Alien Hybrid Breeding Program?

from The Center for Touch Drawing

Monday evening, March 4, between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. eastern, we’ll be on Dark Harvest Radio Program with Dan Marro to talk about Aliens in the Backyard. Hope you can join us!

Some abductees are shown horrifying scenes of destruction to the planet. The implication is that humanity is responsible for these disasters and that a hybrid breeding program is a necessary step to ensure the survival of both humans and aliens.  So what’s involved in this program?

“Hybridization appears to progress in states,” wrote David Jacobs in The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda. “It is clear from abduction reports that it starts in vitro with the joining of human sperm, eggs, and alien genetic material. The result  of this union, which is “grown” partially in a human female host and partially in a gestation device, is a hybrid being who is a cross between alien and human.”

It sounds like a pitch for a movie or a horror novel. When you think about it longer than a minute, the full impact hits you. If this is true – and evidence gathered over the decades by researchers suggests that it is – then we are confronted with even more questions. How many human abductees have been impregnated and then had the fetus removed? Do the fetuses reach maturity? If so, where are they kept until they do? Is the ultimate goal of this program the take over of the planet? The human race? Are the scenes abductees are shown of global catastrophe going to happen? And what does the government know?

If it’s true that people worldwide are being abducted, floated out through windows and walls, and lifted into space craft on beams of light, then perhaps the aliens are the actual terrorists. No wonder, then, that they aren’t landing on the lawn of the White House, or announcing themselves in armadas as they did in Independence Day.  If this hybridization program exists,  secrecy may be key to its success.

Sound too weird to be true?

(Excerpted from Aliens in the Backyard)

In high school, Diane Fine was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis disease, had three surgeries by the time she was in her late teens, and was told she would never get pregnant.  While living in a college town in upstate New York in 1979, she went to her family doctor because she was feeling so constantly exhausted and frequently nauseated. He conducted a urine test and pelvic exam and informed her she was two months pregnant. He was as shocked as she was.

He deemed her pregnancy to be high risk because of her previous surgeries and referred her to a clinic in Burlington, Vermont to see a specialist. The trip took three hours by car and included a ferry ride across Lake Champlain. On the day of her appointment, Diane set out early with her two roommates.  They hoped to explore Burlington before her late afternoon appointment.

“It was a gorgeous spring day,” she recalled. “Our drive was going as planned. We passed Dannemora Prison and the town of Dannemora. After this, things got very strange.”

Dannemora is part of the town of Saranac Lake  and the prison Diane refers to, Clinton Correctional Facility, was a maximum security facility that opened in 1845. From 1900 to 1972, Dannemora also housed a hospital for the criminally insane. Both the town and the prison became synonymous among many New Yorkers for the place where the criminally insane were confined. Lots of dark, negative energy, in other words.

Just after passing through Dannemora,  Diane and her roommates encountered a dense fog, visibility shrank to zero. If you’ve ever been caught in dense fog, then you know how eerie it can be – vague shapes around you, that strange dampness in the air, the odor of wetness and earth. It’s creepy. They looked for a place to pull over until the fog broke up, and  spotted a gravel driveway off to their right. They pulled  in and found themselves outside a large old barn that had been converted into a bar/restaurant. They went inside to wait out the fog.

Diane recalls that the couple behind the counter were older, white-haired, short, no more than five feet tall, and friendly.  She and her roommates ordered sodas and when she sipped it, she thought the taste was strangely sweet, thick, and warm as it went down.  “I had never tasted anything like this before. And I have no memory after this point, until two hours later.” That was when Diane and her roommates found themselves at the ferry station, ready to cross the lake to Burlington, with no idea of how they’d gotten there.  They couldn’t understand how it had gotten to be so late in the afternoon.

They arrived at the clinic just in time for her appointment. She was called into the examining room, where the nurse practitioner read the doctor’s referral that Diane was eight weeks pregnant.  She examined Diane and immediately seemed confused and called another woman into the room. The second woman also read the referral and examined Diane. The two women conferred for a moment, then the nurse practitioner announced, “This is an unpregnant womb.”

Diane was deeply shaken. “Was the referring physician mistaken?” she asked.

“No, your urine test was positive and he examined you thoroughly. His diagnosis couldn’t be wrong. But you are not pregnant.”

Diane panicked. She suspected that what had happened in the fog, with the missing time, was connected to the fact that she was no longer pregnant. But this was before abductions were a part of pop culture so she didn’t have any idea what had happened. Her distress was so acute the clinic gave her a valium, then sent her on her way. When she told her roommates she wasn’t pregnant, they were as bewildered as she was.

They headed home along the same route and before reaching Dannemora, they looked for the converted barn. “We found the gravel drive, but it didn’t lead anywhere. The building wasn’t there. It was just gone, like it had never existed.”

She and her roommates never discussed the incident again. It was too weird to talk about and Diane was deeply traumatized. Five years later, she read stories of missing time, missing babies, and aliens.  “That’s when I knew for sure what had happened in the fog, in that barn bar. My baby was somehow removed from my uterus during that missing time.”

An event that mainstream science considers impossible occurred near a prison whose name was synonymous with insanity. Diane recognized the synchronicity. “It’s a dark trickster,” she said.

