Category Archives: encounters

Jenny’s High Strangeness

One of the individuals who contacted us after our appearance on Coast to Coast is a 36-year-old therapist and mother of three who lives in Florida. Like many people who experience encounters,  she’s doesn’t want to jeopardize her family or … Continue reading

Posted in encounters, synchronicity, UFOs | 10 Comments

The Two Toms

This story is from Janice Cutbush, a retired teacher and friend in Ballspa, New York. Her husband, Tom Cutbush, died about ten years ago. Her son, also named Tom Cutbush, lives in Haddenfield, New Jersey. About a year ago, Janice’s … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, encounters, family, names | 6 Comments

The Grocery Store Encounter

Synchronicities can happen in the most ordinary places – the gym, a yoga class, a gas station, a crawl space, a grocery store. These mundane settings suddenly become infused with a thick, rich magic that reminds us we’re in the … Continue reading

Posted in encounters | 2 Comments

Chance Encounter

Here’s one from Madison Moore that involves one of life’s major events. I was married quite young to a man who was tall and thin with a head full of thick wavy hair and a mouth full of beautiful teeth. … Continue reading

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