Jenny’s High Strangeness

One of the individuals who contacted us after our appearance on Coast to Coast is a 36-year-old therapist and mother of three who lives in Florida. Like many people who experience encounters,  she’s doesn’t want to jeopardize her family or her professional reputation by using her real name. So we’re calling her Jenny.  She sent us “the high points” of her experiences. The phoenix seems appropriate for the image!


I frequently listen to Coast to Coast but I have never contacted anyone regarding the strange history of my family and myself until hearing your responses to the callers. Two of them described some of the experiences we can totally relate to. It was reassuring because who can you really talk to about these experiences without sounding nuts? I have a graduate degree and a professional reputation to uphold. No one in my family has been diagnosed with any mental illnesses, other than alcoholism. So, we are not schizophrenic or paranoid. We are not in denial either. 🙂 Nor do we take antidepressants or any drugs.

I am originally from Orange County NY (which I later learned is aka the UFO capital of the northeast, especially Pine Bush.) The first strange situation occurred when I was about two. I lived in an old, restored, Victorian mini-mansion. My mother saw a red glow at all the windows, from the kitchen. She said that above the house was  a massive craft the size of a football field – or bigger – glowing with red lights.

I don’t remember any of this – I was only two years old – but I was at her side.  My mother described her absolute terror and panic, and said the next thing she knew, she and I were back in the kitchen and it was two hours later.

According to my mother she saw these things or lights or crafts only with me. She has told me she often felt they followed her home at night when I was in the car with her and remembers running into the house extremely frightened after driving home from the grocery store or a relative’s house. (Sounds like mental instability but if you met my mother you would know it’s not) She refers to them now as “those damn things” when she talks about it with me as an adult.

The next incident I was involved in, which I remember, happened when I was 7 or 8. My mother was away at a church retreat and my two older brothers and their girlfriends were babysitting me. I don’t remember much of that evening but I know they were drinking beer. I vaguely remember going to bed late.

The next thing I know, I wake up in the backseat of my brother’s girlfriend’s car parked in the driveway at about 3 AM. I don’t have a shirt on. Or shoes. No coat or gloves. It was freezing cold, the middle of winter, probably 15-20 degrees outside, middle of the night, upstate New York.

Confused and scared, I sat there crying and terrified. I knew I’d gone to sleep in my own bed. I realized my brothers would never hear me, so I ran back inside the house and went back to bed. Everyone was asleep and the house was quiet. I always thought I got to the car by sleepwalking, even though I’m not a sleepwalker. Then, as an adult, I heard some of the other stories of possible abductees winding up somewhere different than the last place they remembered being. 
I don’t have any memories of being aboard a craft or of alien beings. (Thank God)

About a year and a half ago, here in the county where I live, I saw something that looked like it belonged in that movie Abyss.   Fortunately, I had a witness with me – my boyfriend, who is as total and complete non-believing skeptic. When he saw this thing with me, he jumped out of the car screaming, using the “F” word and repeatedly said that it “was from another world! That was a real UFO! That was not the government!” He was in total shock. Nothing other than a sighting, but definitely the strangest thing I have seen yet in my 36 years.  There was no sound at all. Just this glowing, undulating object flowing through the sky above us at night with iridescent colors.

In the 1990s, I went to two different dentists who were completely baffled by this small object that kept showing up on my X rays, apparently in my nasal cavity. They were totally puzzled and asked many questions. That made me uncomfortable. I had no idea what it was and they said even if I hit my head as a child, nothing could have gotten lodged there.

Another strange thing happened that I didn’t give much thought to until I started reading about female abductees. Almost three years after my son was born, I was pregnant, I had every symptom. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I’ve been told you can have a false negative but not a false positive. So, we told friends & family  and started planning. I made my doctor appointment and completely accepted we were having our second child. When I went to my appointment, I was not pregnant.  I didn’t have a miscarriage or pain but I was not pregnant. About 4-6 weeks later, I became pregnant with my middle child.