Diane has never recalled any details of what happened during those two hours of missing time.  Yet, in 1991, twelve years after that experience, she was abducted again and taken to a nursery on an alien craft, where she was shown a sad, sick little baby. “She needed love so badly. It broke my heart. This is when they actually indicated that they had some of my children. Is that a harvest or a kidnapping?”


Diane’s experience is by no means an isolated incident. So what’s going on? Is there an alien breeding program? If so, what are the implications?


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10 Responses to Alien Hybrid Breeding Program?

  1. ” lifted into space craft on beams of light” I had a dream a while back about this happening to me. It was a very vivid lucid dream. I remember not being afraid but excited, they lifted me into their space craft with a beam of light and while on board I seemed to be in a training environment on how to operate the craft.

  2. gypsy says:

    fascinating story/stories – all of which leave behind so many many questions – and memories of similar experiences from others – what a great thing to have this forum for an open discussion and now a book that chronicles such experiences!

  3. whoot says:

    got me a boring little story of up there in Burlington”77′ but as for this passed week,, reading a novel,,”Billy Straight”,, synchros “Big Sur”,, just came back from earlier in week,,, down there (last Sat.) heard the word “vet” from military guy,, but it was inrelation to sensoring writting?? then read it in book with same usage,,, then there was written “pope designate” and now towards the end of the book Sam’s trying to get Billy to eat some pickle Herring’s for the protein,, then I look at the front page of our local newspaper.. I know,, minor…. yet math problem blank + 3 = 12,,,, hmmmm Billy…… hope I get it write….

  4. whoot says:

    one question???

    blank x’s 1 = 6

    thought “they wouldn’t”?? everbodies got to earn their right to party!!

  5. It’s a mind boggling subject, there is so much that we don’t know. We hear experiences like in your book and maths in her comment and it does make you wonder the eventual outcome or purpose.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    I must add a post-script here. If humans are created with free will, would a disembodied Soul, or discarnate Soul, CHOOSE to inhabit the physical vehicle of one of these apparently hybrid entities? This begs such a litany of unanswered questions. Without the Soul, which animates a human, (the brain is the electrical/mechanical
    organ that operates the fiunctions of the body), there is a complete lack of any kinds of emotions or feelings that we attribute to the Soul. Without the Soul, those babies and children in those alien nurseries are simply vacant, bio-engineered cross-bred robotics. It would depend, I would think, on when a discarnate Soul actually enters a fetus after its conception, and there are varied schools of thought on that issue. Some believe that the Soul enters the embryo at the moment of conception; some think it enters at the moment of birth; some, at different moments within the gestation period. So….when Debra’s two-month-old fetus was snatched from her womb, did it already have its Soul in place? Or, did the Soul that had chosen to enter and animate that person, go with it EXTERNALLY and inhabit it as it was continuing gestation in the hybrid nursery? This is an enormous enigma, especially considering the heart-rending expression in the eyes of these babies. I guess my bottom-line question is, do we truly have free will, whether we are in or out of a physical vehicle? And if we do, is it ALWAYS available to us? Or have we been somehow FOOLED into believing that we have free will, when in truth we do not? If I hadn’t experienced the
    encounters with these little ones, I wouldn’t have these doubts. The doubts cause me to wonder if the aliens who are supervising the cross-breeding with humans have mastered the abilities to also transfer the Soul. Or, contrarily, have they mastered the ability to manipulate our very Free Will and render it malleable to their agendas?These are abominable possibilities to me, and are hauntingly terrifying. In my wildest imagination, I cannot accept that I CHOSE to be abducted, yet there are those who insist that because we have free will, at some point I DO make that choice and allow myself to surrender my free will; to allow those alien Beings to tear my body and my life and sometimes my mind, completely asunder. I don’t know the answers, but I cannot fathom such a surrender. I simply cannot.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    I know how devastating Diane’s lost child must have been to her. As far as I am aware, I haven’t had a similar experience in terms of being pregnant, then not, without any signs of miscarriage. But I HAVE been taken to a hybrid nursery on board a craft, more than once, have been told that one of the babies belongs to me, and that experience is sufficient to make a woman go insane, if only temporarily. Those babies and children are so sick and so oddly formed and emit such an inhuman odor that it shatters the heart. When I’ve been taken there, a Gray entity lifts one out of a peculiar transparent, fluid-filled container and put it in my arms, instructing me to hold it and talk to it and fondle it, or it will die. The eyes of those babies are the worst, because they stare directly into mine and there is an element of agony in them that’s unthinkable. For me, that is the worst part of any abduction. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, I would bring back that odor and it would stay with me for several days. Nothing would make it go away. For Diane and all women who have lost their babies in such a manner, I would call it both a harvest and a kidnapping, and worse, a kind of murder, because these children do not live long, apparently. I don’t think they have souls, and that seems what the Grays are attempting to achieve, among other atrocities… transfer SOULS into these children. I don’t think they’ve been able to do that, yet I wouldn’t bet the bank on it, either. Whatever they are attempting, it is far worse, in my opinion, than the Holocaust.

  8. Darren B says:

    Intriguing subject.
    I read Kim Carlsberg’s book
    “Beyond My Wildest Dreams” a few years ago,which was about this very subject ,and Mike Clelland did an interview with Kim here –
    which was worth a listen.

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