Category Archives: publishing

Writers Take Heed

That image represents us, imprisoned by our perceptions. Our daughter, Megan, painted this beauty. ++ Tonight on the Huffington Post, I ran across an article on literary agents that sounded helpful.I was surprised to find it on HP. Both Rob … Continue reading

Posted in publishing, synchronicity, writers | 8 Comments

The Words

The other night, my daughter, Megan, and I saw  The Words, a rather intriguing film about a writer, played by Bradley Cooper (Limitless). The fact that Cooper was in nearly every scene, that he carried the character of the writer, … Continue reading

Posted in movies, publishing, synchronicity, writers | 9 Comments

Smeagol, in Disguise

The digital revolution has created many companies that are reputable – and probably just as many that are not. As self-employed writers, we’ve been casting around for ways to keep pace with this rapid transformation and it’s been tricky. And … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, publishing, synchronicity | 6 Comments

Dark Fields

If there’s a synchronicity involved in this post, it’s that it took 26 years for one of my novels to get the cover it deserves. This story is a look inside the quirky world of publishing in the U.S. In … Continue reading

Posted in Dark Fields, novels, publishing, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Colors, WordPress, Rights Reversions, and ebooks!

One of my frustrations with WordPress has been what I thought was a lack of versatility in terms of colors and fonts. In fact, when we first migrated our blog from blogger to WordPress a year or so ago, I … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, blogging, ebooks, publishing, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Book sale synchronicity

Here’s an interesting and somewhat humorous synchronicity related to the sale of our book proposal on synchronicity. Last week, an editor who heard that we had an offer decided to immediately pitch the book to the sales staff. She was … Continue reading

Posted in books, publishing, writers | 8 Comments