Book sale synchronicity

Here’s an interesting and somewhat humorous synchronicity related to the sale of our book proposal on synchronicity.

Last week, an editor who heard that we had an offer decided to immediately pitch the book to the sales staff. She was very interested in it. In today’s publishing market, getting the support of the sales department is essential. Without it, there’s no book. At the meeting, she handed out the proposal or a shortened version of it, and started her pitch. She was very enthusiastic and hopeful that the other players would agree. Suddenly, the director of sales looked up and said: “Hey, I just signed a petition asking LucasFilm to re-instate Rob’s Indiana Jones novel.”

It turns out he is a long-time Indy fan and asked the editor to e-mail me for more details on the Indy book. He and others also had a couple of questions about the synchronicity proposal. We responded quickly on both counts, and soon our agent informed us that he’d gotten an offer. After some negotiating, we had a deal.

I’m not sure what role the Indy synchronicity played, but it certainly didn’t hurt.

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8 Responses to Book sale synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, I don't think he knew about the blog, at least not when he signed the petition. He's an Indy fan.

    The petition site, by the way, got hacked after the second or third day up, but finally came back yesterday. There are now 500 signatures.

  2. Deboshree says:

    Wow..good for you!
    Three cheers for the sales director!!

  3. whipwarrior says:

    The sales director chose wisely… 🙂

  4. Ray says:

    That's the kind of synchronicity I like.


  5. May says:

    A positive reinforcement synchronicity.

  6. gypsywoman says:

    NOT a coincidence! way to go! jenean

  7. terripatrick says:

    I think Indy synchronicity played a bit part because editors and directors are very busy, with lots of clients and business decisions. Without the Indy connection, a synchronicity book, might have gotten a shrug.

  8. Lover of Life says:

    What I find fascinating is the sales director having already signed the petition. Does he read your blog?

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