The point that really bothers me, which probably prompted me to contact you more than anything, is my youngest daughter’s experiences. After we moved to here, she woke up with these lines all over the bottom of her feet a few times. It was as if someone took the very first 2 layers of skin off the bottom of her feet, in patterns. It was bizarre. I took a lot of pictures. My first thought was a parasite or flesh-eating bacteria or something terrible.  One resembled hieroglyphic writing or symbols. It happened two or three times and she had no idea what it was and it caused no pain.

Last spring break she came to me one day. She was confused and concerned and had her hand on top of her head. She asked me what was wrong with her head. I looked and at the top of her head, toward the back, she was missing hair, a perfect circle almost the size of a half dollar was gone.  It had regrowth, like peach fuzz, all the same length. I asked if she had played with scissors or a razor. I asked her sister if she had. I could tell by their reaction that no one had anything to do with it and my little daughter was devastated. She wore her hair up in a ponytail until recently. They had been on spring break for over a week and with me at all times. It was so disturbing and puzzling.

With all these experiences and hearing those callers with similar experiences, I felt I had to contact you and ask you why? Do you have any idea as to what is going on or why this happens? I don’t share this with anyone other than my mother because she knows I wouldn’t lie. When my daughter was missing that patch of hair and the thought occurred that she could have possibly been abducted, I felt very angry and violated. I’m over protective as it is, but when something so out of your control possibly happens to your child…it’s an awful feeling.

Are you familiar with these type of experiences ? Please share your thoughts when you have a moment. I appreciate your time very much. It is a lonely feeling when bizarre, unexplainable events happen throughout your life, especially to your children, but you have no idea how, what or why and you can’t talk about them with anyone. I truly look forward to your response and am open to a phone call if you have any questions.


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10 Responses to Jenny’s High Strangeness

  1. Momwithwings says:

    I was on vacation and missed this post.
    Jenny this is such a safe place to learn and discuss. When you have others who have had similar things happen it helps to validate your sanity!

    As I have read about females and “disappeared” pregnancies it has made me wonder about 2 “miscarriages” I had before my eldest was born. I’ve never allowed myself to really think about it with an Alien connection until now .

    My first miscarriage was early on, 6 weeks in and I was told “this happens, and you’ll have a very heavy period and extra strong cramps.” Well, I have Endometriosis so I’m used to both yet neither happened. It was in fact a pretty normal menses.

    My second miscarriage was devastating to me, I was farther along, almost 4 mos. when I saw my Dr. I already felt “empty”. They did a D&C. I asked if we could test to see what happened and was told that there was no fetus to test. That this happens sometimes. That they believe the fetus is absorbed, OR that the fetus was already “expelled” before my procedure. I have always had a problem with this. As I have read more and more about women having miscarriages and/or being told that they are no longer pregnant I’ve wondered about my own situation.

    In regards to both of my children, now young Adults, I think they have also been abducted but we don’t remember. I met very loving alens as a child and both of my daughters as young children told me that they were not from Earth! In fact my youngest made up an Alien name!

    I do have memories during my childbearing years of waking up feeling as if I had been dropped onto my bed. I would wake up with my legs hanging over the side and on the top of covers. The only marks I keep finding on my body are strange bruises on my ankles. They never turn the usual colors but are bluish and then disappear.

    Well, there is more but I hope that this helps, and I hope you find my post. You are not alone!

  2. lauren raine says:

    A very disturbing story. I lived in Montgomery, NY, back in the early 90’s, just a few miles from Pine Bush………..I remember many people told me about strange activities and anomalies in the area, and we encountered a few of our own. I remember my ex husband had an experience of seeing lights coming up to the windows late at night, although I managed to sleep right through it.

    I wonder if Jenny would be willing to share the photos of her daughter’s feet, the “heiroglyphic patterns” she mentioned. That is so strange.

    I hope the trauma of this will be eased for her by knowledge now of others who share her experiences.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Jenny, to parrot both Nancy and Charles, you are definitely NOT alone! Like Nancy, it took a very long time for me to recognize that abductions do indeed run in families. My Dad was an abductee; I am an abductee, and my youngest of three sons is an abductee. So in my family, it has been through three generations. Unlike many researchers, I tend to have the conviction that an abduction doesn’t happen to an individual only one time. I believe it happens again and again, even though the individual may not be aware or have any memories of the experiences. Carrying it alone is a tremendously heavy burden, but we do it because we fear the ridicule, the debunking, the skepticism, the accusations of being liars, and worst of all, of being mentally ill. But sharing it with folks who understand and accept it, including those
    people who haven’t had the experiences themselves yet know they are real, is a gift you can give to yourself. This blog is one of those places where you can feel free to come out of a dark closet of fear. There are many of us here. We may not have the answers, but we do have the liberation that comes from discussing it with like minds.

