More 100-Mile Teleportations

Like attracts like. That must be the best explanation for why Bruce Gernon met someone with a similar story to his mind-blowing leap of 100-miles while piloting a plane across the Bermuda Triangle. In this second case, however, the teleporter was not in an airplane and wasn’t even on land! He was actually underwater in a submarine.

Bruce was eating dinner at a sports bar a few years ago when he noticed a man on the opposite side of the horseshoe staring at him. The man whispered something to the bartender, who then came over to Gernon and asked if he was the pilot who had had the strange Bermuda Triangle experience. When Gernon said he was, the bartender told him the gentleman across the bar said he worked at AUTEC – the secret navy base on Andros Island in the Bahamas – and would like to talk to him.

Since there was an open seat next to the man during the crowded dinner hour, Gernon joined the stranger. The man, who was wearing a t-shirt with an AUTEC logo emblazoned on it, told Gernon that he was still employed at the secret navy base and wasn’t going to tell him his name. (We’ll call him Earl.) He said he’d had two unusual experiences during his time working as a civilian employee, but was only willing to tell Gernon one of the stories.

Earl explained he was working as an engineer on a submarine near the south end of the Tongue of the Ocean when the electronic equipment suddenly acted as if it were possessed.  It was as if they had entered a space where the known laws of physics collapsed. Several seconds passed, then everything returned to normal. Everything except that they were now near the north end of the Tongue of the Ocean, about 100 miles from where they had been moments earlier. No one could explain what had happened.

Gernon was fascinated and could only imagine what the second story—the one Earl wouldn’t talk about – must involve. Even though the incident took place deep below the surface, Gernon was fascinated by the similarity to his own encounter in the Bermuda Triangle that began on Andros Island,  where AUTEC is located. Gernon, like Earl, experienced an apparent leap of 100 miles after his electronic equipment malfunctioned.

We learned of a third case of a 100-mile teleportation from Charlotte Kosa, host of California Haunts, an Internet radio show. When Charlotte interviewed us recently, she mentioned her own experience. She and a friend were driving on a highway outside of Sacramento when she became confused about where she was. The surroundings looked all wrong and the signs and cars and buildings seemed as if they were from a different time – possibly the 1960s. A short time later, she came to a town and everything seemed back to normal. Except for one thing. She and her friend now found themselves 100 miles from where they had been just minutes earlier.

Maybe the 100-mile figure is insignificant, simply the synchro that ties the three teleportation stories together. But what could be the source of these experiences, what do they mean, and how often do such incidents take place? Is it simply to nudge our awareness and remind us that the everyday world with it’s physical laws is not the only reality? I’m curious because a few years ago, I also had a teleportation experience, though not one that covered 100 miles.

In my case, I was driving to a dentist appointment and was slowed by highway construction. A voice in my head said, ‘Look where you are and look at the time.’ I did so, thinking it was my subconscious mind reflecting my concern about arriving on time for the appointment.

I got past the road work, picked up speed, and started looking for familiar landmarks. I thought I would be passing a shopping center with a Home Depot at any moment before I reached Southern Boulevard, where I would turn. But the landscape didn’t look right. Instead of open land, there were tall pines on either side of the street and houses. I was no longer in a commercial-zoned area, and I was confused.

Then my jaw dropped as I came to Southern Boulevard, but at an intersection several miles from where I’d been moments earlier. To reach that point would’ve required taking a U-turn and retracing my path.  It would’ve taken at least ten minutes. I looked at my watch and I still had the same amount of time to get to the dentist. Oddly enough, I was now almost as close to the dentist’s office as I had been, but now I was approaching from a different direction. I arrived on time, even though if I’d actually driven the route, I would’ve been ten or fifteen minutes late.

As I stepped into the dentist’s office, I knew I was back in the everyday world.

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15 Responses to More 100-Mile Teleportations

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Einstein and tesla left us much too soon. Unfinished work, and no one has come close to moving forward with it, not even Hawking, and he is supposedly the most brilliant brain on the planet, altho an agnostic/atheist, which Einstein definitely was NOT.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    I wonder if any of these time slips involve aliens?
    We are such newbies dealing with space and time, I wish we would put more money into studying this.
    I have had incidents driving, where I feel very groggy and the next thing I know I shake myself awake and I’m at my destination. I hate when this happens because it frightens me.

  3. D. Page says:

    I have experienced 2 hours of missing time during an abduction scenario. That wasn’t very fun…

    I have also had a “time jump” experience. It was in 1983. My closest friend, my husband, and I left a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. We were driving to Shippensburg, PA, which is just under 40 miles away. It takes 45 minutes. We left the theater at 2:00 am. Suddenly, we three realized something was “off”. There were no “car on the road” sounds. We felt like we were floating. I said, “This is very strange”. My friend said “This is the Twilight Zone.” Somehow we were in Shippensburg, and it was only 2:15 am! It took us 15 minutes to go almost 40 miles. We all agreed that it too freaky to think about at that time. My friend and I still talk about it.

  4. lauren raine says:

    What amazing stories. Your story most impacts me, because it’s so personal. It sounds almost as if the “voice in your head” wanted you to experience teleportation, and to think about it. As writers you are people who disseminate information……….who better to contact if there is a desire on the part of (?) to let people know that time and space is more flexible than we generally think……….

  5. Fascinating stories. Once we start thinking about such events it draws all sorts of other events that link together. Penny wrote on my blog “I lived in a New Jersey town for 20+ years, but one afternoon on a busy corner of Broad Street, I stepped off the sidewalk and onto the road. Just like that I appeared to be in another era of that town, perhaps the 1800s or early 1900s. “

    Also with time there is the Special Theory which talks of the lives of twins. If one twin stays on earth while the other takes a flight into space, at close to the speed of light, time will go more slowly on the spacecraft. If the spaceman twin returned to earth after say ten years he will be only five years older – but his twin will have aged ten years. The twin in space will not have felt any different to his twin on earth. There is a time dilation in space.

    There is much more to our existence than most people believe.

  6. gypsy says:

    totally mesmerizing stories of lost time/teleportation/time travel or whatever it is – in the air – on land – and under water – i wonder if the man who spoke to bruce in the bar that night is still around and if he might now be willing to share the other story – this all feels like the next book coming up – air land and water: teleportation and lost time –

    great post!!!
    oh, and i totally agree, cj –
    ps – i thought it interesting that my little “human math quiz” below is 5 minus five =? = 0 = that full circle thing –

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    These events of “moving forward” and “moving backward” through Time never fail to remind me that I and my son are missing three hours of our lives, lost in time although we have memories of where we were and what we were doing. We just don’t know how we got there. I get crazy, literally, when I allow myself to dwell on these phenomena. The implications are fascinating, but frightening, because they indicate that at any moment, any of us might experience a Time Loop, for lack of a better description, not only at any moment but at any place. I’ve coined the term “time loop” for these incidents because to me, that’s what they seem to be.: a “circle” through Time. I think of Jodie Foster in the movie CONTACT, and how the government hid the truth from her and from the world about her encounter and her travel through a vortex, or black hole, or whatever the hell it was, and that’s pretty accurate. And scary, once experienced. SHE knew, but the authorities refused to allow her story to be released and known. I think that’s a reflection of how the shadow government operates about these events, sufficiently to cause the participant to question his or her own sanity.

  8. shadow says:

    the bermuda triangle was the first ‘mystic’ thing i came to know about as a child, and i’ve been fascinated with it ever since. and for your teleportation, i’m speechless… how does this happen? did you ‘feel’ anything? sense anything?

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