko as president. Obama is a huge disappointment, yes, but given the other contenders who are stepping forward to entertain a run, he’s the best that we have right now.

Or is he? The other part of the symbolism is what we don’t see – who locked Obama out? Is there a reincarnated FDR in the wings? Is there a true progressive moving through the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to open those locked doors?

Now THAT would fall in the realm of the trickster.




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26 Responses to The #23 and Obama

  1. Pingback: Ecological Disasters - is 2012 real?

  2. bozo says:

    yes like ya started the story 23 chromosomes,, but ya’s didn’t run it through like with 2 becoming 3 (intelligent design) or with the “Book of Daniel” “2300” chromosomes x’s toes x’s fingers (me I put it on record when my town was how old)…. it’s like 2.00$ gas in the year 2,000 or Dow at 12,000 right before 2012 or like that physics constant of 137 when the universe is how old?????…It’s all synchro sized…..

  3. Darren B says:

    Sorry,I just saw the 23rd comment was up for grabs,and I just had to try and get to it first.-)

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    Interesting! Sounds like 23 could also be about the chaos from which new change comes?

  5. If you look close to his elbow within the green blob, there are what appear to be three
    whitish ‘orbs’ in a vertical line. Just weird. Maybe it’s part of his aura??

  6. Locked out of the White House: made me smile at the possible symbolism. As for Mr.Obama as President, I’m not sure he could have ever lived up to such expecatation.

  7. Uh-oh. A redundant double negative in my comment. I meant to say that’s why I tend to think it’s a NOT a photography thing. May be nothing. May be something.
    Ideas, anyone?

  8. Question: Is the big green translucent “blob” between the camera and the president a photographic thing, or is it something else? Anyone know?? It looks as if it’s right up against the prez, whatever it is. And, whatever it is casts its shadow in the glass of the door, which is why I tend to not think it’s a not photography thing. It appears to have a small whitish ‘nucleus’ close to his hand. What IS that blob? Has anyone besides me paid any attention to it? You know me…..”forensic investigator”! 😉

  9. Darren B says:

    Bruce Springsteen’s birthday is September 23, 1949 (1+9+4+9=23).
    He was one of Obama’s main cheerleaders during the 2008 campaign.
    But hey,my birthday is also Sept 23…so I can’t talk.-)
    Alex Proyas director of “The Crow”,”Dark City”,”I Robot”,”Knowing”,and the soon to be filmed “Paradise Lost” (gulp!) is also born on Sept 23 .

    Just a side note to “September 23rd is the Fall equinox” comment in the above post.
    Down in the Southern Hemisphere,September 23rd is the Spring equinox.

  10. Natalie says:

    I think the Big O being locked out is hilarious in one sense, but then again…..let’s hope the universe can pull a genius out of it’s hat for you.
    I had a dream about playing football with a bunch of like minded souls. My husband was the coach, but the owner of the team was a very dead former American president. Half of the playing field was shadowy and being rained on and my side was sunny. At half time, the former pres. said:
    ” lucky you were playing on the sunny side”.
    Maybe I should go back in and ask him who have they got lined up for you?

  11. karena says:

    Who took the photo and posted it on Youtube?

  12. As one who had a White House internship in 2000, I can say this much: that mistake simply does not happen. There are many many staff members who work in the White House complex and there is security everywhere, so the door doesn’t need to be locked. Its not like some thief can get on to the premises without detection! So, the fact that this happened is or should be huge news. Something sinister is afoot…or it could be as innocent as the cleaning lady accidentally turning the lock on the door knob or someone playing a prank. Still…would love to know how and why this happened.

  13. P.S. The reason 9-11-2001 is 23 is because 11 is a master frequency and is never reduced, thus the date is added: 9+11+2+0+0+1=23.

  14. OK. Here’s something extremely significant about the number 23. In my decades of working with the ancient numeric language systems in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, one of my richest sources for intense research is the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament. (And Kabballah and Gematria, etc) That Book of Numbers is a treasure trove for anyone interested in true metaphysical mathematics because in its entirely it is symbolic. One of the most fascinating facts from the Book of Numbers is that when the Numbers of the Names of the separate Tribes of Israel are individually added, none of them has the root frequency of 5. There is NO 23 there. Every other frequency is there, but 23 is absent. I have reams and reams of files working in that nu,ber system, and has always been intrigued by the absence of the 23. In the New Testament, the 23 first appears as the frequency of the word “CHRIST”. It is 32, but in Hebrew, which is read from right to left, becomes 23. So, the 23 is non-existentant within the tribes of Israel and came into play on this planet with the Christ Spirit. (Not necessarily with Jesus, but with the Christ. There’s a difference.) I’ve used 23 in multiple equations looking for specific resolutions, and the results have been mind-blowing. I could write a volume on the frequency 23, but will control myself!! Don’t know if anyone realizes it, but 9-11-2001 is a 23. In Islam, 23 is a very important number and in their worst atrocities (the warrior Islams) they incorporate the number 23.

  15. friend of nica says:

    oh, true, it doesn’t bode well [the president being locked out of the white house] – on so many levels – now, i’d love to know just WHO locked those doors – i’m thinking someone we may soon see in the lines of the unemployed! i always love your numbers posts! course, i have a thing for numbers, too – and i’m sure cj will be able to add still more fantasticallyfun stuff here!

  16. Nancy says:

    Interesting – definitely some symbolism here.

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