  4. Nancy says:

    Jenny, you are not alone. It is very lonely to know that something is going on with your family and you cannot stop it, nor can you talk about it with friends and family. My story appeared in the book regarding waking up and my baby was spinning in my stomach – despite the fact I had yet to feel any movement as it was so early in the pregnancy. Chances are, your bloodline is being tracked – at least that is the what I came to after years of research. My daughter had all kinds of very weird dreams of floating out her bedroom window and many other terrifying things happen to her – mostly after she became a teenager and young woman (child-bearing age?). I also remember patches missing from her scalp. I still have something the dentist was completely flumuxed by that appeared one day lodged in my gum in my late teens. It was metal and about the size of a large piece of rice. He said he had absolutely no idea where it came from, and insisted it was not from dental work. After many years it just disappeared and left a dark tatoo behind. So please know – you are not crazy and you are not alone. I have only just started to talk about this – and putting it here on a blog is a first for me!

  5. Charles says:

    The hair lost reminds me couple days before my own encounter in my backyard, I had noticed that I started loosing my hair instantly and profusely day after day. Every morning I felt sad in the shower … This was realy abnormal. I even thought back then that I would better consult… I didn’t know just why I started loosing my hair. The quantity of hair that I was loosing was so abnormal that I thought within only few weeks I would become completely bald…

    Oddly! After the encounter I stopped loosing my hair…
    This might not be connected to my own encounter but who knows…

    Jenny, you are not crazy and you are not alone…
    Have you ever seen weird or strange people around…

    Copy this below and watch on Google… personnaly for me the most interesting part is located between 7:30 to 12:20

    They are here because of the atomic bomb explosion flash seen from out of space… this could be how we caught their attention to this tiny blue planet… you will also discover that our government is aware of their existance… ask Rob about all the agencies visiting his blog… I do not want to scare you but they know just who we are…

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Jenny, I need to add that the bleeding in my son’s throat was on the INSIDE, at the back of his mouth, not the outside of his throat. Also, I highly recommend that you read the Rob and Trish MacGregor new non-fiction book, ALIENS IN THE BACKYARD, etc. It will give you a great deal of information.

  7. Jenny’s story is 100% believable, glad she was able to share this with us all. Lots of questions like – the object that showed up in the X-rays, wonder if anything went further with this to see what it actually was, is in still in situ?

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Jenny, in response to your comments about “them” violating your children: my youngest son, alongside me, is an abductee. On one occasion, I clearly remember being inside a craft and watching them do something to him. He was still very small, and was nude, lying on his stomach, seemingly asleep. They were putting some kind of mark on his buttock, as if they were somehow branding him, and I screamed, “Oh no! Oh No! He belongs to them!” It was a horrible, terrifying experience for me, although HE seemed to be unaware and in no kind of discomfort. There was another incident with him, (among many), when he was in his early twenties and still living at home. I had to take him to the ER in the middle of the night. he had awakened bleeding from his throat.

    The ER doctor let me look at it, (I’m an RN); told me it appeared to be a surgical scalpel cut, very precise, and she’d never seen anything like it. She stopped the bleeding, finally, with applications of silver nitrate. Next morning, there was no evidence of a cut or residue from silver nitrate, and no more blood. These weren’t dreams. And like you, I become furious when they tamper with my children. How dare they touch my baby!! Do anything to me, but leave my children ALONE!! So yes, there are many of us out here who share your seemingly bizarre experiences, and they are definitely real, in some dimension and in some Reality, They are as tangible as I’m sitting in this chair! Thank you for sharing your stories. It gets easier to share once you’ve ultimately decided to start asking the questions, and you don’t need to identify yourself. We understand!

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